- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:史兴松,杨传礼主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560315550
- 页数:265 页
上篇 大学英语写作常识与技巧综述 3
第一章 大学英语四、六级考试大纲及特点总述 3
一、CET4-6作文的评分原则 3
二、CET4-6作文的评分标准 4
三、CET4-6作文的字数要求 4
四、CET4 6作文最低分制度 5
五、CET4级作文参照卷分析及全真作文题(1994~2000) 6
六、CET六级作文参照卷分析及全真作文题(1994~2000) 14
七、CET4-6级作文分析 20
第二章 优秀英语作文应遵循的四项基本原则 23
第一节 一致性原则(Unity) 24
一、一致性原则在段落中的体现 24
二、主题句 26
三、一致性原则在文章当中的体现 32
第二节 连贯性原则(Coherence) 34
一、连贯性原则在段落中的体现 34
二、连贯性原则在文章中的体现 36
三、语言的连贯方法 37
第四节 充实性原则(Fullness) 43
一、段落的充实性 43
二、文章的充实性 50
三、充实性含义的延伸——句式的丰富性 51
第四节 条理性原则(Organization) 54
一、按时间顺序组织 54
二、按空间顺序组织 56
三、按重要-次重要或次重要-重要顺序组织 57
四、按归纳法或演绎法组织段落 59
五、中英语篇思维模式差异 61
第三章 英语短文的写作步骤 62
一、审题 62
二、构思 64
三、落笔成文 67
四、修改 68
第四章 大学英语短文写作的整体谋篇布局 69
第一节 开端与结尾 70
一、开头段 70
二、结尾段 74
第二节 主体段的展开方式 77
一、定义法 77
二、对比对照法 84
三、因果关系法 90
四、分类法 97
五、举例法 102
六、过程描述法 104
第五章 大学英语作文题题型分析及具体写作指导 106
一、命题作文 106
二、提纲作文 109
三、段首句作文 111
四、规定情景作文 113
五、关键词作文 114
六、看图作文 117
七、摘要 123
八、英文书信 124
下篇 英文写作模拟题与范文 133
英文写作模拟题 133
1.Science and Education Is the Key to Modernization 133
2.Unity Is Strength 134
3.On Devotion 135
4.Reading Books 135
5.Developing Broad-ranging Interests 136
6.Bridging Cultures with Grace 137
7.My Favorite Course 138
8.What Healthy People Have in Common 138
9.On Supermarket 139
10.On Western Festivals in China 139
11.On Western Fast Food Restaurants in China 140
12.A Letter of Thanks 141
13.A Letter of Reference 141
14.Price of Housing in China 142
15.On Ambition 143
16.Never Too Old To Leam 144
17.Is Serving The People out Of Date 144
18.Saving and Spending Money 145
19.Some Advantages and Disadvantages of the Only Child 146
20.Knowledge Is Power 147
21.On The Sense of Responsibility 147
22.BP 148
23.Parental Influence on Child Development 149
24.Are Children Overburdened 149
25.East,West,Home is the Best 150
26.Learning from Books and Learning from Life 151
27.Every Man Is the Architect of His Own Fortune 151
28.Don t Hesitate to Tell a White Lie 152
29.Don t Count Your Chickens before They Are Hatched 153
30.Which to Prefer,Health or Wealth? 153
31.Is Intelligence Bom or Developed? 154
32.Packaging 155
33.Satisfied or Dissatisfied 155
34.Curiosity 156
35.If I Were a Laid-off Worker 157
36.Going Abroad for Further Study 157
37.My Opinions on Video Games 158
38.Silence is not Always Gold 159
39.My Favorite Means of Transportation 159
40.The Necessary Qualities to Be a Leader 160
41.Voluntary Blood Donation 160
42.The Book That Has Influenced Me Most 161
43.How to Welcome The 21st century 162
44.The Past as a Guide to the Present 162
45.Making Friends 163
46.Praise and Criticism 164
47.How Should We Deal with Failure 164
48.The Exam-oriented Education or The Quality-oriented Education 165
49.Can Success Be Measured in Terms of Money 166
50.A Fall into the Pit,a Gain in Your Wit 166
51.Conflicting Ideas on Keeping Pets 167
52.Fighting against Fake and Inferior Goods 168
53.Departure 168
54.The Advantages of the Internet on Education 168
55.The Disadvantages of the Internet on Education 169
56.Abstract of“Preserving the Environment” 170
57.The Average Family Expenses 171
58.The Central Government of UK 172
59.How To Make A Plan Before Writing 173
60.Can the Man Fish from the Well 173
范文与解析 175
1.Science and Education Is the Key to Modernization 175
2.Unity Is Strength 177
3.On Devotion 178
4.Reading Books 179
5.Developing Broad-ranging Interests 181
6.Bridging Cultures with Grace 182
7.My Favorite Course 184
8.What Healthy People Have in Common 185
9.On Supermarket 186
10.On Western Festivals in China 187
11.On Western Fast Food Restaurants in China 188
12.A Letter of Thanks 190
13.A Letter of Reference 192
14.Price of Housing in China 194
15.On Ambition 196
16.Never Too Old to Learn 197
17.Is “Serving the People”Out of Date 198
18.Saving and Spending Money 199
19.Some Advantages and Disadvantages of the Only Child 200
20.Knowledge Is Power 201
21.On the Sense of Responsibility 202
22.BP 203
23.Parental Influence on Child Development 204
24.Are Children Overburdened 205
25.East,West,Home Is the Best 207
26.Learning from Books and Learning from Life 208
27.Every Man Is the Architect of His Own Fortune 209
28.Don t Hesitate to Tell a White Lie 210
29.Don t Count Your Chickens before They Are Hatched 211
30.Which to Prefer,Health or Wealth? 212
31.Is Intelligence Born or Developed? 213
32.Packaging 214
33.Satisfied of Dissatisfied 215
34.Curiosity 216
35.If I Were a Laid-off Worker 217
36.Going Abroad for Further Study 218
37.My Opinions on Video Games 219
38.Silence Is not Always Gold 220
39.My Favorite Means of Transportation 221
40.The Necessary Qualities to Be a Leader 222
41.Voluntary Blood Donation 223
42.The Book that Has Influenced Me Most 224
43.How to Welcome the 21st century 226
44.The Past as a Guide to the Present 227
45.Making Friends 228
46.Praise and Criticism 229
47.How Should We Deal with Failure 230
48.The Exam-oriented Education or the Quality-oriented Education 231
49.Can Success Be Measured in Terms of Money 232
50.A Fall into the Pit,a Gain in Your Wit 233
51.Conflicting Idess on Keeping Pets 234
52.Fighting against Fske and Inferior Goods 235
53.Departure 236
54.The Advantages of the Internet on Education 237
55.The Negative Effect of the Internet on Education 238
56.Abstract of Preserving the Environment 239
57.The Average Family Expenses 240
58.The Central Government of UK 242
59.How to Make a Plan before Writing 243
60.Can the Man Fish from the Well 244
附录1 常见句式错误分析 246
一、由动词引起的错误 246
二、由名词引起的错误 249
三、由代词引起的错误 250
四、形容词、副词引起的错误 251
五、由介词引起的错误 252
六、由冠词引起的错误 253
七、由非谓语动词引起的错误 253
八、修饰词组中的错误 254
九、句子中的错误 254
附录2 熟记常用格言谚语 259
附录3 熟记常用套话 263
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