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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:董智勇主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7502137076
  • 页数:345 页

Chapter 1 Conspectus 1

1.1.1 Tourism 1

1.1 Concept of forest tourism 1

第一章 概论 1

第一节 森林旅游的概念 1

一、旅游 1

二、生态旅游的概念 2

1.1.2 Concept of ecotourism 2

1.1.3 Forest tourism 4

三、森林旅游 4

1.2 Importance of forest tourism 6

第二节 森林旅游的意义 6

1.2.1 An importance in development of economy 7

一、对发展经济的意义 7

1.2.2 An active role in scientific and cultural exchange 9

二、对科技、文化交流的积极作用 9

1.2.3 Relationship between forest tourism and sustainable forest development 10

三、森林旅游与林业可持续发展的关系 10

第三节 中国森林旅游学的研究 11

1.3.1 Objective requirement of forest tourism of China 11

1.3 Research on forest tourism of China 11

一、研究中国森林旅游学的客观需要 11

二、森林旅游学的理论基础 12

1.3.2 Theoretical base of forest tourism 12

三、中国森林旅游学研究的目的、内容与范围 13

1.3.3 Purpose,contents and scope of forest tourism of China 13

四、中国森林旅游学研究的依据 15

1.3.4 Justification of research on forest tourism of China 15

Chapter 2 Brief History of Development of Forest Tourism 17

第一节 世界旅游及旅游业发展史梗概 17

第二章 森林旅游发展简史 17

一、世界旅游发展史概况 17

2.1 Outline of development of the world tourism and its industry 17

2.1.1 General description of history of development of world tourism 17

2.1.2 Start and present situation of development of world tourism 22

二、世界森林旅游的兴起及发展现状 22

2.2 Forest tourism of ancient China 26

2.2.1 Phasing of forest tourism of ancient China 26

第二节 中国古代的森林旅游 26

一、关于中国古代森林旅游的历史分期 26

二、中国古代森林旅游起始的时期 27

2.2.2 Starting period of forest tourism of ancient China 27

2.2.3 Forest tourism in period from Zhou Dynasty to Qin Dynasty with participation of scholars and ordinary citizens 29

三、士人和平民开始参加的周秦时期森林旅游 29

2.2.4 Forest tourism in period from Han Dynasty to Southern and Northern Dynasties with participation of scholars 30

四、汉及南北朝以士人为主体的森林旅游 30

五、唐宋时期森林旅游成为诗文创作的重要题材 31

2.2.5 Forest tourism in period of Tang and Song Dynasties and its reflection in poetry 31

2.2.6 Forest tourism in Yuan Dynasty-retrogressed to Xia and Shang Dynaties 33

六、元朝森林旅游倒退到夏商时期 33

2.2.7 Forest tourism in period of Ming and Qing Dynasties 34

七、明清时期的森林旅游 34

2.2.8 Conclusion 36

八、中国古代森林旅游结语 36

3.1.1 Concept of forest tourists 38

Chapter 3 Forest Tourists 38

3.1 Concept and type of forest tourists and its status in forest tourism 38

第三章 森林旅游者 38

第一节 森林旅游者的概念、类型及其在森林旅游中的地位 38

一、森林旅游者的概念 38

二、森林旅游者的类型 39

3.1.2 Type of forest tourists 39

三、森林旅游者在森林旅游中的地位 41

3.1.3 Status of forest tourists in forest tourism 41

第二节 森林旅游者产生的基本条件 42

一、经济条件 42

3.2 Basic conditions of forest tourists who come into being 42

3.2.1 Economic conditions 42

3.2.2 Leisure time 43

二、闲暇时间 43

3.2.2 Social environment 45

三、社会环境 45

3.3 Psychology and requirement of forest tourists 47

3.3.1 Motivation of forest tourists 47

第三节 森林旅游者的心理状况及追求 47

一、森林旅游动机 47

3.3.2 Requirement of forest tourists 50

二、森林旅游者的追求 50

3.3.3 Change of psychological requirement of forest tourists during their tour 51

三、森林旅游者心理需求在森林旅游过程中的变化 51

第四节 森林旅游者的培育 53

一、培育森林旅游者的意义 53

3.4 Education of forest tourists 53

3.4.1 Importance of educating forest tourists 53

3.4.2 Approaches of educating forest tourists 53

二、培育森林旅游者的途径 53

3.4.3 How to educate forest tourists in forest tourism regions 55

三、森林旅游区应该如何培育森林旅游者 55

第四章 森林旅游业 57

第一节 森林旅游业的概念 57

Chapter 4 Forest Tourism Industry 57

4.1 Concept of forest tourism industry 57

4.1.1 Concept of tourism industry 57

一、旅游业的概念 57

4.2 Composition of forest tourism industry 58

第二节 森林旅游业的组成 58

二、森林旅游业的概念 58

4.1.2 Concept of forest tourism industry 58

4.2.3 Travel agency (Forest travel service) 59

4.2.2 Forest tourism management agency 59

4.2.1 Management units of forest tourism region 59

三、旅行社(森林旅行社) 59

二、森林旅游管理部门 59

一、森林旅游区经营单位 59

4.2.7 Recreation industry and marketing industry of travel souvenirs 60

4.2.6 Products of forest tourism 60

4.2.5 Hotel services(meals and accommodations) 60

4.2.4 Transport means of tourists 60

4.3 Operation mechanism of forest tourism industry 60

四、旅游交通 60

五、饭店(食宿)服务业 60

六、森林旅游产品 60

七、游乐业和旅游纪念品的经销业 60

第三节 森林旅游业的运行机制 60

4.4.1 Historical background of forest tourism industry of China 63

4.4.2 Economic motivations stimulating development of forest tourism industry of China 63

4.4 Historical background of forest tourism industry of China and its properties 63

二、中国发展森林旅游业出于经济方面的原因 63

第四节 中国森林旅游业的历史背景及行业属性 63

一、中国森林旅游业的历史背景 63

4.4.3 Properties of forest tourism industry of China 64

4.5 Social functions of forest tourism industry of China 64

4.5.1 Objects of forest tourism distinguished from that of other tourism 64

4.5.2 Characteristics of social benefits delivered by forest tourism 64

三、中国森林旅游业的行业属性 64

第五节 中国森林旅游业的社会功能 64

二、森林旅游业所发挥的社会效益也有自己的特色 64

一、组成森林旅游业的旅游客体与一般旅游业的不同 64

4.6 General situation of development of forest tourism industry of China 65

一、中国建立森林旅游区的步伐 65

第六节 中国发展森林旅游业概况 65

三、必须最大限度地发挥生态效益 65

4.5.3 Maximizing ecological benefits 65

4.6.1 Progress of establishment of forest tourism regions 65

4.6.2 Carrying capacity of forest tourism industry of China 67

二、中国森林旅游业的接待能力 67

4.6.3 Status of business of forest tourism industry of China 69

三、中国森林旅游业经营情况 69

一、导游员的类别 71

4.7.1 Types of guides 71

4.7 Forest tourism guides 71

第七节 森林旅游导游员 71

4.7.2 Conditions of being guides 72

二、导游人员应具备的素质或条件 72

4.7.3 Responsibility of guide 73

三、导游员主要职责 73

四、导游员职业等级 74

4.7.4 Qualification grades of guides 74

Chapter 5 Survey and Assessment of Forest Tourism Resources 78

5.1 Concept and classification of forest tourism resources 78

5.1.2 Researches on classification of forest tourism resources 78

第五章 森林旅游资源的调查与评价 78

第一节 森林旅游资源的概念与分类 78

一、森林旅游资源的概念 78

二、旅游资源分类的研究概况 78

5.1.1 Concept of forest tourism resources 78

三、旅游资源分类方法评述 81

5.1.3 Methodology of classification of forest tourism resources 81

五、森林旅游资源分类参考目录 82

四、研究森林旅游资源分类的原则 82

5.1.5 Referential catalogue of classification of forest tourism resources 82

5.1.4 Principles applied in research on classification of forest tourism resources 82

5.2 Elaboration of aesthetics of forest tourism resources 84

5.2.1 Formal beauty 84

第二节 森林旅游资源审美的讨论 84

一、形象美 84

5.2.2 Colour beauty 85

5.2.3 Static and active beauty 85

5.2.4 Hearing beauty 85

二、色彩美 85

三、静态美与动态美 85

四、听觉美 85

五、嗅觉美 85

5.2.5 Smell beauty 85

六、结构美 86

七、综合美 86

5.2.6 Structure beauty 86

5.2.7 Integration beauty 86

5.2.8 Connotation beauty 86

5.3 Survey of forest tourism resources 86

5.3.1 Indoor preparations 86

八、内涵美 86

第三节 森林旅游资源调查 86

一、内业准备工作 86

二、森林旅游资源调查的方式 88

5.3.2 Methods of survey of forest tourism resources 88

5.3.3 Contents of survey of forest tourism resources 89

三、森林旅游资源调查内容 89

5.3.4 Objects of survey of forest tourism resources and glossary of records 90

四、森林旅游资源调查对象与记载用语 90

五、整理总结 94

5.3.5 Summing-up 94

5.4 Assessment of forest tourism resources 94

第四节 森林旅游资源评价 94

5.4.1 Contents and criteria of assessment of tourism resources 95

一、旅游资源评价的内容和标准 95

二、旅游资源评价的方法 98

5.4.2 Methods of assessment of forest tourism resources 98

三、旅游资源评价方法浅析 108

5.4.3 Preliminary analysis of assessment methods 108

6.1 Concept on market of forest tourist source 111

第六章 森林旅游客源市场调查与评价 111

Chapter 6 Survey and Assessment of Markets of Forest Tourist Source 111

第一节 关于森林旅游市场的一些概念性问题 111

6.1.1 Classified by geographical location and environment 112

二、按消费特点划分 112

一、按地理位置环境划分 112

6.1.2 Classified by consumption modality 112

三、按人口的结构和人的生理特点划分 113

6.1.3 Classified by population structure and features of human physiology 113

6.2 Economic survey of a region of forest tourist source 114

四、按社会属性及职业特点划分 114

6.1.4 Classified by social attributes and professions 114

第二节 森林旅游客源区人口经济调查 114

一、客源区人口经济状况 116

6.2.1 Economic situation of a region of forest tourist source 116

6.2.2 Types of economic sectors of a region of forest tourist source and its level of development 118

二、客源区社会经济部门的类型和发展水平 118

四、客源区节假日情况 119

三、环境污染状况 119

6.2.4 Holidays of a region of forest tourist source 119

6.2.3 Environmental pollution 119

五、客源区近年居民旅游情况调查 120

6.2.5 Data of touristry activities in a region of forest tourist source in the past years 120

6.2.6 Data of touristry visits of the region where tour agency operates to its adjacent tourism regions 121

六、邻近区域近年接待客源区旅游者情况调查 121

七、邻近区域近年交通状况 122

6.2.7 Transportation of adjacent tourism regions in the past years 122

6.3.2 Direct survey 124

6.3.1 Indirect survey 124

6.3 Methods and modes of survey 124

一、间接调查法 124

二、直接调查法 124

第三节 调查方法与调查方式 124

三、调查方式 126

6.3.3 Modes of survey 126

6.4.2 Estimation of number of tourists and their consumption ability 127

第四节 客源区的旅游市场潜力预测 127

一、准备工作 127

二、关于预测预期来游人次和人次旅游消费能力 127

6.4.1 Preparatory work 127

6.4 Estimation of market potentials of a region of tourist source 127

6.4.3 Zoning of tourism markets 128

三、对旅游市场进行区划 128

6.4.4 Assessment of tourism markets 129

6.4.5 Selection of target markets 129

五、目标市场的选择 129

四、旅游市场评价 129

7.1.1 Concept of a study of regional development of forest tourism 132

第一节 区域森林旅游发展战略研究的概念和任务 132

第七章 区域森林旅游发展战略研究 132

一、区域森林旅游发展战略研究的概念 132

Chapter 7 A Study of Regional Strategic Development of Forest Tourism 132

7.1 Concept and task of a study of regional development of forest tourism 132

二、区域森林旅游发展战略研究的任务 133

7.1.2 Task of a study of regional development of forest tourism 133

一、森林旅游资源类型是决定区域森林旅游发展方向的首要依据 134

7.2 Qualitative analysis of development perspectives applied in assessment of regional forest tourism 134

7.2.1 Type of forest tourism resources is one of the most important bases in decisionmaking on development direction of regional forest tourism 134

第二节 关于评估区域森林旅游发展前景的定性分析 134

二、客源区社会经济状况及主要旅游市场对森林旅游产品的需求是决定区域森林旅游未来市场定位的另一重要依据 135

7.2.2 Socio-economic situation of tourist source region and demand of major tourism markets for forest tourism products represent second important basis of positioning of future market of regional forest tourism 135

四、森林旅游资源的品位与丰度对区域森林旅游业的发展前景有重大意义 136

7.2.3 Impact o f traffic conditions and accessibility between tourist source region and tourism region on positioning of tourism market 136

7.2.4 Importance of quality and richness of forest tourism resources in development of regional forest tourism perspective 136

三、客源区与本区域之间交通条件的通畅程度对旅游市场定位也有影响 136

五、开发利用条件是森林旅游发展前景的限制性要素 138

第三节 关于评估森林旅游业发展前景的定量分析 138

一、森林旅游发展规模的表达与指标体系 138

7.2.5 Conditions of development are the constraints of developing forest tourism perspective 138

7.3 Quantitative analysis of development perspectives applied in assessment of forest tourism industry 138

7.3.1 Expressions of development scale of forest tourism and indicators system 138

二、森林旅游发展前景定量评估的理论与方法 139

7.3.2 Theory and method of quantitative assessment of development perspectives of forest tourism 139

7.4.1 Principal rationale applied in a study on development objectives and layout of forest tourism 143

第四节 研究森林旅游发展目标和总体布局应遵循的原则与方法 143

一、研究森林旅游发展目标和总体布局应遵循的基本原理 143

7.4 Principles and methods applied in a study on layout of forest tourism 143

7.4.2 Factors to be considered in a study on layout of regional forest tourism 144

二、研究区域森林旅游总体布局应考虑的因子 144

7.4.3 Drawings and documented argumentation necessary for regional layout 145

7.5 Measures and solutions necessary for development of regional forest tourism 145

三、区域总体布局的图件与文字论证 145

第五节 发展区域森林旅游必须制定的对策与措施 145

二、吸引社会服务行业参与发展区域森林旅游业的政策 146

一、解决资金问题的战略 146

7.5.4 Study on a policy about sharing rights with farmers 146

三、集聚人才的战略 146

四、研究同农民划分权利的政策 146

7.5.3 Strategy of development of human resources 146

7.5.2 Policy on attracting social service industries to join regional forest tourism industry 146

7.5.1 Strategy on funding 146

六、森林旅游中的环境保护问题 147

五、区域森林旅游业的管理体制和运作机制 147

七、森林旅游管理问题 147

7.5.5 Management mechanism and operation mechanism of regional forest tourism 147

7.5.6 Environmental protection in forest tourism 147

7.5.7 Management of forest tourism 147

7.5.8 Relationship with master plan 147

八、与总体规划的关系 147

8.1.1 Results of strategic study embodied in master plan of regional forest tourism 148

Chapter 8 Master Plan of Regional Forest Tourism 148

8.1 Contents and outputs of master plan of regional forest tourism 148

一、区域森林旅游总体规划应该反映的战略研究成果 148

8.1.2 Master plan of regional forest tourism and its achievements 148

二、区域森林旅游总体规划及主要成果 148

第八章 区域森林旅游总体规划 148

第一节 区域森林旅游总体规划应该包罗的内容和提交的成果 148

8.2.1 Steps applied in formulating master plan of regional forest tourism 150

第二节 区域森林旅游总体规划的步骤与方法 150

一、区域森林旅游总体规划的步骤 150

8.2 Steps and methods applied in formulating master plan of regional forest tourism 150

二、森林旅游分区与发展前景评估 151

8.2.2 Zoning of forest tourism region and assessment of development perspective 151

三、论证文件的编制 152

四、总体规划图件的编制 152

8.2.4 Preparation of maps and drawings of master plan 152

8.2.3 Preparation of documents for justification 152

第三节 区域森林旅游总体规划中应处理好的关系 154

三、争取将区域森林旅游规划纳入当地社会经济发展规划 154

一、处理好森林旅游与一般旅游业的关系 154

二、分清森林旅游资源与一般旅游资源 154

8.3.3 Master plan of regional forest tourism should be a component of local plan of economic and social development 154

8.3.2 Distinguishing forest tourism resources from ordinary tourism resources 154

8.3.1 Relationship between forest tourism and ordinary tourism 154

8.3 Important relationships during formulation master plan of regional forest tourism 154

四、处理好区域森林旅游规划与乡村旅游规划的关系 155

五、与当地已有的其他部门规划相衔接和协调 155

六、处理好与旅游及其他有关部门的关系 155

8.3.5 Coordination and linkage with local plans of other sectors 155

8.3.6 Coordination with tourism sector and other sectors 155

8.3.7 Sticking up for rights and benefits of forest tourism region and its industry 155

8.3.8 Overall management of tourism industry 155

八、服从旅游行业管理 155

七、维护森林旅游区和森林旅游业的合法权益 155

8.3.4 Relationship between master plan of regional forest tourism and rural tourism development plan 155

8.3.9 Coordination and synergy among different parts of forestry 156

九、处理好林业内部各方面的关系 156

一、内容 157

第九章 森林旅游区总体规划 157

第一节 编制森林旅游区总体规划的内容和深度 157

9.1.1 Contents 157

二、深度 157

9.1.2 Depth 157

9.1 Contents and depth of master plan of forest tourism region 157

Chapter 9 Master Plan of Forest Tourism Region 157

第二节 森林旅游区总体规划的成果 158

四、旅游区森林旅游资源状况及评价 158

一、编制森林旅游区总体规划任务的由来 158

二、编制森林旅游区总体规划的政策、法规依据 158

三、森林旅游区基本情况 158

9.2.4 Forest tourism resources and their assessment 158

9.2.3 Introduction of forest tourism region 158

9.2.2 Policies and regulations regarding master plan of forest tourism region 158

9.2.1 Task and Justification of master plan of forest tourism region 158

9.2 Outputs of master plan of forest tourism region 158

五、旅游市场的地理分布与评价 159

六、编制森林旅游区总体规划的指导思想与理论、方法 159

七、森林旅游区的总体布局 159

9.2.5 Geographic distribution of tourism markets and their assessment 159

9.2.6 Guiding principles,theory and methodology of master plan of forest tourism region 159

9.2.7 General layout of forest tourism region 159

9.2.8 Planning and design of landscape and scenic objects of forest tourism region 159

9.2.9 Planning and design of functional facilities of forest tourism region 159

9.2.10 Guidelines of supporting facilities of forest tourism region 159

八、森林旅游区的景物规划与设计 159

九、森林旅游区功能设施规划与设计 159

十、森林旅游区支持设施规则 159

十一、保证体系规划 160

十二、投资概算与效益评估 160

十三、关于森林旅游区总体规划实施可能遇到的主要障碍因素及解决的途径 160

十四、关于解决资金来源问题的设想 160

十五、关于着重处理好与几个有关方面关系的建议 160

第三节 编制森林旅游区总体规划的程序 160

9.2.11 Planning of security system 160

9.2.12 Investment estimates and appraisal of benefits 160

9.2.13 Possible constraints and solutions during implementation of master plan of forest tourism region 160

9.2.14 Concepts of fund raising 160

9.2.15 Suggestions relating to interrelations of relevant sectors 160

9.3 Procedures of formulating master plan of forest tourism region 160

9.3.1 Pre-preparatory work 160

9.3.2 Preparation 160

一、前期工作 160

二、准备工作 160

三、编制规划 161

9.3.3 Formulation of plan 161

9.4.3 Principal methods and contents of management plan 162

第四节 风景林经营方案 162

一、编制经营方案的目的、意义 162

二、编制经营方案的指导思想和基本原则 162

三、编制森林经济方案的基本方法和内容 162

9.4 Formulation of management plan of scenic forest 162

9.4.2 Guiding concept and basis principles of management plan 162

9.4.1 Purpose and importance of management plan 162

一、森林旅游容量的概念和意义 163

第五节 森林旅游容量规划与游人规模预测 163

9.5 Planning of carrying capacity of forest tourism and estimation of tourist arrivals 163

9.5.1 Concept of carrying capacity of forest tourism and its importance 163

9.5.3 Calculation of carrying capacity of receiving tourist arrivals 164

二、环境容量的调查测算 164

9.5.2 Survey and estimation of environmental capacity 164

三、游客容量的计算 164

一、生态效益估测 165

第六节 森林旅游区开发建设效益估测的依据与方法 165

9.6 Theory and methods of estimation of benefits to be brought by development of forest tourism region 165

9.6.1 Estimation of ecological benefits 165

二、社会效益估测 166

9.6.2 Estimation of social benefits 166

三、经济效益估测 167

9.6.3 Estimation of economic benefits 167

9.6.4 Financial analysis and evaluation 168

四、财务分析与评价 168

9.7.2 Principle of budgetary estimate 170

9.7.1 Justification of budgetary estimate 170

9.7 Budgetary estimate of total investment of forest tourism region 170

9.7.3 Method of budgetary estimate 170

第七节 森林旅游区总体投资概算 170

一、概算依据 170

三、概算方法 170

二、概算原则 170

9.7.5 Table of budgetary estimate 171

9.7.4 Budgetary estimate of investment according to categories 171

四、分类概算投资 171

五、投资概算表 171

二、总体规划说明书编写的主要内容 172

9.8.2 Major contents of annotation attached to master plan 172

9.8 Outputs of master plan 172

第八节 总体规划成果 172

一、总体规划的内容及深度要求 172

9.8.1 Requirement of master plan in terms of its contents and depth 172

9.8.3 Mapping of master plan 173

三、总体规划图绘制 173

9.8.4 Annexes and attachments of master plan 174

四、总体规划的有关附件、附录 174

10.1.1 Principles and basis of division of scenic and functional zones 175

Chapter 10 Planning of Scenic Zones and Functional Zones of Forest Tourism Region 175

10.1 Division of scenic zones and functional zones 175

第十章 森林旅游区景区、功能区的规划设计 175

一、景区、功能区区划的原则和依据 175

第一节 景区、功能区区划 175

10.2 Aesthetic details of design and planning applied in division of scenic zones and functional zones 177

二、景区、功能区区划 177

第二节 景区、功能区规划设计的美学底蕴 177

10.1.2 Division of scenic zones and functional zones 177

一、形式美的表现形态 178

10.2.1 Expression forms of formal beauty 178

二、形式美的法则与应用 179

10.2.2 Principles and application of formal beauty 179

第三节 森林旅游区景色的规划设计 180

一、景物的选择与配置的审美标准 180

10.3.1 Aesthetic standards of selection and layout of scenes 180

10.3 Planning and design of scenes of forest tourism region 180

二、游人审美观以“约定俗成”为准 181

10.3.2 Aesthetic judgment of tourists-accepted through common practice 181

三、景物选择配置的原则 182

10.3.3 Principles applied in selection and layout of scenes 182

四、景物选择、配置的工作顺序 183

10.3.4 Order of selection and layout of scenes 183

六、景区、功能区规划设计成果 185

五、景区、功能区建筑物造型设计问题 185

第四节 关于人工建筑和园林小品 185

10.3.5 Modeling design of buildings to be constructed in scenic and functional zones 185

10.3.6 Outputs of design and planning of scenic and functional zones 185

10.4 Man made constructions and gardening establishments 185

一、山门 186

10.4.1 Entrance 186

二、游路 187

10.4.2 Paths for tourists 187

三、汀步、小桥 189

四、栏杆或护栏 189

10.4.4 Balustrade and guardrail 189

10.4.3 Bridge and bridge-like stones 189

10.4.5 Rock landscape 190

10.4.6 Pavilions 190

六、停 190

五、石景 190

10.5 Naming of forest tourism region,scenes and scenic establishments 195

10.5.1 Names taken from famous toponym 195

第五节 关于森林旅游区及景区、景物的命名 195

一、用闻名遐迩的地名 195

10.5.2 Names taken from toponym and people s name originated from fairy tales 196

10.5.3 Names taken from classical opus and novels 196

三、用古典小说、戏曲中的人物及地名 196

二、用神话故事里人名、地名 196

10.5.6 Giving a name in accordance with characteristics of scenes,zones and region 197

10.5.5 Names taken from historical heroes and events 197

10.5.4 Names taken from names of people or thing of famous poem 197

四、借用著名诗词歌赋中人物或事物名称 197

六、根据景物、景区、旅游区的特点命名 197

五、用历史人物或事件命名 197

七、名称宜美且语义鲜明 198

10.5.7 Preferred names with clear and graceful meaning 198

10.5.8 Avoidance of thoughts in naming 198

八、几种不可取的命名思路 198

10.6 Other problems in planning and design of scenes 199

10.6.1 Historical ruins and relics 199

一、关于历史遗址、遗迹 199

第六节 关于景区规划设计中的若干其他问题 199

二、关于当地提供的历史传说 200

三、对古代名人轶事的处理方法 200

10.6.3 Dealing with historical figures and anecdotes 200

10.6.2 Local historical legend 200

四、对现有神话故事和鬼怪传说的处理 201

五、为增加景物而编写神话 201

10.6.5 Composing myth for new scenes 201

10.6.4 Dealing with legend and ghost story 201

10.7 Creation of atmosphere of Chinese culture 202

一、匾额 202

第七节 关于营造中国文化氛围 202

10.7.1 Inscribed tablets 202

二、对联 204

10.7.2 Couplets 204

三、题刻 206

10.7.3 Epigraph 206

四、需要注意的问题 207

10.7.4 Problems that should pay attention to 207

Chapter 11 Planning of Supporting Facilities of Forest Tourism Region 208

11.1 Categories and principles of supporting facilities of forest tourism region 208

11.1.1 Categories of supporting facilities of forest tourism region 208

第十一章 森林旅游区支持设施建设规划 208

第一节 森林旅游区支持设施的分类与建设原则 208

一、森林旅游区支持设施的种类 208

11.1.2 Importance and necessity of supporting facilities 209

二、、支持设施建设的重要性和必要性 209

11.1.3 Principles of planning and construction of supporting facilities 210

三、支持设施建设规划的基本原则 210

11.2.1 Basis of planning of service facilities 211

一、编制服务设施建设规划的依据 211

第二节 森林旅游区服务设施建设规划 211

11.2 Planning of construction of service facilities 211

11.2.2 Selection of sites for service facilities 212

11.2.3 Scale and standard of service facilities 212

三、服务设施规模和标准 212

二、服务设施建设的选址 212

11.2.4 Preliminary design of service facilities 214

四、服务设施建设初步设计 214

11.3.2 Layout of roads and principle applied in of road construction and its justification 215

11.3.1 Analysis of present status of roads 215

11.3 Planning of roads in forest tourism region 215

第三节 森林旅游区交通道路规划 215

二、各种道路布局、建设的原则和依据 215

一、交通道路现状分析 215

11.3.4 Preliminary design of roads 217

11.3.3 Standards applied in road construction and its justification 217

三、各种道路建设的标准及依据 217

四、道路建设初步设计 217

一、供水规划 219

第四节 森林旅游区基础设施规划 219

11.4.1 Planning of water supply 219

11.4 Planning of infrastructure of forest tourism region 219

三、供电规划 220

二、排水规划 220

11.4.3 Planning of power supply 220

11.4.2 Planning of water drainage 220

四、供冷、供暖规划 221

11.4.5 Planning of communication,broadcast and television 221

11.4.4 Planning of indoor heating and cooling system 221

五、通讯、广播、电视规划 221

11.5 Planning of recreational facilities 222

第五节 游乐设施规划 222

一、森林旅游区需要的游乐设施种类 222

11.5.1 Sorts of recreational facilities 222

二、游乐设施规划原则 223

11.5.2 Principles applied in planning of recreational facilities 223

12.1 Characteristics of management of forest tourism region 224

12.1.2 Natural beauty is the most outstanding feature of forest tourism region 224

12.1.1 Ecological protection is precondition of management of forest tourism region 224

第十二章 森林旅游区的经营管理 224

第一节 森林旅游区经营管理的特点 224

一、生态保护是森林旅游区管理工作的根本前提 224

二、自然美是森林旅游区最突出的特色 224

Chapter 12 Management of Forest Tourism Region 224

12.1.5 Difference in service objects and tourism requirement 225

12.1.3 Forest tourism region is a window of spiritual civilization development in China 225

12.1.6 Management of forest tourism region if a dynamic systems engineering 225

12.1.4 Seasonal change of tourists is a dilemma of management of forest tourism region 225

12.2 Major contents of management of forest tourism region 225

三、森林旅游区是社会主义精神文明建设的窗口和阵地 225

四、客流量的季节性变化是森林旅游区经营管理的突出难题 225

五、服务对象和旅游需求的差异性 225

六、森林旅游区管理是动态的系统工程 225

第二节 森林旅游区经营管理的主要内容 225

12.2.5 Respect of property right 226

12.2.4 Formulation and implementation of a policy for contesting tourism market 226

12.2.3 Perfection of management system 226

12.2.2 Formulation and implementation of management measures 226

12.2.1 Development targets 226

五、明晰产权制度 226

一、制定发展目标 226

二、制定和实施管理决策 226

三、完善经营管理体系 226

四、制定和实施旅游市场竞争取胜策略 226

12.2.6 Protection and management of forest tourism resources 227

六、森林旅游资源保护管理 227

12.3.1 Concept, composition and management of assets of forest tourism resources 228

12.3 Assessment and management of assets of forest tourism resources 228

第三节 森林旅游资源资产评估与管理 228

一、森林旅游资源资产的概念、组成与属性 228

12.3.2 Assessment of assets of forest tourism resources 230

二、森林旅游资源资产评估 230

12.3.3 Management of assets of forest tourism resources 232

三、森林旅游资源资产管理 232

一、建立森林旅游区现代化经营机制的概念和意义 233

12.4.2 Basic contents of modern management mechanism of forest tourism region 233

12.4.1 Concept and importance of modern management mechanism of forest tourism region 233

12.4 Modern management mechanism 233

第四节 现代化经营机制 233

二、森林旅游区现代化经营机制的基本内容 233

三、提高经营管理水平的途径 235

12.4.3 Approaches of improving management 235

12.5.1 Management of tourists 236

第五节 森林旅游活动管理 236

12.5 Management of forest tourism activities 236

一、游人管理 236

三、安全管理 237

12.5.4 Management of environment sanitation 237

12.5.3 Safety management 237

12.5.2 Public security management 237

四、环境卫生管理 237

二、治安管理 237

12.5.7 Management of tour transport 238

12.5.6 Management of guide service 238

12.5.5 Management of service stands 238

五、服务摊点管理 238

六、导游服务管理 238

七、旅游交通管理 238

第六节 风景林经营管理 239

八、娱乐服务管理 239

12.6 Management of scenic forest 239

12.5.8 Management of recreational service 239

一、科学经营风景林的必要性 240

12.6.2 Technique of maintenance of scenic forest 240

12.6.1 Necessity of management of scenic forest 240

二、风景林培育技术 240

13.1.1 Impact of tourism on eco-environment 243

13.1 Eco-environmental Protection of forest tourism region 243

Chapter 13 Environmental Protection of Forest Tourism Region 243

第十三章 森林旅游区环境保护 243

第一节 森林旅游区生态环境的保护 243

一、旅游给生态环境带来巨大冲击 243

13.1.2 Human intervention is a major factor of environmental degradation 245

二、人为破坏是生态环境恶化的主因 245

三、正确认识森林旅游与生态环境保护的关系 246

13.1.3 Right recognition of relationship between forest tourism and eco-environmental protection 246

13.1.5 Strengthening of forest legislation and enforcement 247

13.1.4 Formulation of forest management plan of forest tourism region 247

五、不断强化立法和执法 247

四、重新编制森林旅游区森林经营方案 247

13.1.6 Raising public awareness on environmental protection through broad and repeated advocacy and education 248

六、广泛地反复地进行宣传教育,提高全社会的环保意识 248

13.2.1 Relationship of eco-environment with scenic and natural resources in forest tourism region 249

13.2 Protection of scenes and natural resources 249

13.2.2 Importance of protection of scenic and natural resources 249

第二节 景观和自然资源保护 249

一、森林旅游区景观资源和自然资源与生态环境的关系 249

二、保护景观资源和自然资源的意义 249

三、保护工作必须充分利用已有的法律、法规和政策 250

13.2.3 Protection through enforcement of existing laws,regulations and policies 250

四、保护工作中需要注意的问题 251

第三节 景观生态系统稳定性的保护 251

一、景观生态系统的特点及其发展规律 251

13.2.4 Important issues encountered in protection 251

13.3 Protection of stability of scenic ecosystems 251

13.3.1 Characteristics and development law of scenic ecosystem 251

13.3.2 Importance of stability of scenic ecosystem and its features 252

二、景观生态系统稳定的重要性及其特征 252

三、保护景观生态系统稳定性的理论依据与途径 253

13.3.3 Theory and approaches of protection of stability of scenic ecosystem 253

13.4.2 Planning of environmental protecition 256

13.4.1 Importance of environmental protection and safety facilities 256

第四节 环境保护和安全设施规划 256

二、环境保护规划 256

13.4 Planning of environmental protection and safety facilities 256

一、环境保护和安全设施的重要性 256

13.4.3 Planning of safety facilities 258

13.4.4 Planning of control of forest fire and disease 258

三、安全设施规划 258

四、森林防火和病虫害防治规划 258

13.4.5 Planning of greening 259

五、绿化规划 259

14.1.1 Characteristics of forest tourism products 261

14.1 Characteristics of forest tourism products and their classification 261

Chapter 14 Products of Forest Tourism and Their Marketing 261

第十四章 森林旅游产品和营销 261

第一节 森林旅游产品的特点和分类 261

一、森林旅游产品的特点 261

14.1.2 Classification of forest tourism products 263

二、森林旅游产品的分类 263

三、森林旅游产品的构成及营销方式 264

14.1.3 Composition of forest tourism products and their marketing modes 264

14.1.4 Quality of forest tourism products 265

四、森林旅游产品质量 265

14.2.1 Principles of development of forest tourism products 266

14.2.2 Justification of development of forest tourism products 266

二、森林旅游产品开发的依据 266

一、森林旅游产品开发的原则 266

第二节 森林旅游产品的开发 266

14.2 Development of forest tourism products 266

14.2.3 Approaches and methods of development of forest tourism products 267

三、森林旅游产品开发的途径和方法 267

14.3 Marketing of forest tourism products 269

第三节 森林旅游市场营销 269

14.3.2 Marketing modes of forest tourism 270

14.3.1 Principles of marketing of forest tourism products 270

二、森林旅游营销方式 270

一、森林旅游营销原则 270

14.3.3 Decision making in terms of products 271

三、产品决策 271

五、促销组合决策 272

四、营销渠道决策 272

14.3.4 Decision making in terms of marketing channel 272

14.3.5 Decision making in terms of market promotion 272

六、广告宣传决策 273

14.3.6 Decision making in terms of advertisement 273

七、季节价格策略 274

14.3.7 Strategy on seasonal pricing 274

参考文献 275

References 275

附录 中国部分森林旅游区和森林旅游企业简介 278

Annex: 278

Brief Accounts of Forest Tourism Regions and Forest Tourism Enterprises(Part) 278

Beijing Forest Tourism Development Corporation 278

北京市森林旅游开发公司 278

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park 282

张家界国家森林公园 282

Qiandaonu Lake National Forest Park 286

千岛湖国家森林公园 286

Liuxihe River National Forest Park 288

流溪河国家森林公园 288

Fuzhou National Forest Park 294

福州国家森林公园 294

秦皇岛海滨国家森林公园 297

Haibin National Forest Park,Qinhuangsdao City 297

Huoshankou National Forest Park 300

火山口国家森林公园 300

青海湖鸟岛揽胜 303

Niaodao Island(Bird Island)of Qinghaihu Lake 303

灵岩洞国家森林公园 308

Lingyandong National Forest Park 308

太白国家森林公园 313

Taibai National Forest Park 313

楼观台国家森林公园 314

Louguantai National Forest Park 314

云南玉龙山与老君山 316

Yulong Mountain(Jade Dragon Mountain)and Laojunshan Mountain,Yunnan Province 316

Shangfangshan National Forest Park,Suzhou City 317

苏州上方山国家森林公园 317

Beishan National Forest Park 319

北山国家森林公园 319

姑婆山国家森林公园 320

Guposhan National Forest Park 320

野梅岭森林公园 323

万佛山森林公园 323

Yemeiling Forest Park 323

Wanfoshan Forest Park 323

鹫峰国家森林公园 324

Jiufeng National Forest Park 324

瓦屋山国家森林公园 326

Wawushan National Forest Park 326

Saihanba National Forest Park 335

塞罕坝国家森林公园 335

玉山国家公园 339

Yu Shan National Park 339

牡丹峰国家森林公园 340

Mudanfeng(Peony Peak)National Forest Park 340

Huangyangshan National Forest Park 341

黄阳山森林公园 341

Three Scenes of Panxian County 343

盘县三景 343
