- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程维华主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7307032929
- 页数:656 页
动词 1
accompany attend escort 1
accuse charge 2
adjust adapt 2
admit confess acknowledge concede own 3
affirm assert protest 4
agree consent assent 5
allow permit let promise suffer 5
announce declare publish proclaim pronounce 6
annoy bother disturb trouble plague 7
answer reply respond retort return 9
argue debate discuss dispute quarrel 10
ask inquire enquire demand question interrogate 11
ask demand order beg require request claim command pray implore entreat beseech solicit 12
attack charge besiege assail assault 14
attract tempt lure allure 15
B 16
be live exist 16
bear endure stand suffer tolerate put up with 17
beat hit strike pat tap 18
begin start commence initiate 19
borrow lend 20
bring carry fetch take get bear convey transport transmit transfer 21
build establish construct erect found set up 23
buy purchase 24
C 25
cancel abolish repeal annul abrogate 25
catch arrest capture 26
celebrate commemorate observe keep 27
change alter vary turn convert modify reform transform 28
cheat deceive trick defraud delude swindle 30
choose select elect pick prefer 31
cite quote 32
clean sweep cleanse 33
close shut 34
collect gather assemble accumulate amass 34
combine connect link unite join 35
comfort console soothe 36
compare contrast 37
complain grumble 38
compose consist include contain comprise constitute involve 38
conclude infer deduce 40
confuse mistake 41
consider regard account reckon deem 42
consider ponder meditate contemplate weigh 43
continue go on proceed resume prolong 44
convince persuade induce prevail 45
count calculate compute reckon 46
crawl creep 47
cry sob weep wail 48
cry shout exclaim scream yell shriek screech 48
cure heal treat remedy 50
D 51
damage destroy break ruin spoil wreck demolish 51
decide determine settle resolve 53
decorate adorn ornament beautify embellish bedeck garnish 54
decrease reduce lower lessen diminish 55
defeat beat overcome conquer surmount vanquish 57
defend protect guard safeguard shelter shield 58
delay postpone put off defer 60
depend rely trust confide 61
describe portray depict 62
despise scorn disdain 63
die pass away perish expire 63
disappear vanish fade 64
discover invent create 65
distribute divide allot assign apportion 65
divide separate part isolate 67
doubt suspect 68
do perform conduct execute 68
draw pull drag haul 69
dress wear put on have...on 70
drift float 71
drive ride 72
drop fall sink descend 72
E 73
ensure insure assure guarantee pledge vow 73
escape avoid evade shun 75
escape run away flee fly 76
excite stir stimulate provoke 77
estimate evaluate appraise rate 77
excuse pardon forgive 78
explode blast blow up 79
extend stretch 80
F 81
fasten tie bind fix attach 81
finish complete end achieve fulfil accomplish attain conclude terminate 82
fit suit 84
flash glimmer glitter sparkle twinkle 85
flourish prosper thrive 86
follow chase pursue 87
force compel oblige obligate impel coerce 88
forbid prohibit ban 88
free set free liberate release emancipate 90
frighten terrify alarm scare 91
G 92
get gain earn obtain acquire secure 92
give grant present confer bestow endow donate 93
greet hail salute 94
grow plant sow 95
guess imagine fancy suppose assume presume conjecture 96
guide lead conduct direct 97
happen occur take place befall 98
H 98
hasten hurry quicken speed accelerate 99
hate dislike disgust detest loathe abhor 100
have own possess 102
help aid assist 102
hide conceal 103
hinder prevent obstruct block bar impede 104
hire employ engage 105
hire rent let lease 106
hope expect wish anticipate desire want long 107
I 109
ignore neglect overlook omit disregard 109
immigrate emigrate migrate move 110
improve better 111
incite induce prompt 112
increase enlarge augment expand multiply amplify magnify swell 113
influence affect effect 114
inform notify acquaint advise remind enlighten 115
injure hurt harm wound 117
insist persist persevere stick to adhere to 118
intensity enhance heighten aggravate 119
introduce recommend present 120
join join in take part in attend participate 121
J 121
jump leap spring hop 122
K 123
keep reserve retain 123
kill murder slaughter slay assassinate execute massacre 124
L 125
lack need want 125
leave quit abandon desert forsake abdicate give up 126
like love be fond of enjoy appreciate prefer 127
limit restrict confine bound 129
live dwell inhabit reside lodge stay stop put up 130
look see watch gaze glance stare glare observe peep peer scan 132
look seem appear 132
make form shape fashion manufacture fabricate 135
M 135
mend repair fix patch 136
misuse abuse 137
mix blend mingle 137
N 138
notice note perceive mind attend remark beware 138
O 140
oppose object protest resist withstand 140
oppress suppress 141
practise exercise drill 142
P 142
praise commend eulogize extol 143
predict forecast foretell prophesy 143
pretend affect assume 144
progress advance proceed 145
provide supply equip furnish outfit 146
publish release issue 147
push shove thrust propel 148
put place lay set 148
puzzle bewilder confuse mystify perplex baffle 149
raise lift elevate hoist 150
R 150
receive accept 151
recover regain restore retrieve 152
refuse decline reject deny 153
relieve lighten alleviate 154
remember recall memorize recollect 155
replace substitute displace 155
respect admire esteem adore worship revere 156
revenge avenge 158
rise arise climb ascend mount 158
rob steal deprive strip bereave plunder 160
rouse arouse wake awake awaken waken 161
rule govern administer reign 163
rush dash charge 164
S 164
save rescue deliver 164
save store preserve conserve maintain 165
say speak talk tell chat chatter converse gossip whisper murmur relate narrate report state utter 166
scold blame reproach condemn rebuke 170
search seek hunt explore 171
seize grasp grab grip snatch clutch 172
shake tremble shiver quiver shudder quake 173
show display exhibit reveal disclose demonstrate manifest expose 175
sit seat 177
spend cost pay take 177
stay remain linger tarry 178
stop cease pause halt discontinue suspend adjourn 179
study learn 180
surprise amaze astonish shock startle 181
T 182
throw cast hurl fling pitch toss 182
try attempt struggle strive endeavour 184
use employ utilize apply 185
U 185
turn rotate revolve spin whirl 185
V 186
value cherish treasure prize 186
W 187
wait expect await 187
wander stroll roam 188
名词 190
A 190
abdomen belly stomach 190
ability capability capacity competence faculty skill 191
abolition elimination extinction 192
abstract summary outline digest gist 193
abundance plenty wealth 194
accent pronunciation tone 195
accident event incident 196
act action deed 197
adult grown-up 198
advance advancement progress 198
advantage behalf benefit gain interest profit 199
affair business matter thing 201
affection devotion love 203
age epoch era period 204
aggression encroachment invasion 205
agony distress grief misery sorrow suffering torment torture 206
agreement contract 208
aim end goal purpose object 209
alphabet letter character 210
alternative choice preference selection 211
amount number quantity sum total 212
anger fury indignation rage wrath 214
angle corner 215
animal beast creature 216
anxiety care concern worry 217
appearance look aspect semblance 218
apartment flat dormitory 218
arms armament weapon 219
army force service troops 220
article composition essay paper thesis treatise dissertation 222
attitude manner approach 223
audience spectator 224
automobile bus car coach lorry truck motorcar 225
award prize reward honour 226
bacterium germ virus 228
bag sack satchel 228
B 228
band belt strap strip stripe ribbon 229
bandit gangster robber 231
bank shore beach coast seaside 232
banner flag 233
barter exchange 233
base basis foundation ground bottom 234
bay gulf 236
beard moustache whisker 237
belief faith conviction confidence trust 237
bit fragment piece scrap 238
bloc clique 239
black negro 239
boat ship craft vessel yacht 240
body object 241
border boundary bounds frontier 241
boss chief head leader 243
brochure catalogue 244
C 245
cabin cottage hut shed 245
campaign movement drive 246
cap hat 247
captive prisoner 247
carpet rug 248
cargo freight goods load 248
case box 249
case circumstance condition situation state 249
cause reason excuse 251
centre middle 251
chance opportunity occasion 252
chat gossip 253
chick chicken cock hen rooster 253
citizen inhabitant resident 254
city town 255
civilization culture 255
class lesson course 256
clay mud earth soil land ground 257
cloth clothes clothing costume dress suit 258
colonialist colonist colonizer colonial people 259
combat battle conflict fight struggle 260
comment remark 261
commission committee 262
commodity goods merchandise 262
communication traffic transportation 263
competition contest tournament 263
consequence result effect findings outcome 264
conspiracy intrigue plot trick scheme 266
copy duplicate model reproduction 267
contact touch 267
core heart nucleus 268
country nation state land 269
couple pair 270
course direction 271
credit honour 271
crime sin guilt 272
crop harvest 273
crowd group masses mob gang throng 273
cup glass 275
custom habit hobby practice 275
danger risk peril hazard 276
D 276
data information 277
date day 278
dawn daybreak sunrise 278
delegate representative deputy agent 279
department store shop store 280
descendant offspring 281
desk table 281
destiny fate doom fortune lot luck 282
devotion dedication loyalty 283
diagram graph chart figure table design scheme sketch drawing 284
difficulty hardship 286
dinner banquet feast 287
disaster catastrophe calamity misfortune 287
disease illness sickness 288
disorder confusion mess 289
district area region section quarter zone 290
doctor dentist paediatrician physician psychiatrist surgeon 292
document literature 292
door gate entrance entry access exit 293
drawing painting picture portrait illustration sketch cartoon 294
drug medicine cure herb remedy 295
dynasty reign 297
duty obligation responsibility 297
E 298
earth world globe 298
edge border rim margin 299
edition issue number version 300
emotion feeling passion sentiment 300
enemy foe opponent rival 302
energy force power strength vigor 303
enterprise ambition 305
enthusiasm zeal 305
equipment apparatus appliance facility device instrument tool 306
envy jealousy 306
evening night dusk twilight 308
evidence proof fact 309
examination quiz test 310
example instance case illustration sample specimen 311
experiment test trial try 313
expert specialist 314
extent scope range field sphere limit 314
F 316
fable fiction legend myth story tale narrative anecdote 316
fabric textile 318
factory plant mill works workshop studio 318
failure bankruptcy breakdown collapse 320
fair market bazaar 321
fame reputation 322
family home house dwelling residence 322
fancy imagination 324
farmer peasant 324
fare charge fee expense 324
fashion style 326
festival holiday vacation 326
firm company corporation 327
floor storey 328
flood tide 328
flesh meat 328
flower bloom blossom 329
fluid liquid 330
flush blush 330
forest jungle woods 331
foreword introduction preface 331
fraction fragment part portion section 332
friend companion acquaintance comrade 333
fragrance odour scent smell perfume 334
function effect role action 336
game contest match sport 337
G 337
furnace stove oven 337
genius gift talent intelligence 338
gesture signal 339
gift present 340
glove mitten 340
grass weed 341
grave tomb cemetery 341
gravel pebble rock stone 342
H 342
harbour dock port wharf 342
heap pile mass stack 343
hare rabbit 343
heaven sky 344
height altitude 345
hill mountain 345
hospital clinic 346
hotel inn lodging motel hostel 346
I 348
inquiry enquiry investigation probe 348
intercourse communication 348
J 349
job work business task 349
interpreter translator 349
judge referee arbiter arbitrator 350
K 351
kind sort category class type species 351
knob button 353
knowledge learning 353
L 354
labour work toil 354
language dialect speech tongue idiom slang 355
law statute constitution code regulation 356
lecture speech report talk address 358
lawn meadow pasture 358
leisure ease 360
license certificate pass passport visa 360
load burden weight 362
lobby entrance hall passageway 363
log lumber timber wood 363
luggage baggage 364
M 365
machine machinery 365
magazine journal periodical 365
maid servant 366
mail post 366
mankind man men human human being 367
mansion villa 368
means medium media 368
meeting conference congress convention council session gathering assembly party 369
method way approach process manner 372
mind intellect intelligence brains head wits 373
mischief trick 374
mist fog vapour 374
mistake error blunder defect fault flaw shortcoming 375
money cash currency 378
motion move movement 378
mouse rat 379
N 380
name subject theme title topic 380
nature character personality temperament disposition 381
news informaiton 382
numeral figure number digit 383
O 384
oath pledge promise vow 384
object thing article 385
occupation career employment profession 386
officer official 388
oil grease fat lard 388
opinion view concept conception notion idea thought 389
orbit path track 392
origin source 392
output yield 393
P 394
parcel packet package pack bundle 394
passage corridor aisle gallery 395
pastime recreation entertainment amusement hobby 396
pause break interval interlude intermission recess respite 397
people populace masses mob herd 399
place location site spot point 400
plan scheme programme project design 401
pleasure delight joy enjoyment fun ecstasy rapture 403
pool pond 404
practice training exercise drill 405
price expense cost 406
problem question issue puzzle riddle 407
process procedure 408
product produce production productivity 409
proportion rate ratio scale 410
punishment penalty 411
pupil student learner scholar 412
quality characteristic feature peculiarity trait 413
Q 413
R 414
rank position status 414
rebellion revolt revolution uprising riot 415
restaurant cafe cafeteria canteen coffee-shop lunch-counter snackbar 415
relation relative family 416
S 418
salary wage pay fee pension 418
scene scenery vision sight view landscape 419
series sequence succession 420
shelter refuge retreat asylum 421
shoe boot slipper sandal 422
shortage lack 423
skill technique technology 423
sock stocking tights 424
sound noise voice 424
speed rate pace velocity 425
standard criterion 426
statesman politician 427
stream river brook creek 427
street road way path highway avenue lane alley pavement 428
stress tension strain pressure 430
summit peak top 431
symbol sign signal mark token 432
T 433
telegram telegraph cable wire 433
tendency trend 434
trade business commerce 434
traitor rebel renegade 435
travel journey trip tour voyage excursion pilgrimage 436
triumph victory 438
trousers jeans pants slacks 438
union alliance coalition 439
U 439
university college institute 440
V 441
value merit virtue worth 441
variety variation variance 442
volume bulk 443
vote suffrage ballot 443
W 444
waste garbage refuse rubbish junk pollutant debris litter 444
wealth property estate resources means fortune asset 446
word vocabulary term expression language 448
zero cipher naught zilch nil 449
Z 449
形容词 451
A 451
able capable competent qualified 451
absurd irrational ridiculous senseless unreasonable 452
accurate exact precise 453
active energetic vigorous lively spirted 454
alive living live 456
alone lonely lone 456
anxious eager keen desirous 457
anxious worried 458
artificial man-made synthetic 459
ashamed shameful disgraceful dishonorable 460
aware conscious 461
B 462
back backward 462
bad wicked evil ill wrong 462
bare naked nude uncovered barren 463
basic fundamental 464
beautiful handsome pretty good-looking 465
big large great huge giant gigantic tremendous 466
brave bold courageous fearless heroic 468
bloody bloodthirsty 468
broad wide 469
busy active engaged occupied 470
C 471
calm peaceful quiet silent still noiseless tranquil 471
casual random 473
careful cautious conscientious 473
charming tempting seductive attractive fascinating 474
childish childlike 475
clear apparent evident obvious plain conspicuous 475
cold cool chilly icy freezing 477
clever bright wise intelligent smart 477
common mutual shared 479
complete entire whole full total 479
complicated complex 480
concrete specific 481
constant invariable unchanging 481
contented satisfied gratified 482
correct right 483
countless incalculable innumerable immeasurable 483
creative imaginative inventive 484
crucial acute critical pressing urgent 485
D 486
daily everyday 486
dead deceased extinct lifeless 487
dark dusky dim gloomy 487
deadly fatal mortal 488
dear expensive costly 489
decisive conclusive definitive determining 490
definite definitive 490
dependable reliable trustworthy trusty 491
different various variable 492
difficult hard arduous 492
dim vague obscure 493
dirty filthy unclean 493
doubtful suspicious questionable 494
dramatic theatrical 495
drunk drunken 496
dumb mute speechless 496
E 497
economic economical financial 497
effective efficient 497
empty vacant hollow unoccupied 498
enough adequate sufficient 499
explicit definite specific 499
exposed vulnerable defenseless 500
faithful loyal 501
F 501
fair just 501
famous well-known noted celebrated renowned 502
far distant remote 503
fierce savage violent wild 504
final last ultimate 505
flat level even smooth 506
foolish stupid dull clumsy awkward 507
funny amusing humorous 508
gentle soft mild 509
grand magnificent 509
G 509
grateful appreciative thankful 510
H 511
happy glad cheerful joyful 511
hard solid firm 512
hard-working diligent industrious 512
healthy fit sound well healthful 513
heavy weighty 513
high tall lofty 514
historic historical 514
holy sacred divine 515
hostile unfriendly 516
honest frank sincere straightforward 516
I 517
ignorant illiterate uneducated unlearned 517
imaginary imaginative imaginable 518
immortal deathless imperishable 518
inevitable unavoidable 519
infinite boundless limitless illimitable 519
inner interior inward internal 520
innocent blameless guiltless sinless 521
involved absorbed preoccupied 522
Keen enthusiastic 523
K 523
L 524
lasting durable enduring 524
lawful legal legitimate 524
little small tiny 525
lovely beloved lovable 526
M 526
mad crazy insane 526
main chief principal 527
miserable wretched 528
N 528
near close nearby 528
new fresh up-to-date 529
nervous restless 530
O 531
occasional rare uncommon 531
old ancient antique 531
older elder 532
oral spoken verbal vocal 532
P 533
permanent eternal perpetual endless everlasting 533
personal private individual 534
physical bodily corporal fleshly 535
pleasant pleased pleasing 536
poor impoverished poverty-stricken 537
polite courteous civil well-mannered 537
R 538
real true genuine actual 538
rare scarce 540
reasonable rational sensible 540
respectable respectful respected 541
rich wealthy 541
rude rough coarse 542
S 543
sad gloomy depressed disconsolate 543
sensible sensitive 544
serious grave solemn earnest 545
short brief condensed concise 546
sharp acute keen 546
shy timid diffident 547
similar alike 548
special particular especial 548
strict severe stern 549
strong powerful sturdy 549
T 550
temporary momentary 550
thin slender slim lean skinny 551
terrible awful dreadful frightful horrible 551
tidy neat orderly 552
tired exhausted weary worn-out fatigued 553
tolerable tolerant 554
tremendous colossal titanic 554
U 555
ugly plain unattractive unsightly 555
unusual unique exceptional 556
unwilling reluctant hesitant 557
V 558
vertical upright 558
unworthy worthless valueless 558
W 559
weak feeble faint frail 559
wet damp humid moist 560
wild violent stormy turbulent 560
worth worthy 561
代词 563
another the other others the others 563
both either neither 564
each other one another 565
everybody everyone every one 565
no one none nobody 566
one that 567
that which 568
this/these that/those 569
介词 570
about on 570
above beyond 570
above over 571
across over through 572
after behind 573
after since for from 573
among between amid/amidst in 574
as for as to 576
around round about 576
at in on 578
because of due to owing to 580
before in front of 581
by at beside near 582
during for 582
except except for but but for 583
for to 584
in with by 585
in during 586
to toward(s) 587
in within 587
under below beneath underneath 588
until/till by 589
连词 591
as soon as hardly/scarcely ... when no sooner...than 591
because as since for in that 592
even if even though though 593
if in case on condition that provided that so/as long as 593
if only only if 595
not only...but also as well as 595
now that since 596
such...that so...that 596
though although 597
when as while 598
whether if 599
副词 601
afterward(s)later 601
ago before 602
almost nearly about 602
already still yet 603
also too as well either 605
always often frequently 606
continually continuously 607
deep deeply 607
finally at last in the end 608
direct directly 608
first firstly at first 609
indeed really 610
just just now right now 610
late lately later later on recently 611
loud aloud loudly 612
probably possibly perhaps maybe most likely 613
quite rather fairly pretty 613
very much 614
索引 616
参考文献 656
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- 《拉鲁斯小学英语图解词典》(法国)法国拉鲁斯出版社 2019
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- 《星空词典》(法国)郑春顺 2019
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- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017