学生英语疑难一点通 高中版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴宗平主编
- 出 版 社:成都:四川科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7536449623
- 页数:264 页
第一部分 词汇篇 1
疑问中心词 1
able/be able to 1
ability 1
about 164
above 155
accept 104
ache 86
across 108
actually 184
AD 62
add,add to,add……to,add up to 131
advantage 177
advice 1
advise 1
affair 96
afford 105
ago 11
agree 49
aim 148
air 68
alive 22
all 25
all at once 73
allow 17
also 132
although 13
announce 153
another 180
answer 85
anxious 159
any 159
anyone,any one 147
apartment 69
apology,apologize 161
appear 114
area 10
argue 162
argument 162
arm,arm to one s teeth 163
take sth.into one s arms 163
around 164
art,arts,artist 165
as 14
as well 132
as well as 132
asleep 166
astonish 106
at once 120
at one time,at a time,at times 59
attempt 145
attend 62
attention 167
awake 167
B 168
baggage 168
bank 170
bargain 168
basketful 135
bath 169
bathe 169
bathroom 169
BC 62
beach 170
beard 123
beat 80
because 14
because of 14
become 11
before long 109
at the beginning 171
in the beginning 171
belong to 101
below 155
besides,beside 38
bleed,blood,bloody 41
boil,boiled,boiling 57
book 155
both 25
break 76
breath 119
breathe 119
bring 31
broadcast 64
brotherhood 189
build 52
building 186
business 96
but 13
by 115
C 81
call 81
car 46
carry 31
case 100
cause 99
centre 178
certain 51
change……for,change……into 32
in charge of,in the charge of 36
check,check up 87
close 21
cold 188
college 82
come 28
common 62
company 84
complete 60
condition 151
on condition that 151
conference 5
consider 77
contain 91
contribute to 175
corporation 84
correct 19
cost 105
country 10
cover 128
cross 108
cut,cut down,cut off,cut up 41
D 56
damage 56
damp 172
in danger,dangerous 34
date 114
day 94
dead,die,death 94
deal with 45
a great deal of 31
debate 162
declare 153
deep,deeply 173
defeat 173
defend 139
delay 174
delight,delighted 174
demand 137
depend on 113
destroy 56
develop,developed,developing 131
devote to 175
be different from/be different in 6
diff?cult 176
directly 144
disadvantage 177
disease,diseased 89
discover 6
dislike 104
dispute 162
district 10
divide 112
do with 45
double 147
downtown 178
dozen 93
drag 124
draw 124
dream 178
dress 48
drop 55
drown 55
drive 15
dry 172
due to 14
duty 179
E 24
each 24
each other 156
earth 37
either 25
electricity,electric,electrical 20
else 180
employ 181
end 60
at the end,at the end of,in the end 171
enter 181
entire 191
entrance 181
escape 102
especial 69
every 24
everyday,every day 109
exact 19
examine 87
excellent 182
except,except for,except that 38
excited,exciting 62
exhibition 183
exit 181
expect 7
expert 118
exploit,exploi ta tion 183
expression 39
extremely 182
F 184
as a matter of fact,in fact 184
fall 55
fall asleep 166
fall in love with 150
family 69
faraway,far away 53
fast 111
fasten 33
fault 191
favor,in favor of 184
feed 12
feed on 113
festival 94
fech 31
find/find out 6
fine 8
fire 181
be on fire,catch fire 100
finish 60
firm 84
first,firstly,first of all,the first 27
fix 185
flat 69
flesh 188
flight,fly,flying 148
forbid 186
forest 187
forget doing (to do) something 142
freeze,freezing 188
fresh 188
friendship 189
in future,in the future 89
games 5
gentleman s 169
get 58
gift 189
give 50
go 4
go to bed,go to sleep 166
goal 148
it s no good doing/use doing 142
grasp 141
grow 12
guard 139
H 23
hand 23
handful 135
hanged 116
happen 36
hard 176
harm 56
have 91
have on 48
head 141
healthy 8
hear 63
hire 181
hit 80
holiday 94
for holidayon holiday 6
home 69
hope 7
house 69
however 13
human being 35
hundred 93
hung 116
hurt 56
I 39
idiom 39
ill,illness 89
in 112
include 91
inform 157
injure 56
insist 192
instead,instead of 24
institute,institution 82
J 62
join 62
journey 66
K 29
keep 29
kind 146
knock,knock down,knock out of,knock into 44
L 169
lady s 169
lain 98
land 37
late 119
later,latest,lately 119
lay 98
at least 50
let 17
lie 98
like 40
likely 67
light 103
live/lively 22
live on 113
lock 21
long before 109
look 46
look for 6
lose 102
a lot of,lots of 31
be in love with 150
Ltd. 84
luggage 168
M 37
make 37
make an apology 161
man 35
manage 43
manner 125
manners 125
many,many a,a great many 31
master 95
matter 85
maybe 67
mean,meaning 54
means 54
meet,meet with 1
meeting 5
method 126
million 93
mind 118
miss 102
mistake 191
moment 109
more or less 28
at most,at the most 50
moustache 123
mouthful 135
much 31
N 10
nation 10
need 137
a number of,the number of 31
neither 25
no more than,not more than 72
no matter who 160
no mater what 160
noise 101
none 25
notice 46
O 154
object 154
obligation 179
offer 50
Olympic,Olympics 63
on 112
at once/once 19
one another 156
only 38
open 47
operate 123
other 180
or so 164
ordinary 62
over 155
own 71
owner 95
P 86
pain 86
part,parts,partner 4
particular 69
path 140
passer-by 150
pay 105
pay attention (to) 167
peculiar 69
people 35
penny,pennies,pence 137
perfect 182
perhaps 67
permit 17
person 35
persuade 121
phrase 39
pick 71
place 10
in place of 24
plan 43
plant 12
plenty of 31
please,pleasant,pleased,pleasing 122
pop,popular 62
population 35
point at,point out,point to 117
position 11
possible 67
pounds 136
practice 3
practise 3
prefer 61
prepare,prepare for 57
prevent 40
present 189
probable 67
programme 43
project 43
promise 17
provide 50
pronounce 27
protect 139
be proud of 128
purpose 148
publish 157
pull 124
push 124
put 92
put off 174
put on 48
put up 52
Q 31
large quantities of 31
quick 111
R 12
raise 12
rapid 111
rather 22
rather than 24
reason 99
receive 104
regard 16
region 162
regret doing (to do) something 142
remain 29
remember somebody to somebody 16
require 137
repair 185
reply 85
as a result 14
restroom 169
ride 15
right 19
right away,right now 120
ring 117
rise 190
road 140
round 164
route 140
S 168
sale 168
save 42
say 26
say hi to from sonobody 16
scene,scenery 34
score 93
search,search for,search of 134
in search for,in one s search for 134
seaside 170
seat 152
see 32
see (watch,notice,observe,hear) somebody do/doing sth. 133
seek 145
seem 114
seize 141
sell 168
send 117
send one s best wishes (regards,love) 16
separate 112
set 98
set up,set 52
in one seventies,in the seventies 111
shameful,shameless,shamed 135
share 127
shore 170
shortcoming 191
shout at,shout to 121
show 183
show,show around,on show,show off 17
shut 21
sick,sickness 89
sight 34
since 11
sink 55
sit 152
situation 11
sleep 166
snatch 141
so 110
so far,so far as 133
so on,so on and so forth 33
soil 37
some 159
sometime,sometimes,some time,some times 29
son-in-Iaw 150
sooner of later 28
sort 146
sound 101
south,southern,southerner 30
spare 42
speak 26
special 69
spell 27
spend 105
spend……in,spend on 52
sport,sports 60
spread 146
state 10
stay 29
stop 40
straight 144
strike 80
succeed,success,successful,successfully 64
such 110
supply 50
sure 51
be sure,make sure 44
surprise 106
swift 111
T 31
take 31
take charge of 36
take place,take the place 36
take part in 62
talk 26
take pride in 128
tear 154
tell 26
territory 10
test 87
thing 96
think 77
think,think up,think of 144
think over,think about 144
though 13
thousand 93
tie 33
tire,tiring 9
to 112
toilet 169
too 132
top 109
total 191
tour 66
town 178
track 140
traffic 46
travel 66
transport,transportation 46
trip 66
trouble 176
true 19
try 43
try on 48
turn 65
turn off 21
twice 147
type 146
U 155
under 155
university 82
unlike 104
use 78
usual 62
V 94
vacation 94
value,valuable 65
vehicle 46
very 22
view 34
vocabulary 39
voice 101
W 167
wake 167
wake up 167
want 137
washroom 169
waste 58
watch 46
way 54
by the way,in the way,on the way,in a way 16
WC 169
wear 48
weigh,weight,weighty 84
well 8
wet 172
whatever 160
whoever 160
whole 191
wish 7
wood 187
word 39
work 130
works 43
worried 159
worth,worthy 106
would like to 61
wound 56
Z 162
zone 162
第二部分 语法篇 193
一、非谓语动词 193
二、强调句 198
三、独立成分 200
四、代词 201
五、形容词 202
六、同位语从句 204
七、时态与语态 205
八、介词 206
九、动词 210
十、状语从句 212
十一、倒装 214
十二、定语从句 218
十三、虚拟语气 219
十四、副词 221
十五、名词 222
十六、主语从句 224
十七、省略 224
十八、冠词 225
十九、表语从句 226
二十、宾语从句 226
二十一、习惯表达 228
第三部分 学法篇 233
高考及类似的考试中,有哪些常见的题型? 233
在听力测试中,将会考查哪些要点? 233
听力材料有何特点? 233
听力测试时有何技巧? 234
单项填空考查学生哪些英语水平? 234
完型填空有何解题思路? 235
做完型填空有没有解题技巧? 235
高考英语阅读理解有哪些测试点?分别有何突破方法? 235
(1)理解文章主旨、要义 235
(2)理解文中具体信息 239
(3)根据上、下文推测生词词义 241
(4)做出简单判断与推理 242
(5)理解文章的基本结构 243
(6)理解作者的意图与态度 245
有何技巧来提高阅读理解能力? 248
(1)快速浏览,迅速了解文章大意 248
(2)识别题型,找准方法 250
(3)注意顺序,客观题优先解答 251
(4)逻辑推理,主观题慎重解答 252
(5)细节题解答方法 258
(6)猜测题解题方法 260
短文改错有何技巧? 264
书面表达有何技巧? 264
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