- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田耀,蒋瑜主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7561815816
- 页数:337 页
1. Microeconomics Versus Macroeconomics 1
2. Types of Economic Systems 6
3. The Three Basic Questions of Economics 12
4. Opportunity Costs and Marginal costs 18
5. The Concept of Resources 23
6. The Institution of the Market 29
7. What Is Demand? 35
8. What Is Supply? 42
9. Elasticity of Demand 49
10. Elasticity of Supply 55
11. Sources of High Productivity 62
12. Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition 69
13. The Characteristics of Monopoly 76
14. The characteristics of Oligopoly 82
15. Adam Smith John Maynard Keynes 89
16. The Concept of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand 95
17. Employment and Unemployment 102
18. What Is full Employment? 108
19. The Nature of Inflation 114
20. Demand-Pull Inflation and Cost-Push Inflation 120
21. How to Combat Inflation 126
22. Price Indexes and the Consumer Price Index 132
23. Gross National Product 137
24. The Limitations of GDP Statistics 142
25. Economic Growth 150
26. The Business Cycle 156
27. Labor Unions 162
28. The Role of Government 167
29. The Functions of Money 174
30. Types of Money 181
31. Definitions of Money Supply 187
32. The Demand for Money 193
33. Money and Prices 198
34. The Business of Banking 203
35. Commercial Banks 208
36. The federal Reserve System 216
37. Who Ought to Pay Taxes? 224
38. Progressive, Proportional, and Regressive Taxes 229
39. Why Do Interest Rates Differ? 234
40. Investment and Interest Rate 239
41. The Effects of Easy Money and Tight Money 244
42. The Policy Instrument of Monetary Policy 249
43. The Principles of Fiscal Policy 257
44. Short-term Financing 263
45. Long-term Financing 269
46. Legal Forms of Business Enterprises 276
47. Types of Corporations 283
48. The Nature of Foreign Exchange Transactions 289
49. The Dynamics of International Business 295
50. Economic Forecasting 301
练习答案 306
附录 宏微观经济学概念总词汇表 316
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