王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第24集 2004PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7810583204
- 页数:175 页
新型手性膦和胂配体的设计、合成及在钯催化不对称碳-碳成键反应中的应用&戴伟民 1
多样性导向合成应用于具生物活性的苯并杂环的合成&戴伟民 25
Aggregation Behavior of Hydrophobically Modified Polyacrylate in Aqueous Solution&徐桂英 42
Study on Microstructures and Properties of the Friction Welding Joints under an Electrostatic Field&傅莉 54
Granules and Reasoning Based on Granular Computing&刘清 64
An Improved Compound Gradient Vector Based Neural Network On-line Training Algorithm&陈在平 75
A Segmentation Algorithm on Brain MRI and Evaluation on Its Performance&章鲁 85
Mathematical Model for Modelling Cyclic Hardening/Softening Transient Response of Metallic Materials&聂宏 91
Ge Nanocrystal Formed Directly by High-Dose-Ion-Implantation&卢铁城 99
Influence of High-Fluence Neutron and/or Proton Irradiation on the Opffcal Properffes and Microstructure of Ruffle&卢铁城 106
Study of Land Use Change Detection Using Multitemporal Landsat TM Data about Xuzhou Coal Mining Area in the East of China&陈龙乾 114
Microstructure and Texture Development in IF Steel Sheet with Prolongation of Holding Time During High Magnetic Field Annealing&赵骧 123
On the Behavior of the Particles in Front of Metallic Solid/Liquid Interface in Electromagnetic Field(Theoretical Study)&钟云波 129
On the Behavior of the Particles in Front of Metallic Solid/Liquid Interface in Electromagnetic Field(Experimental Study)&钟云波 139
Electron Emission Suppression Characteristics of Mo-Grid Coated with Carbon Film by Dual Ion Beam Deposition&吴雪梅 146
Analysis of Coal Extracts by HPLC-ESI-MS&冯杰 152
Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Targeted Drug Controlled Release Hydrogel Microspheres&陈捷 159
Preparation and Characterization of pH-Sensitive Hydrogel Film of Chitosan/Poly(Acrylic Acid)Copolymer&陈捷 167
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