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数据库系统入门  英文
数据库系统入门  英文

数据库系统入门 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:26 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:C.J.Date著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787030362247
  • 页数:1004 页
《数据库系统入门 英文》目录


Chapter 1 An Overview of Database Management 3

1.1 Introduction 3

1.2 What Is a Database System? 6

1.3 What Is a Database? 11

1.4 Why Database? 16

1.5 Data Independence 20

1.6 Relational Systems and Others 26

1.7 Summary 28

Exercises 29

References and Bibliography 31

Chapter 2 Database System Architecture 33

2.1 Introduction 33

2.2 The Three Levels of the Architecture 34

2.3 The External Level 37

2.4 The Conceptual Level 39

2.5 The Internal Level 40

2.6 Mappings 41

2.7 The Database Administrator 42

2.8 The Database Management System 44

2.9 Data Communications 48

2.10 Client/Server Architecture 49

2.11 Utilities 51

2.12 Distributed Processing 51

2.13 Summary 55

Exercises 56

References and Bibliography 56

Chapter 3 An Introduction to Relational Databases 59

3.1 Introduction 59

3.2 An Informal Look at the Relational Model 60

3.3 Relations and Relvars 64

3.4 What Relations Mean 66

3.5 Optimization 69

3.6 The Catalog 71

3.7 Base Relvars and Views 72

3.8 Transactions 76

3.9 The Suppliers-and-Parts Database 77

3.10 Summary 79

Exercises 81

References and Bibliography 81

Chapter 4 An Introduction to SQL 85

4.1 Introduction 85

4.2 Overview 86

4.3 The Catalog 89

4.4 Views 90

4.5 Transactions 91

4.6 Embedded SQL 91

4.7 Dynamic SQL and SQL/CLI 97

4.8 SQL Is Not Perfect 100

4.9 Summary 101

Exercises 102

References and Bibliography 104


Chapter 5 Types 111

5.1 Introduction 111

5.2 Values vs.Variables 112

5.3 Types vs.Representations 115

5.4 Type Definition 119

5.5 Operators 122

5.6 Type Generators 127

5.7 SQL Facilities 128

5.8 Summary 136

Exercises 137

References and Bibliography 139

Chapter 6 Relations 141

6.1 Introduction 141

6.2 Tuples 141

6.3 Relation Types 146

6.4 Relation Values 148

6.5 Relation Variables 156

6.6 SQL Facilities 161

6.7 Summary 167

Exercises 168

References and Bibliography 170

Chapter 7 Relational Algebra 173

7.1 Introduction 173

7.2 Closure Revisited 175

7.3 The Original Algebra:Syntax 177

7.4 The Original Algebra:Semantics 180

7.5 Examples 190

7.6 What Is the Algebra For? 192

7.7 Further Points 194

7.8 Additional Operators 195

7.9 Grouping and Ungrouping 203

7.10 Summary 206

Exercises 207

References and Bibliography 209

Chapter 8 Relational Calculus 213

8.1 Introduction 213

8.2 Tuple Calculus 215

8.3 Examples 223

8.4 Calculus vs.Algebra 225

8.5 Computational Capabilities 230

8.6 SQL Facilities 231

8.7 Domain Calculus 240

8.8 Query-By-Example 242

8.9 Summary 247

Exercises 248

References and Bibliography 250

Chapter 9 Integrity 253

9.1 Introduction 253

9.2 A Closer Look 255

9.3 Predicates and Propositions 258

9.4 Relvar Predicates and Database Predicates 259

9.5 Checking the Constraints 260

9.6 Internal vs.External Predicates 261

9.7 Correctness vs.Consistency 263

9.8 Integrity and Views 265

9.9 A Constraint Classification Scheme 266

9.10 Kevs 268

9.11 Triggers(a Digression) 277

9.12 SQL Facilities 279

9.13 Summary 284

Exercises 285

References and Bibliography 288

Chapter 10 Views 295

10.1 Introduction 295

10.2 What Are Views For? 298

10.3 View Retrievals 302

10.4 View Updates 303

10.5 Snapshots(a Digression) 318

10.6 SQL Facilities 320

10.7 Summary 323

Exercises 324

References and Bibliography 325


Chapter 11 Functional Dependencies 333

11.1 Introduction 333

11.2 Basic Definitions 334

11.3 Trivial and Nontrivial Dependencies 337

11.4 Closure of a Set of Dependencies 338

11.5 Closure of a Set of Attributes 339

11.6 Irreducible Sets of Dependencies 341

11.7 Summary 343

Exercises 344

References and Bibliography 345

Chapter 12 Further Normalization Ⅰ:1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF 349

12.1 Introduction 349

12.2 Nonloss Decomposition and Functional Dependencies 353

12.3 First,Second,and Third Normal Forms 357

12.4 Dependency Preservation 364

12.5 Boyce/Codd Normal Form 367

12.6 A Note on Relation-Valued Attributes 373

12.7 Summary 375

Exercises 376

References and Bibliography 378

Chapter 13 Further Normalization Ⅱ:Higher Normal Forms 381

13.1 Introduction 381

13.2 Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form 382

13.3 Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form 386

13.4 The Normalization Procedure Summarized 391

13.5 A Note on Denormalization 393

13.6 Orthogonal Design(a Digression) 395

13.7 Other Normal Forms 398

13.8 Summary 400

Exercises 401

References and Bibliography 402

Chapter 14 Semantic Modeling 409

14.1 Introduction 409

14.2 The Overall Approach 411

14.3 The E/R Model 414

14.4 E/R Diagrams 418

14.5 Database Design with the E/R Model 420

14.6 A Brief Analysis 424

14.7 Summary 428

Exercises 429

References and Bibliography 430


Chapter 15 Recovery 445

15.1 Introduction 445

15.2 Transactions 446

15.3 Transaction Recovery 450

15.4 System Recovery 453

15.5 Media Recovery 455

15.6 Two-Phase Commit 456

15.7 Savepoints(a Digression) 457

15.8 SQL Facilities 458

15.9 Summary 459

Exercises 460

References and Bibliography 460

Chapter 16 Concurrency 465

16.1 Introduction 465

16.2 Three Concurrency Problems 466

16.3 Locking 470

16.4 The Three Concurrency Problems Revisited 472

16.5 Deadlock 474

16.6 Serializability 476

16.7 Recovery Revisited 478

16.8 Isolation Levels 480

16.9 Intent Locking 483

16.10 Dropping ACID 485

16.11 SQL Facilities 490

16.12 Summary 491

Exercises 492

References and Bibliography 494


Chapter 17 Security 503

17.1 Introduction 503

17.2 Discretionary Access Control 506

17.3 Mandatory Access Control 511

17.4 Statistical Databases 513

17.5 Data Encryption 519

17.6 SQL Facilities 523

17.7 Summary 527

Exercises 528

References and Bibliography 529

Chapter 18 Optimization 531

18.1 Introduction 531

18.2 A Motivating Example 533

18.3 An Overview of Query Processing 534

18.4 Expression Transformation 539

18.5 Database Statistics 544

18.6 A Divide-and-Conquer Strategy 545

18.7 Implementing the Relational Operators 548

18.8 Summary 553

Exercises 554

References and Bibliography 557

Chapter 19 Missing Information 575

19.1 Introduction 575

19.2 An Overview of the 3VL Approach 577

19.3 Some Consequences of the Foregoing Scheme 582

19.4 Nulls and Keys 586

19.5 Outer Join(a Digression) 589

19.6 Special Values 591

19.7 SQL Facilities 592

19.8 Summary 597

Exercises 598

References and Bibliography 600

Chapter 20 Type Inheritance 605

20.1 Introduction 605

20.2 Type Hierarchies 610

20.3 Polymorphism and Substitutability 613

20.4 Variables and Assignments 617

20.5 Specialization by Constraint 621

20.6 Comparisons 623

20.7 Operators,Versions,and Signatures 626

20.8 Is a Circle an Ellipse? 630

20.9 Specialization by Constraint Revisited 634

20.10 SQL Facilities 636

20.11 Summary 641

Exercises 642

References and Bibliography 644

Chapter 21 Distributed Databases 647

21.1 Introduction 647

21.2 Some Preliminaries 648

21.3 The Twelve Objectives 652

21.4 Problems of Distributed Systems 660

21.5 Client/Server Systems 671

21.6 DBMS Independence 674

21.7 SQL Facilities 679

21.8 Summary 680

Exercises 681

References and Bibliography 682

Chapter 22 Decision Support 689

22.1 Introduction 689

22.2 Aspects of Decision Support 691

22.3 Database Design for Decision Support 693

22.4 Data Preparation 701

22.5 Data Warehouses and Data Marts 704

22.6 Online Analytical Processing 709

22.7 Data Mining 717

22.8 SQL Facilities 719

22.9 Summary 720

Exercises 721

References and Bibliography 722

Chapter 23 Temporal Databases 727

23.1 Introduction 727

23.2 What Is the Problem? 732

23.3 Intervals 737

23.4 Packing and Unpacking Relations 743

23.5 Generalizing the Relational Operators 754

23.6 Database Design 758

23.7 Integrity Constraints 764

23.8 Summary 770

Exercises 771

References and Bibliography 772

Chapter 24 Logic-Based Databases 775

24.1 Introduction 775

24.2 Overview 776

24.3 Propositional Calculus 778

24.4 Predicate Calculus 783

24.5 A Proof-Theoretic View of Databases 789

24.6 Deductive Database Systems 793

24.7 Recursive Query Processing 798

24.8 Summary 803

Exercises 806

References and Bibliography 807


Chapter 25 Object Databases 813

25.1 Introduction 813

25.2 Objects,Classes,Methods,and Messages 817

25.3 A Closer Look 822

25.4 A Cradle-to-Grave Example 830

25.5 Miscellaneous Issues 840

25.6 Summary 847

Exercises 850

References and Bibliography 851

Chapter 26 Object/Relational Databases 859

26.1 Introduction 859

26.2 The First Great Blunder 862

26.3 The Second Great Blunder 870

26.4 Implementation Issues 874

26.5 Benefits of True Rapprochement 876

26.6 SQL Facilities 878

26.7 Summary 885

Exercises 885

References and Bibliography 886

Chapter 27 The World Wide Web and XML 895

27.1 Introduction 895

27.2 The Web and the Internet 896

27.3 An Overview of XML 897

27.4 XML Data Definition 908

27.5 XML Data Manipulation 917

27.6 XML and Databases 925

27.7 SQL Facilities 928

27.8 Summary 932

Exercises 934

References and Bibliography 935


Appendix A The TransRelational TM Model 941

A.1 Introduction 941

A.2 Three Levels of Abstraction 943

A.3 The Basic Idea 946

A.4 Condensed Columns 952

A.5 Merged Columns 956

A.6 Implementing the Relational Operators 960

A.7 Summary 966

References and Bibliography 966

Appendix B SQL Expressions 967

B.1 Introduction 967

B.2 Table Expressions 968

B.3 Boolean Expressions 973

Appendix C Abbreviations,Acronyms,and Symbols 977
