- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张卫族著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7501209669
- 页数:341 页
不了解英美文化习惯而造成的表达错误 1
见面打招呼时说“Where are you going?"有什么不妥? 1
第一部分 1
别让人误以为你是便衣警察 4
不必说My English is poor 5
Din't be polite 绝非汉语里请对方不要拘束的“别客气” 6
听到别人赞赏你的东西时你不该说什么? 6
Would you like to have some more?说一遍就够了 6
说Its my duty 会让人听了不舒服 7
酒足饭饱后确切而又有礼貌的答语是什么? 7
有 No sorry 这一说法吗? 7
随便问人”How much did it cost you?“合适吗? 8
为什么偏要说Please walk slowly? 8
先说Thank you for inviting us 9
I've got something to do 中的something指什么? 9
“这胖小子真好玩!”可千万别说成What a fat boy! 10
多用一箭双雕的elderly 11
用had better要看对象 12
Sit down, please 已 经够客气吗? 13
允许的“可以”和可供选择的“可以” 13
“打电话时问对方”Who are you ?"宜吗? 14
一位native speaker 打喷嚏时我们该说什么? 15
“先人后已”规则First Person Last Rule 15
"你真熊!“是”You bear!"吗? 17
用“白象”和“白翎”做商品牌子好吗? 18
Sit well 引起的思考 19
了解中国国情的native speakers 毕竟不是多数 20
Teacher 是称呼语吗? 21
Can"price"be cheap? 24
不要随便用aunt 25
“舞会”是a dancrng party 吗? 25
“宣传”不总是propaganda 26
Can "knowledge"be learned? 28
依此类推有时会出错 29
不能用crowded 来修饰traffic 29
Study English, Study Hard, Study English Hard 哪个不对? 30
Learn from somebody 的真正含义是什么? 33
有self-study 这个说法吗? 33
画蛇添足的go back home 34
Can we remembet…“firmly"? 35
非说warmly congratulate 不可吗? 35
”玩“并不都是 play 37
是fall off , 不是fall down from one's brke 38
"让”都能译成let 吗? 38
又一个典型的Qinglish 的例子 41
Make friends with somebody 是“交朋友”吗? 41
是Are you married?还是Have you marride? 43
不要说divorce with somebody 44
A hard day's work 看着别扭打吗? 44
不要直译“根据Smrh 先生的意见“ 46
”又“或”再“不能总机械地译成again 47
Never too old to learn 和It is never too old to learn 哪能个对? 48
见怪不怪的“How to spell the name?" 49
如何理解class of 1952 50
In the telephone 51
别忘了宾语 51
Last 是“最近过去的” 53
请忽过多用Introduce 54
切忌用中指人或物 54
“Arya"不是英语的拟声词,”My mother!"也不是英语的惊叹词 57
Our school has two thousand students 是Chinese English 59
和名词achievement 搭配的动词是什么? 60
汉语思维,英语表达又几例 61
第二部分 65
常见的语法错误的有关语法问题 65
应重视使用正确的标点符号 65
一个受“冷落”的时态 74
Must have done 不属于虚拟语气的范畴 76
Ir is time that + 从句结构 78
最难掌握的现在完成时 79
Find +宾语+宾语补足语和find +that 从句的区别 82
More 能用来修饰形容词比较级吗? 83
如何进行绝对性形容词的比较 84
She's always losing her her key 算是什么英语语法? 85
完成时和完成进行时的一个重要区别 87
为什么最高级形容词前面没有定冠词? 88
单数动词还是复数动词? 89
Do,to do ,doing 还是did ? 95
There+be结构 96
有用的句型:主语A+谓语(过去进行时)+when+主语B或A+谓语(一般过去时) 99
学会使用a/an+形容词+抽象名词 100
如何理解from where? 102
Spring is come是错句吗? 104
并非所有及物动词都能用不定式做宾语补足语 105
使用强调结构时的常见错误 107
误用独立结构的例子 108
序数词前面非要有定冠词吗? 108
倒装句常见错误 109
有了from …on等该用什么时态? 109
For+动名词可作目的状语吗? 110
第三部分 114
用词的错误 114
Change 114
Compare 115
Concern 117
Dress 119
Engage不总是订婚的意思 122
Distribute 122
Lack 123
Like,Would/Should hke 和Feel hke 124
误用rob 一例 126
Send做“送”解时究竟是谁“送”? 127
Suggest 131
Welcome 132
Win 后面不要跟人做宾语 135
Avenge和Revenge 136
Be angry with 和Be angry at 137
Be afraid for somebody/something 做“担心”解应用在什么场合? 137
Be afraid to do something 和Be afraid of doing something 140
Be good for 和Be good to 141
Cheat和Deceive 142
Die of /from/through 143
Doubt 和Suspect 144
Find 和Find out 145
Fit 和Suit 146
Hand 和Hand in 148
Jon和Take part 149
Lift 和Raise 150
Be like, Look hke ,Seem,Appear 151
Lose heart 和Lose one's heart 152
Persist 和Insist 153
Postpone,Put off, Delay 155
Receive 和 Accept 156
See和Look 157
Snatch 和Grip 158
Be sorry about和Be sorry for 159
Be sure to do something 和Be sure of doing something 160
Take,Cost ,Spend 161
Turn back 和Turn round 163
Wound ,Hurt , Injure 164
Childish 和Childlike 166
Contemptuous和Contemptible 166
Convenient 167
Disinterested 和Uninterested 168
Credible 和Credulous 168
Each 和Every 169
Famous 和Infamous 169
画蛇添足的good 170
Historical 和Historic 172
Imaginary 和Imaginative 172
Invaluable 和Valueless 173
Lonely和 Alone 173
Popular 和Common 174
Skillul和Shameless ,Ashamed 175
Shameful,Shameless,Ashamed 175
Tasteful 和Tasty 177
Uneasy和 Indifferent 178
All these 和All this 179
如何谁确使用Classmates 和Students? 180
Crossroad 还是Crossroads? 181
House,Famrly. Home 181
Except 和Except for 183
In sprte of 和Desprte 185
Of和For 185
In还是On? 187
In/Within/After2 days, Later/Later on 190
什么时候用very,much 和very much ? 192
Under 和Below 193
上下车、船、飞机该用什么介词? 194
跟speed搭配的介词是with 还是at 195
误用before 数例 196
Before long 和Long before 198
误用ever 典型例子 199
Not enough 还是No enough 201
Nowadays 202
Now that 203
Rather,Fairly,Qurte 204
Somehow 和Somewhat 206
Specially和Especially 207
Sucg和So 207
Too 211
不要用well和good 难为中学生 212
Ar a time 和At one time 212
At last 的误用 213
Firsr 和A t firsr 215
In the end 和At the end 216
In time 和On time 217
Provided (that)和If 218
As 和When 220
For 和Because 220
Such as 222
As well as 224
Whether 和If 226
Though和Although 229
In the sun 和Under the sun 232
Here it is 232
这四句问话是否都对? 233
Would you like…?和Would you please…? 234
No more than 和Not more than 235
Not a bit/Not a little bit 不等于Not a little 236
Enough food 和Food enough 是一回事吗? 237
几个以学校生活为内容造句的常见错误 238
Most of 239
The othet's , Others',The others',Other's 240
有"what has he become of ?" 这样的英语吗? 241
怎样写和读日期? 242
China lunar calendar 还是Chinese lunar calendar? 243
标题应该 如何大小写? 244
One, Every, Each 有何区别? 245
14,000audiences 该有多少人? 246
美国英语和英国英语用词的不同 247
第四部分 254
常见的发音错误 254
第五部分 260
社会上使用英语的错误 260
天安门城楼参观券上英语错误让人吃惊! 261
长城参观券上英语介绍中的错误 262
Go Upastairs 的牍子该出现在宾馆吗? 262
旅游“收获”之一 263
谈谈北京申办2000年奥运会口号的不妥 266
告示的语言要规范 268
银行通知的错误 270
通知不长,错误不少 273
英语通知评述 275
出差“收获”之二 279
广告哪里写错了? 282
Experience 和Expenences 284
出差“收获”之三 285
是可忍,孰不可忍 287
莫名其妙的商店招牌 295
一词之差,影响不佳 296
“慰问团”是condolation group 吗? 297
不太准确的试题答案 298
误用add一例 300
第六部分 302
容易产生望文生义的词句 302
All Chinese doctors and nurses aren't that krnd and considerae. 304
He thinke a great deal of Tina . 305
He said that nothing in the world would make hrm eat his words. 306
You took the words out of my mouth 308
I think you're pulhng my leg 308
I can't prarse you too highly. 309
We will be long forgetting her . 310
He's good and rich. 311
Thrs morrung I woke up at four for good, 312
I am a spendthrrft. 312
You can call me as early as 6o'clock; Inever sleep late. 313
He plays brrdge after a fashron. 313
She's a busy-body. 313
I have a sweet tooth. 314
Are you a good sarlor? 314
My wrft is a domestic engineet. 315
Where's the restroom? 316
I didn't know you're in the family way . 316
Let.'s not talk shop. 317
You don't say so! 317
That's not my cup of tea. 318
He said he had no opinion of het/ 318
You are telling me. 318
That's a steal. 319
Keep your shirt on! 319
Yesterday I bought a Canon cameta. 319
This is the last thing I will do. 320
I won't be taken for a ride. 320
Thanks to a numhetr of backseat dnvers,we have the most tasty soup in the world. 321
I'm Barbara's husband , if you please 322
I shall not do it sgain for ever 323
Jeff has gone for a week 323
The post office is not a hundred miles away. 324
I't s qurte a while smce he was a high school trachet 324
I'm not here for my health 326
短语中有无定冠词会造成意义上的差别 326
in red 和in the red 327
by sea 和by the sea 327
on air 和on the air 328
in secret 和in the secret 328
by day 和by the day 329
on board 和on the board 329
in case of 和in the case of 330
our of question 和out of the questron 330
keep house 和keep the house 331
Come on ,give me a break! 332
I won't buy your story 332
If the cap frts , weat ir . 333
形同面实不同的四句话 333
This morning the prrncipal gave the class a lecture. 334
a confidence man 335
m antenance -free 336
极易使我们发挥“臆 造本领”的词语 336
a fat chance 336
busboy/girl 337
busman's holrday 337
black eye 337
buttermilk 337
close shop 337
coffrm nail 337
black eye 337
bar assocration 337
Amenrrcan plan 337
action parnting 337
Eur opean plan 338
famihar talk 338
earnest money 338
Dutch wife 338
French leave 338
French letter 338
golden parachute 338
goose flesh 338
dumb warter 338
dry goods 338
drawing room 338
dre laughing 338
day bed 338
copy writer 338
paper shop 339
personal remark 339
one-arm bandrt 339
lazy Susan 339
second-storey msn 339
Scotch cousm 339
shower 339
lame duck 339
lady chair 339
Irish bull 339
greybeard 339
greener pastures 339
wet nurse 340
white-headed boy 340
wet blanket 340
top banana 340
white lightning 340
white room 340
white wine 340
the eleventh hour 340
tea shop 340
sweet water 340
wedding breakfast 340
Spanish athlete 340
smart money 340
yellow journahsrn 341
In还是For ? 456
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