标准C++与面向对象程序设计 英文版·第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)王士弘(Wang,P.S)著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7111125428
- 页数:572 页
Introduction 1
ONE C++ Primer PartⅠ:Basics 8
1.1 Object-Oriented Program structure 8
1.2 Functions 9
1.3 Running the First Example 12
1.4 Statements 12
1.5 The while Statement 13
1.6 Simple Conditional Statements 16
1.7 Characters and Character Input and Output 17
1.8 More Basic Constructs 20
1.9 Data Types and Declarations 26
1.10 Operators and Expressions 29
1.11 Enumerations 35
1.12 Arrays 37
1.13 Pointers 40
1.14 An Example 41
1.15 Iteration Control 42
1.16 Choices by switch 46
1.17 Summary 48
Exercises 48
TWO C++ Primer PartⅡ:Object-Based Programming 51
2.1 Data Abstraction and Encapsulation 51
2.2 Function Calls and Argument Passing 58
2.3 Command-Line Arguments 61
2.4 Environment Variables 62
2.5 The string Class 63
2.6 Problem Solving with Objects 65
2.7 C++ I/O Streams 70
2.8 Error Handling 70
2.9 Object-Based Thinking 73
2.10 C++ Programming Tips 74
2.11 Summary 77
Exercises 78
THREE Key Constructs 80
3.1 Identifier Scoping 81
3.2 Namespaces 84
3.3 More on Declarations 86
3.4 Recursion 89
3.5 A Class of Fractions 93
3.6 Optional and Variable-Length Arguments 97
3.7 Overloading Functions 99
3.8 References 102
3.9 Read-Only Variables and Parameters 103
3.10 The typedef Declaration 105
3.11 Storage Allocation and Management 106
3.12 A Circular Buffer 109
3.13 Implicit Type Conversions 114
3.14 Explicit Type Cast 116
3.15 How to Use Header Files 117
3.16 Summary 119
Exercises 120
FOUR Arrays,Pointers,and Generic Code 123
4.1 Array Concepts and Declarations 123
4.2 Pointers and Address Arithmetic 125
4.3 Two-Dimensional Arrays 133
4.4 A Matrix Class 135
4.5 A Class of Polynomials 138
4.6 Array Objects:vector 141
4.7 Sorting Text Lines with Objects 143
4.8 Pointers and Function Calls 151
4.9 Arrays,Pointers,and References 154
4.10 Multiple Indirection 154
4.11 Generic Programs 156
4.12 A Generic Sorting Program 162
4.13 Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Storage 165
4.14 Summary 168
Exercises 169
5.1 Defining Classes 172
FIVE Classes and Objects 172
5.2 Creating and Initializing Objects 175
5.3 The Host Object 181
5.4 Internal-External Decoupling 182
5.5 Pocket Calculator Simulation 183
5.6 Built-in Operations for Objects 192
5.7 Object Destruction 193
5.8 Friends of a Class 195
5.9 Recursive Structures 197
5.10 Instance and Static Members 204
5.11 The Size of Objects 210
5.12 Generic Lists 211
5.14 Summary 216
5.13 Unions and Bit Fields 216
Exercises 217
SIX I/O Streams and the Standard Library 219
6.1 Different Header Files 219
6.2 C-Style String Input and Output 220
6.3 String Objects 222
6.4 A String Tokenizer 225
6.5 Operations on Characters 228
6.6 Numeric Computations 229
6.7 The I/O Stream Library 230
6.8 Stream I/O for Objects 240
6.9 I/O Manipulators 242
6.10 Summary 244
Exercises 245
SEVEN Inheritance and Class Derivation 248
7.1 Class Derivation 249
7.2 Derived Classes and Objects 252
7.3 Public Derivation 255
7.4 Derivation Principles 258
7.5 Access Control Under Class Derivation 259
7.6 Private Derivation 261
7.7 Specialization of Generic Classes 263
7.8 Type Relations Under Inheritance 265
7.9 Assignment of Objects 267
7.10 Copying of Objects 271
7.11 Derived-Object Assignment and Copying 274
7.12 Object Assignment and Copying via Derivation 276
7.13 Multiple Inheritance 278
7.14 The I/O Stream Class Hierarchy 282
7.15 Summary 283
Exercises 284
EIGHT Operator Overloading,Iterators,and Exceptions 287
8.1 Operator Overloading 287
8.2 A Reference-Count String Class 290
8.3 Overloading [] 293
8.4 Overloading ++ and -- 294
8.5 Smart Pointers 295
8.6 Iterators 296
8.7 Nested and Local Classes 299
8.8 Robust Classes 302
8.9 User-Defined Type Conversions 303
8.10 Error and Exception Handling 306
8.11 Matrix with Exceptions 314
8.12 Managing Free Storage 316
8.13 Summary 319
Exercises 320
NINE OOP Techniques 322
9.1 Programming with Plug-Compatible Objects 322
9.2 Run-Time Type Identification 330
9.3 A Generic Tree 335
9.4 Planning Uniform Public Interfaces 343
9.5 Destruction of Plug-Compatible Objects 352
9.6 Ordering Text Lines 354
9.7 Interfaces 357
9.8 Understanding Virtual Functions 359
9.9 Inheritance Planning 361
9.10 Object-Family Classes 363
9.11 Summary 371
Exercises 372
TEN Templates 375
10.1 Basic Concepts 375
10.2 Function Templates 377
10.3 Class Templates 383
10.4 Template Compilation 388
10.5 A List Template 390
10.6 Class Template Specialization 397
10.7 Derived-Class Template 397
10.8 A Generic Hash Table 400
10.9 Generic Programming Approaches 407
10.10 Summary 409
Exercises 409
ELEVEN Standard Containers 413
11.1 The STL 413
11.2 Standard Container Headers 414
11.3 Efficiency of Sequence Containers 416
11.4 Using stack 417
11.5 Associative Containers 418
11.6 Standard Container Iterators and typedefs 421
11.7 Generic Algorithms for Containers 426
11.8 Ordered Sets 429
11.9 Standard Functors 431
11.11 Pointers to Members 434
11.10 For More STL Information 434
11.12 Instance Functions as Functors 439
11.13 Summary 439
Exercises 440
TWELVE Web CGI Programming 442
12.1 About Networking 442
12.2 Internet Basics 444
12.3 The World-Wide Web 446
12.4 What Is HTML? 448
12.5 Dynamic Generation of Web Pages 450
12.6 HTML Produced from C++ 452
12.7 Forms in HTML 455
12.8 HTTP Message Formats 456
12.9 Writing CGI Programs 458
12.10 Receiving Form Data 459
12.11 User Feedback Handling 461
12.12 More Information 464
12.13 Summary 465
Exercises 465
THIRTEEN Object-Oriented Design 467
13.1 Decomposition Approaches 468
13.2 Object-Oriented Design Principles 469
13.3 Design Patterns 472
13.4 The CRC Method 474
13.5 interfacing to Existing Systems 475
13.6 Pocket Calculator Simulation 479
Exercises 488
13.7 Summary 488
FOURTEEN Compiling and Preprocessing 490
14.1 Compiling and Running C++ Programs 490
14.2 Preprocessing 492
14.3 Header Files 493
14.4 Symbolic Constants and Macros 494
14.3 Inline Functions Versus Macros 496
14.6 Conditional Text Inclusion 497
14.7 Once-Only Header Files 500
14.8 Standard Macros 500
14.9 Compilation and Execution 502
14.10 Summary 506
Exercises 507
A Summary of C++ Constructs 509
B Summary of Special Member Functions 515
C C-Style Strings 516
D Unions and Bit Fields 519
E Interactive Debugging with dbx 525
F Functions with a Variable Number of Arguments 528
G Operator Precedence 531
H Implicit Type Conversions 532
I C++ Library Functions Common with C 534
J C-Style Input/Output 542
K Interfacing C++ and C Programs 547
L Header Files 551
Index 552
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