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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:周静萍,李青林编著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7543813815
  • 页数:434 页

Unit One 一单元 便条(Notes ) 1

Lesson One 留言条(Leaving a Message) 2

Lesson Two 约会条(Making an Appointment) 7

Lesson Three 请假条(Asking for Leave) 12

Lesson Four 托事条(Asking for Help) 17

Lesson Five 借条(Borrowing from Others) 22

Lesson Six 收条(Admitting Receipt) 27

Unit Two 二单元 卡片(Cards) 31

Lesson One 名片(Visitign Card) 32

Lesson Two 请贴(Invitation Card) 39

Lesson Three 贺卡(Greeting Card) 45

Lesson Four 礼卡(Gift Card) 51

Lesson Five 生日卡(Birthday Card) 57

Lesson Six 祝贺卡(Congratulations Card) 62

Lesson Seven 通知卡(Notice Card) 67

Lesson Eight 道歉卡(Apology Card) 72

Unit Three 三单元 招贴(Posters) 77

Lesson One 广告(Advertisement) 78

Lesson Two 招聘(Job Invitation) 84

Lesson Three 通知(Announcement) 90

Lesson Four 海报(Playbill) 96

Lesson Five 启事(Notive) 101

Lesson Six 告示(Public Sign) 106

Unit Four 四单元 演讲(Speeches) 110

Lesson One 晚会致词(Speech at an Evenign Party) 111

Lesson Two 生日致词(Speech at a Birtheday Party) 117

Lesson Three 婚礼致词(Speech at a Wedding Reception) 124

Lesson Four 欢迎词(Speech of Welcome) 131

Lesson Five 欢送词(See-off Speech ) 141

Lesson Six 告别词(Farewell Address) 147

Lesson Seven 祝酒词(Toast) 154

Lesson Eight 颁奖致词(Speech of Offering an Award) 163

Lesson Nine 领奖致词(Speech of Receiving an Award) 171

Lesson Ten介绍词(Speech of Introduction) 178

Lesson Eleven 周年纪念词(Speech at Anniversary Cele-bration) 185

Lesson Twelve 开张致词(Speech of Opening a Business) 190

Unit Five 五单元 书信(Letters) 197

Lesson One 私人信件(Private Letter) 204

Lesson Two 感谢信(Letter of Thanks) 215

Lesson Three 祝贺信(Letter of Congratulations) 222

Lesson Four 介绍信(Letter of Introduction) 229

Lesson Five 求职信(Applivation for Jobs) 239

Lesson Six 辞职信(Letter of Resingation) 246

Lesson Seven 邀请信(Letter of Invitarion) 253

Lesson Eight 应邀信(Accepting an Invitation) 261

Lesson Nine 谢绝信(Declitng an Invitation) 267

Lesson Ten 联系信(Approach Letter) 274

Lesson Eleven 答复信(Letter of Reply) 288

Lesson Twelve 申请信(Letter of Applivation) 289

Lesson Thirteen 接受信(Letter of Admission) 295

Lesson Fourteen 拒绝信(Letter of Declinaton) 302

Lesson Firteen 证明信(Letter of Reference) 308

Lesson Sixteen 推荐信(Letter of Revommendation) 318

Unit Six 六单元 商务信函(Business Letters) 326

Lesson One 建立业务联系(Establishing Business Rela-tionships) 331

Lesson Two 询盘(Inquiry) 338

Lesson Three 发盘(Offer) 344

Lesson Four 还盘(Counter -offer) 350

Lesson Five 接受(Acceptance) 356

Lesson Six 价格(Price) 361

Lesson Seven 支付条件(Terms of Payment) 367

Lesson Eight 包装(Packing) 373

Lesson Nine 装运(Shipment) 379

Lesson Ten 保险(Insurance) 385

Lesson Eleven 索赔(Claim) 391

Lesson Twelve 理赔(Settlement of Claim) 398

Lesson Thirteen 电服(Telegram) 404

Lesson Fourteen 电传(Telex) 411

二、个人简历(Resume) 424

三、经济担保(Financial Guarantee) 428

附录(Appendix) 429

一、证书(Ceriricate) 429

四、研究计划(Research Propsal) 430
