英国人的幽默 英语短文阅读与理解PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴上元编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海教育出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7532056457
- 页数:232 页
1. Stop Me and Buy One 1
2. Quite Right 3
3. Otherwise 5
4. Making Him Pay 7
5. The Lucky Cat 9
6. Unanewerable 11
7. His Sorrow 13
8. Wit in Chldhood 15
9. Heat and Cold 17
10. Doctor's Orders 19
11. The Banker and the Painter 21
12. A Pennyworth of Wit 23
13. Pride and Poverty 25
14. A Subtraction 27
15. The Duke of Marlborough 29
16. Learning and Riches 31
17. Little Jack 33
18. Bill's Portrait 35
19. The Longest Word in English 37
20. Still Too Dear 39
21. The Doctor Knows Better 41
22. The Inconveniences of Corpulence 43
23. The Picture Half Gook and Half Bad 45
24. How to Get a Seat by the Fire 47
25. Twice 5 Make 10 49
26. Long Distance 51
27. The Umbrella 53
28. Not to Lose the Money 55
29. The Scotchman and the Robbers 57
30. A Very Nice Young Man 59
31. Little Betty's First Day at School 61
32. The Sun and the Moon 63
33. Walter Scolt and the Beggar 65
34. The Wrong Board 67
35. Placing Stamps in a Letter 69
36. The Broom-Seller and the Barber 71
37. The Irishman and the Boot-maker 73
38. A Dinner Given to Swift 75
39. The Lottery Ticket 77
40. Packing Up for Holidays 79
41. A Scotchman 81
42. A Scotchman's Appetite 83
43. Tit for Tat 85
44. An Indian's Dream 87
45. Real Laziness 89
46. The Best Physicians 91
47. Death Umavoidable 93
48. The Tipsy Doctor 95
49. The Three Tailors 97
50. Presemce of Mind 99
51. One Penny and One Penny Make Two Pence 101
52. The Domestic Ducks 103
53. Misunderstood 105
54. The Englishman and the French Barber 107
55. Seeing the King 109
56. A Troublesome Child 111
57. The Hungry Arab 113
58. Lewis XI and the Kitchen Boy 115
59. The Three Travellers 117
60. The Rash Judgment 119
61. The Unwelcome Visitor 121
62. The Talkative Barber 123
63. Mr. Perry's Lunch 125
64. The Arm Was Guilty 127
65. The Stolen Horse 129
66. Jack's Exam in History 131
67. An Important Wine Festival 133
68. Letter Writing 135
69. One Legged Geese 137
70. A Tip for Young Husbands 139
71. The Scholar's Logic 141
72. Lesson for Lesson 143
73. The Parrot 145
74. The Lost Pig 147
75. A Thief Taken In 149
76. An Incredible Story 151
77. Call Up for Military Service 153
78. The Unknown Painter 155
79. A Singular Justification 157
80. The King and the Villager 159
81. Cunning of a Blind Man 161
82. Who Laughs Last Laughs Best 163
83. The Students Outwitted 165
84. They Came to See Him Off 168
85. Fine Example of Filial Love 170
86. Do unto Others as You Would Wish to Be Done unto 172
87. The King and the Robbers 174
88. Curious Price for a Fish 177
词组替换练习参考答案 180
参考译文 195
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- 《阅读指要》陈艺鸣编著 2020
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- 《现代教育技术》李志河主编 2019