- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程富金,胡立之著;程世楷译;中外金桥编辑部编
- 出 版 社:香港新天出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:9624680524
- 页数:219 页
1.Preface 1
2.The Famous Tea in Huangshan 5
3.Yudafu's Huizhou Travelling 10
4.The shelter Treasure and Countenance Precious Exibition 11
5.The Letters Manuscripts and Paintings or Calligraph Is Shining as good as the Gold 15
6.The Natural Film and TV studio 18
7.Huangshan the Natura Botanical Garden 22
8.The Huangshan Pine Trees 24
9.The Peach Blossom Pond 26
10.The Magnificient Graceful Bearing of Taiping Lake 30
11.The Marvellous Spectacle of the Supernatural Being's Cave 32
12.The Houkui Tea Smell Sweet and Drunk for over a Hundred Li 33
13.The Beautiful Taiping Lake and the Fat Fishes 39
14.The Fengle Reservior 41
15.The VArity Ancient Building ofChengheng Village 43
16.The Visiting of the Ancient Constructs of Huizhou 46
17.Tang Mu's Tanggan Garden 51
18.The Old House Pavilion and the Rounding GReen Tower 55
19.Chengdan's Bao Leng Pavilion 58
20.The Vandi's Weng Feng Tower 62
21.The Qiankou's Advicing Office 64
22.The Qiankou Caos Hall 66
23.The White Lily Flower 66
24.The old Camphor Tree 68
25.The King of the Vegetables——Mountain Fern 70
26.The Huizhou's Yangtao 71
27.The Yellow Day Lily 73
28.The"Upper Nine"Temple Fair of Yansi 76
29."The Eastern Ancient Rome" 78
30.The Sightseeing of the Flower 81
31.Finding the Truth and Inspiring the Generation--Pay Respects tothe Dai Zhen Memorial Hall 86
32.Dai Zhen's Achievements Spreading Forever 90
33.Many Strange Treasures Are Made of the Bamboo 93
34.The Tungxi Fireworks 97
35.The Tungxi's Lacquerwares 99
36.The Ancient City's Rocks Leave a Good Name for a Hundred Generations 102
37.The Ancient People's House in the Small Taoyuan 108
38.The Magnificient Sight and Resort of Gunew Jiang 115
39."Qimen Smell Sweat"and the British Queen 121
40.The Ancient City's Scenery 125
41.The Ancient City's Elegant Demeanours 131
42.The Ancient City Shexian's Three Bridges 134
43.Two Towers of the Song Dynasty 138
44.The Xu Guo Stone Memorial Archway 141
45.The Bamboo Mountain's Academy of Classical Learning 144
46.The Zhiyan Academy Classical of Learning 147
47.The Eight Corner Pavilion of Xu Village 149
48.The Ancestral Hall of Lu Dongbing 150
49.The Tangyue's Memorial Gateway Groups 153
50.The Place of Historic Interest and Scenic Spots of the Xinan Jiang 156
51.A Much—Told Tale of the King's Traveling Over Fuquan Mount 158
52.The Farmer Home of Huang Binhong 160
53.The Jiangjiang's Grave 162
54.The Painter Wang Caibai 164
55.Li Bai in She Xian 165
56.The Inkstone of She Xian 171
57.The Huizhou's Ink 176
58.The Chen Xingtang's Paper 180
59.The Wang Berli's Chinese Brush 184
60.The Gathering of the Local Dishes 186
61.Have an Informal Discussion 194
62.The Huizhou Snow Pear 202
63.The three Tan's Loquat 204
64.The She Xian's Orange 207
65.The Golden Amber Jujube 209
66.The Fubai's Red Bayberry 211
67.The Huizhou Tributed Chrysan Themum 214
68.The Huizhou Factional Potted Landscapes 217
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