- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭(Kuo,M.S.),李(Lee,H.B.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7302077002
- 页数:496 页
1 Introduction to Real-Time Digital Signal Processing 1
1.1 Basic Elements of Real-Time DSP Systems 2
1.2 Input and Output Channels 3
1.2.1 Input Signal Conditioning 3
1.2.2 A/D Conversion 4
1.2.3 Sampling 5
1.2.4 Quantizing and Encoding 7
1.2.6 Input/Output Devices 9
1.2.5 D/A Conversion 9
1.3 DSP Hardware 11
1.3.1 DSP Hardware Options 11
1.3.2 Fixed-and Floating-Point Devices 13
1.3.3 Real-Time Constraints 14
1.4 DSP System Design 14
1.4.1 Algorithm Development 14
1.4.2 Selection of DSP Chips 16
1.4.3 Software Development 17
1.4.4 High-Level Software Development Tools 18
1.5 Experiments Using Code Composer Studio 19
1.5.1 Experiment 1A-Using the CCS and the TMS320C55x Simulator 20
1.5.2 Experiment 1B-Debugging Program on the CCS 25
1.5.3 Experiment 1C-File Input and Output 28
1.5.4 Experiment 1D-Code Efficiency Analysis 29
1.5.5 Experiment 1E-General Extension Language 32
References 33
Exercises 33
2.1 Introduction 35
2 Introduction to TMS320C55x Digital Signal Processor 35
2.2 TMS320C55x Architecture 36
2.2.1 TMS320C55x Architecture Overview 36
2.2.2 TMS320C55x Buses 39
2.2.3 TMS320C55x Memory Map 40
2.3 Software Development Tools 40
2.3.1 C Compiler 42
2.3.2 Assembler 44
2.3.3 Linker 46
2.3.4 Code Composer Studio 48
2.3.5 Assembly Statement Syntax 49
2.4 TMS320C55x Addressing Modes 50
2.4.1 Direct Addressing Mode 52
2.4.2 Indirect Addressing Mode 53
2.4.3 Absolute Addressing Mode 56
2.4.4 Memory-Mapped Register Addressing Mode 56
2.4.5 Register Bits Addressing Mode 57
2.4.6 Circular Addressing Mode 58
2.5.1 TMS320C55x Pipeline 59
2.5 Pipeline and Parallelism 59
2.5.2 Parallel Execution 60
2.6 TMS320C55x Instruction Set 63
2.6.1 Arithmetic Instructions 63
2.6.2 Logic and Bits Manipulation Instructions 64
2.6.3 Move Instruction 65
2.6.4 Program Flow Control Instructions 66
2.7 Mixed C and Assembly Language Programming 68
2.8 Experiments-Assembly Programming Basics 70
2.8.1 Experiment 2A-Interfacing C with Assembly Code 71
2.8.2 Experiment 2B-Addressing Mode Experiments 72
Rererences 75
Exercises 75
3 DSP Fundamentals and Implementation Considerations 77
3.1 Digital Signals and Systems 77
3.1.1 Elementary Digital Signals 77
3.1.2 Block Diagram Representation of Digital Systems 79
3.1.3 Impulse Response of Digital Systems 83
3.2 Introduction to Digital Filters 83
3.2.1 FIR Filters and Power Estimators 84
3.2.2 Response of Linear Systems 87
3.2.3 IIR Filters 88
3.3 Introduction to Random Variables 90
3.3.1 Review of Probability and Random Variables 90
3.3.2 Operations on Random Variables 92
3.4 Fixed-Point Representation and Arithmetic 95
3.5 Quantization Errors 98
3.5.1 Input Quantization Noise 98
3.5.2 Coefficient Quantization Noise 101
3.5.3 Roundoff Noise 102
3.6 Overflow and Solutions 103
3.6.1 Saturation Arithmetic 103
3.6.2 Overflow Handling 104
3.6.3 Scaling of Signals 105
3.7 Implementation Procedure for Real-Time Applications 107
3.8 Experiments of Fixed-Point Implementations 108
3.8.1 Experiment 3A-Quantization of Sinusoidal Signals 109
3.8.2 Experiment 3B-Quantization of Speech Signals 111
3.8.3 Experiment 3C-Overflow and Saturation Arithmetic 112
3.8.4 Experiment 3D-Quantization of Coefficients 115
3.8.5 Experiment 3E-Synthesizing Sine Function 117
References 121
Exercises 122
4 Frequency Analysis 127
4.1 Fourier Series and Transform 127
4.1.1 Fourier Series 127
4.1.2 Fourier Transform 130
4.2.1 Definitions and Basic Properties 133
4.2 The z-Transforms 133
4.2.2 Inverse z-Transform 136
4.3 System Concepts 141
4.3.1 Transfer Functions 141
4.3.2 Digital Filters 143
4.3.3 Poles and Zeros 144
4.3.4 Frequency Responses 148
4.4 Discrete Fourier Transform 152
4.4.1 Discrcte-Time Fourier Series and Transform 152
4.4.2 Aliasing and Folding 154
4.4.3 Discrete Fourier Transform 157
4.4.4 Fast Fourier Transform 159
4.5 Applications 160
4.5.1 Design of Simple Notch Filters 160
4.5.2 Analysis of Room Acoustics 162
4.6 Experiments Using the TMS320C55x 165
4.6.1 Experiment 4A-Twiddle Factor Generation 167
4.6.2 Experiment 4B-Complex Data Operation 169
4.6.3 Experiment 4C-Implementation of DFT 171
4.6.4 Experiment 4D-Experiment Using Assembly Routines 173
References 176
Exercises 176
5 Design and Implementation of FIR Filters 181
5.1 Introduction to Digital Filters 181
5.1.1 Filter Characteristics 182
5.1.2 Filter Types 183
5.1.3 Filter Specifications 185
5.2.1 Linear Convolution 189
5.2 FIR Filtering 189
5.2.2 Some Simple FIR Filters 192
5.2.3 Linear Phase FIR Filters 194
5.2.4 Realization of FIR Filters 198
5.3 Design of FIR Filters 201
5.3.1 Filter Design Procedure 201
5.3.2 Fourier Series Method 202
5.3.3 Gibbs Phenomenon 205
5.3.4 Window Functions 208
5.3.5 Frequency Sampling Method 214
5.4 Design of FIR Filters Using MATLAB 219
5.5.1 Software Implementations 221
5.5 Implementation Considerations 221
5.5.2 Quantization Effects in FIR Filters 223
5.6 Experiments Using the TMS320C55x 225
5.6.1 Experiment 5A-Implementation of Block FIR Filter 227
5.6.2 Experiment 5B-Implementation of Symmetric FIR Filter 230
5.6.3 Experiment 5C-Implementation of FIR Filter Using Dual-MAC 233
References 235
Exercises 236
6.1.1 Introduction to the Laplace Transform 241
6 Design and Implementation of IIR Filters 241
6.1 Laplace Transform 241
6.1.2 Relationships between the Laplace and z-Transforms 245
6.1.3 Mapping Properties 246
6.2 Analog Filters 247
6.2.1 Introduction to Analog Filters 248
6.2.2 Characteristics of Analog Filters 249
6.23 Frequency Transforms 253
6.3.1 Review of IIR Filters 255
6.3 Design of IIR Filters 255
6.3.2 Impulse-Invariant Method 256
6.3.3 Bilinear Transform 259
6.3.4 Filter Design Using Bilinear Transform 261
6.4 Realization of IIR Filters 263
6.4.1 Direct Forms 263
6.4.2 Cascade Form 266
6.4.3 Parallel Form 268
6.4.4 Realization Using MATLAB 269
6.5 Design of IIR Filters Using MATLAB 271
6.6 Implementation Considerations 273
6.6.1 Stability 274
6.6.2 Finite-Precision Effects and Solutions 275
6.6.3 Software Implementations 279
6.6.4 Practical Applications 280
6.7 Software Developments and Experiments Using the TMS320C55x 284
6.7.1 Design of IIR Filter 285
6.7.2 Experiment 6A-Floating-Point C Implementation 286
6.7.3 Experiment 6B-Fixed-Point C Implementation Using Intrinsics 289
6.7.4 Experiment 6C-Fixed-Point C Programming Considerations 292
6.7.5 Experiment 6D-Assembly Language Implementations 295
References 297
Exercises 297
7 Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications 303
7.1 Discrete Fourier Transform 303
7.1.1 Definitions 304
7.1.2 Important Properties of DFT 308
7.1.3 Circular Convolution 311
7.2 Fast Fourier Transforms 314
7.2.1 Decimation-in-Time 315
7.2.2 Decimation-in-Frequency 319
7.2.3 Inverse Fast Fourier Transform 320
7.2.4 MATLAB Implementations 321
7.3 Applications 322
7.3.1 Spectrum Estimation and Analysis 322
7.3.2 Spectral Leakage and Resolution 324
7.3.3 Power Density Spectrum 328
7.3.4 Fast Convolution 330
7.3.5 Spectrogram 332
7.4 Implementation Considerations 333
7.4.1 Computational Issues 334
7.4.2 Finite-Precision Effects 334
7.5 Experiments Using the TMS320C55x 336
7.5.1 Experiment 7A-Radix-2 Complex FFT 336
7.5.2 Experiment 7B-Radix-2 Complex FFT Using Assembly Language 341
7.5.4 Experiment 7D-Fast Convolution 344
7.5.3 Experiment 7C-FFT and IFFT 344
References 346
Exercises 347
8 Adaptive Filtering 351
8.1 Introduction to Random Processes 351
8.1.1 Correlation Functions 352
8.1.2 Frequency-Domain Representations 356
8.2 Adaptive Filters 359
8.2.1 Introduction to Adaptive Filtering 359
8.2.2 Performance Function 361
8.2.3 Method of Steepest Descent 365
8.2.4 The LMS Algorithm 366
8.3 Performance Analysis 367
8.3.1 Stability Constraint 367
8.3.2 Convergence Speed 368
8.3.3 Excess Mean-Square Error 369
8.4 Modified LMS Algorithms 370
8.4.1 Normalized LMS Algorithm 370
8.4.2 Leaky LMS Algorithm 371
8.5 Applications 372
8.5.1 Adaptive System Identification 372
8.5.2 Adaptive Linear Prediction 373
8.5.3 Adaptive Noise Cancellation 375
8.5.4 Adaptive Notch Filters 377
8.5.5 Adaptive Channel Equalization 379
8.6 Implementation Considerations 381
8.6.1 Computational Issues 381
8.6.2 Finite-Precision Effects 382
8.7.1 Experiment 8A-Adaptive System Identification 385
8.7 Experiments Using the TMS320C55x 385
8.7.2 Experiment 8B-Adaptive Predictor Using the Leaky LMS Algorithm 390
References 396
Exercises 396
9 Practical DSP Applications in Communications 399
9.1 Sinewave Generators and Applications 399
9.1.1 Lookup-Table Method 400
9.1.2 Linear Chirp Signal 402
9.1.3 DTMF Tone Generator 403
9.2 Noise Generators and Applications 404
9.2.1 Linear ?ongruential Sequence Generator 404
9.2.2 Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Generator 406
9.2.3 Comfort Noise in Communication Systems 408
9.2.4 Off-Line System Modeling 409
9.3 DTMF Tone Detection 410
9.3.1 Specifications 410
9.3.2 Goertzel Algorithm 411
9.3.3 Implementation Considerations 414
9.4 Adaptive Echo Cancellation 417
9.4.1 Line Echoes 417
9.4.2 Adaptive Echo Canceler 418
9.4.3 Practical Considerations 422
9.4.4 Double-Talk Effects and Solutions 423
9.4.5 Residual Echo Suppressor 425
9.5 Acoustic Echo Cancellation 426
9.5.1 Introduction 426
9.5.2 Acoustic Echo Canceler 427
9.5.3 Implementation Considerations 428
9.6 Speech Enhancement Techniques 429
9.6.1 Noise Reduction Techniques 429
9.6.2 Spectral Subtraction Techniques 431
9.6.3 Implementation Considerations 433
9.7 Projects Using the TMS320C55x 435
9.7.1 Project Suggestions 435
9.7.2 A Project Example-Wireless Application 437
References 442
A.1 Trigonometric Identities 445
Appendix A Some Useful Formulas 445
A.2 Geometric Series 446
A.3 Complex Variables 447
A.4 Impulse Functions 449
A.5 Vector Concepts 449
A.6 Units of Power 450
Reference 451
B.1 Elementary Operations 453
B.1.1 Initializing Variables and Vectors 453
Appendix B Introduction of MATLAB for DSP Applications 453
B.1.2 Graphics 455
B.1.3 Basic Operators 457
B.1.4 Files 459
B.2 Generation and Processing of Digital Signals 460
B.3 DSP Applications 463
B.4 User-Written Functions 465
B.5 Summary of Useful MATLAB Functions 466
References 467
Appendix C Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications 469
C.1 A Simple C Program 470
C.1.1 Variables and Assignment Operators 472
C.1.2 Numeric Data Types and Conversion 473
C.1.3 Arrays 474
C.2 Arithmetic and Bitwise Operators 475
C.2.1 Arithmetic Operators 475
C.2.2 Bitwise Operators 476
C.3 An FIR Filter Program 476
C.3.1 Command-Line Arguments 477
C.3.2 Pointers 477
C.3.3 C Functions 478
C.3.4 Files and I/O Operations 480
C.4 Control Structures and Loops 481
C.4.1 Control Structures 481
C.4.2 Logical Operators 483
C.4.3 Loops 484
C.5 Data Types Used by the TMS320C55x 485
References 486
Appendix D About the Software 487
Index 489
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