- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谢竹藩,楼之岑,黄孝楷等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7800052265
- 页数:726 页
Ⅰ Theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements 1
阴阳 Yin and Yang 1
五行 The Five Elements 5
Ⅱ Structure and Function of the Human Body 12
脏腑 Internal Organs 12
其他组织及体表部位 Other Tissues,Organs and Regions of the Body Surface 34
Ⅲ Material Basis of Vital Activities 50
Ⅳ Etiology and Pathogenesis 58
Ⅴ Method of Diagnosis 89
Ⅵ Differentiation of Syndromes 129
Ⅶ Principles and Methods of Treatment 166
Ⅷ Diseases of Internal Medicine 216
时病 Seasonal Diseases 216
内科杂病 Miscellaneous lnternal Diseases 223
Ⅸ External Diseases 247
Ⅹ Gynecological and Obstetrical Diseases 259
Ⅺ Children s Diseases 272
Ⅻ Diseases of Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat 284
ⅩⅢ Chinese Materia Medica 296
解表药 Diaphoretics or Drugs for the Treatment of Exterior Syndromes 310
止咳化痰平喘药 Antitussives,Expectorants and Antiasthmatics 315
清热约 Anupyretics(Fedrifuges)or Drugs for Clearing up Internal Heat 322
祛风湿药 Antirheumatics or Drugs for Relieving Rheumatic Conditions 335
温寒药 Drugs for Dispelling Internal Cold 340
芳香化湿药 Aromatic Drugs for Rsolving Dampness 342
利尿逐水药 Diuretics and Hydragogues 344
理气药 Carminatives or Drugs for Regulating the Flow of Qi(Vital Energy) 351
理血药 Drugs for Regulating Blood Conditions 355
芳香开窍药 Aromatic Stimulants 365
安神药 Sedatives and Tranquilizers 367
平肝熄风药 Anticonvulsives or Drugs for Subduing the Hyperactivity of the Liver and the Endogenous Wind 370
补养药 Tonics 373
固涩药 Astringents and Hemostatics 386
消导药 Digestives and Evacuants 390
泻下药 Purgatives 391
驱虫药 Anthelmintics 393
外用药 Drugs for External Use 394
ⅪⅤ Prescriptions 398
常用方剂 Commonly Used Recipes 403
成药 Patent Medicines 418
ⅩⅤ Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Meridians and Points 436
针法 Acupuncture 436
经络 Meridians and Collaterals 444
俞穴 Acupoints 461
灸法及其他 Moxibustion and Others 509
ⅩⅥ Massotherapy and Bone-setting 514
ⅩⅦ Qigong and Health Preservation 533
气功 Qigong 533
养生 Health Preservation 549
ⅩⅧ Distinguished Physicians and Well-known Medical Works in History 556
名医 Distinguished Physicians 556
名著 Well-known Medical Works 594
Appendices 624
AppendixⅠ Latin Names of Chinese Drugsin Common Use 624
AppendixⅡ Chinese Character Phonetic Index 631
AppendixⅢ Chinese Character Stroke Index 678
AppendixⅣ Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and Wade System 721
AppendixⅤ A Comparative List of Nomenclature of 14 Meridians and Their Alphabetic Codes 725
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