- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:国家统计局制度方法司,全国第三产业普查协调小组办公室编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国统计出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7503713518
- 页数:284 页
第一部分 常用社会经济信息分类与代码 1
PART1:Frequently using statistical classification and coding of social economic information 1
01 Provisional regulations for statistical unit 3
01 关于统计调查单位的暂行规定 3
附:统计调查单位的暂行规定实施细则 5
Annex.Rules for the implementation of provisional regulations on statistical unit 5
02 关于在劳动计划与统计中划分企业实施细则 8
02 Provisional reulations for classification to enterprises,institutions,and goverment units in labour plan and statistics 8
APPENDIX:The detailed scope of enterprises,institutions,govermen and communities 10
附:企业、事业、机关团体的具体范围 10
03 Rule of coding for representation of enterprisies,institutions and social groups 12
03 全国企业、事业单位和社会团体代码编制规则 12
04 Standard classification to industrial enterprises accorcling to size 15
04 大中小型工业企业划分标准 15
05 Sfandard classification of construction erterprises allording to specific type 31
05 建筑企业专业分类 31
06 Coding for subordination of organization 32
06 单位隶属关系代码 32
07 Names and codes for the Central Party and State Organs,People's Communities and the other State Organizations 33
07 中央党政机关人民团体及其他机构名称代码 33
附:中央党政机关和人民团体代码表(国家统一代码标识) 36
08 Provisional regulations for classification of types of economic ownership 38
08 关于经济类型划分的暂行规定 38
附:经济类型与代码 40
APPENDIX:economical categories and codes 40
09 Industrial classification and codes for national economic activites 41
09 国民经济待业分类和代码 41
10 Indusfrial classification and codes for national economic actvities used in annual statistacal reportsin 1993. and segnlar seposts in1994. 70
10 1993年统计年报用国民经济行业分类和代码 70
11 regulations on classification to the primary,the secondary and the tertiary industry 105
11 关于三次产业划分的规定 105
12 全国第三产业普查待业分类及代码 106
12 Industrial classification codes for the national Censns on the tertiany industry 106
13 The way of State budget management and codes 115
13 国家瞀管理方式与代码 115
14 固定资产分类与代码 116
14 Codes and classification for fixed assets 116
15 Classificartion and codes for national industrial and agricultural products(commodities.supplies) 122
15 全国工农业产品(商品、物资)分类与代码 122
16 Social securrity unmber 148
16 社会保障号码 148
17 Names of ntionalities of China in romanization with codes 150
17 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码 150
18 Codes for degrees of the People's Republic of China 152
18 文化程度代码 152
19 Regulations on composition of total wage and salary 153
19 关于工资总额组成的规定 153
20 职业分类和代码 155
20 Classification and codes of occupations 155
21 专业技术职务代码 181
21 Codes of professional techcical position 181
22 Names and codes for the officials positions 184
22 干部职务名称代码 184
23 Codes for cadres positions classes 190
23 干部职务名称代码 190
24 Regulations for classification to urban and rural area in statistics 191
24 关于统计中城乡划分的规定 191
25 Codes for the administrative divisions of the Pcople's Republic of China 198
25 中华人民共和国行政区划分代码 198
APPENDIX:contrast tale of alteration 234
附:中华人民共和国行政我划分码变列对照表 234
APPENDIX:Rules for the code repesentation of administrative divisiions under counties 235
附:关于县以下行政区划的编码规则 245
26 Codes for the repersentation of names of countries and regions 247
26.世界各国和地区名称代码 247
01 Rules for draftin standards of information classifying and coding 252
第二部分 信息分类编码基本知识 252
02 The basic principles and methods for in formation classifying and coding 254
01 信息分类编码标准的编写规定 254
02 信息分类编码的基本原则和方法 258
03 Principles and methods of terminology 267
04 Fundament terms of standardization 267
04 标准化基本术语 267
03 确立术语的一般原则与方法 267
05 Definition of common rcrms used in classification and coding 281
05 分类编码通用术语 281
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