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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:程惠芳主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7500439415
  • 页数:356 页

第一部分 1

How A Firm's Operating Performance Affects Its Stock Returns——Evidence from the US Manufacturing Firms&Francis Cai Lianzan Xu Huifang Cheng 3

Foreign Direct Investment and Equilibrium of Balance of Payments&Cheng Huifang 13

Setting Exchange Rates&Alain Fiorucei 20

The Evolution of Four Technological Concepts and Their Ramifications on Current&Future World Markets&Craig S.Lasseigne 24

Beyond the Drive for Bottom Line:New Measures of Corporate Competitiveness&Audrey Tsui Heung Heung,Ph.D 33

Risk Management of The Venture Capital&Lao Limin Wang Hongfel Xu Yanqing 48

The Evaluation Parameter System of Foreign Direct Investment and International Competition Capability——Theory Research and Demonstration of Chinese FDI&Du Qunyang Zhu Qin 54

Development of Private Business and Financial Market System——Evsiness&Administration College,Zhejiang University of Technology&Chen Chungen Shen Rui 60

Financial Innovation and Steady Operation of Commercial Banks&She Derong Shen Rui 67

An Optimisation Study of Capital Structure Based on Corporate Governance&Yao Ligen Li Wanqing Zheng Shuangbao 73

Research on Electronic Payment Mode Based on Internet&Zhang Yi Shen Rui Tu Zheng 79

Bank Credit Risk Management in The Post WTO Environments&Kong Xinrui Chao Laichun 87

Risk Analysis of the Central Bank on the Development of E-money&Luo Dancheng Shen Jie Li Qian 91

The Development of Venture Capital and High-tech Industries of China&Xu Yangqing Gao Xuefen 97

Multinational Corporations Capital Structure Determinants Based on Tradeoff model&Zhu Qiu Du Quyang 103

Research on Finance Industry Operation Mode of China&Li Qian Gou yan Wu Bing 109

Study on the Relations between FDI and Domestic Investment&Ding Xiaoyi 114

On Global Financial Vulnerability and the Role of International Financial Institutions&Francls Cai 121

Venture Capital in China post WTO Era&James Xu 124

Administration of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws&Linda Chang 127

Information Technology Risk Management Process in the Time of Economic Downturn&Sharma·Founder,Datanation,New Delhi 131

New Product Development and Technology Transfer in Small and Medium Sized Enter-prises in China:Implications of WTO Entry and Opportunities for Collaboration&The professor has a golden bowl but begs for food 141

Why Japan Needs to Develop its Corporate Band Market&Jonathan A.Batten 143

Policy Effectiveness with a Constant Interest Rate:with and without Defined Monetary Processes&Turan Bali and Thom Thurston 145

第二部分 149

维持国际清偿力——发展中国家外汇储备管理的金融危机模型&刘红忠 151

建立和健全中小企业信用担保体系&曹凤岐 157

进一步整顿和改善社会信用&赵海宽 165

中国中小金融机构的市场定位与发展前景&李琨 170

科技型中小企业融资环境研究&陆立军 王立军 175

论我国商业银行全面风险管理体系的构建&吴建杭 190

金融工程在我国商业银行应用的经济分析&姜瑞斌 虞迪锋 201

利率市场化对工商银行的影响及对策研究&林辉能 朱国清 姚秀琴 214

资产证券化:银证合作与现实障碍&王静 韩爱华 221

论资本市场开放与监管体系建设&姜宝珍 涂利亚 杨帆 226

金融网络化及其应对策略探讨&陈畴镛 洪凯 230

试论股票期权的激励机制及其衍生性质&王治平 华才锋 235

中国金融系统风险预警模型及实证分析——多因素层次模糊综合评判&章和杰 239

中国银行业的改革动向、管理提升与金融服务现代化&陈光明 250

美国风险投资与高新技术产业发展对接的商业模式初探&欧阳仲健 顾志刚 255

中小企业信用担保风险因素分析&沈毅俊 260

公共基础设施投融资方式及运营模式探讨&陈恒 265

我国商业银行利率风险的现状及成因分析&冯国柱 陈宝峰 郭世芳 271

互换交易两大基本功能的博弈分析&都红雯 黄颖正 277

城建投资公司规范化发展的外部条件初探&王尧兴 282

服务业国际化:全球背景与路径选择&郑吉昌 287

诚信原则与银行管理&屠整 295

入世后国有商业银行企业文化建设问题研究&冯茂慧 299

国外技术转移机制分析其及对我国网上技术市场的启示&蔡呈曦 304

期权估价模型与企业价值评估&潘申彪 309

三资企业创新优势源泉实证分析&胡菊勇 314

浙江网上技术市场的定价模式分析&章勇 319

投资环境研究的理论进展及其评价方法综述&陈晓峰 324

论浙江和广东开放路径的异同&周艺 王小毅 331

网上技术市场的风险及风险管理&胡军 336

半导体设备租赁融资案例研讨&梁敬思 341

会议日程安排 348

后记 356
