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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李德荣编
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7562807345
  • 页数:295 页

Chapter 1 Business and Society(企业与社会) 1

Ⅰ.The Social Responsibility of Business(企业的社会责任) 1

Ⅱ.Consumerism(保护消费者权益) 3

Ⅲ.Business Ethics(职业道德) 6

Chapter 2 Forms of Business Ownership(1)(企业的所有制形式)(上) 16

Ⅰ.Sole Proprietorship(独资经营企业) 16

Ⅱ.Partnersl ips(合伙经营企业) 20

Chapter 3 ?orms of Business Ownership(2)(企业的所有制形式)(下) 28

Ⅰ.What ls a Corporation?(什么是责任有限公司?) 28

Ⅱ.How Corporations Are Created and Managed?(责任有公司如何创立和经营?) 31

Ⅲ.Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations (责任有限公司的利弊) 34

Chapter 4 Management Principles(管理原则) 44

Ⅰ.Nature of Management(管理的本义) 44

Ⅱ.Levels of Management(管理的层次) 46

Ⅲ.Functions of Management(管理的功能) 48

Chapter 5 Managerial Skills and Managers(管理技能和管理人员) 57

Ⅰ.Styles of Leadership(领导风格) 57

Ⅱ.Managerial Skills(管理技能) 59

Ⅲ.Where Do Managers ComeFrom?(管理人员从何而来?) 61

Ⅳ.Better Communication(增进交流) 63

Ⅰ.What Is Corporate Culture?(什么是企业文化?) 69

Chapter 6 Corporate Culture(企业文化) 69

Ⅱ.Elements of Corporate Culture(企业文化的组成部分) 71

Ⅲ.Creating a Corporate Culture(创造企业文化) 74

Chapter 7 Business Organization and Structure(企业的组织和结构) 81

Ⅰ.Specialization(专门化) 81

Ⅱ.Delegation of Authority(委任授权) 83

Ⅲ.Degree of Centralization(集中程度) 85

Ⅳ.Departmentalization(部门化) 87

Ⅰ.Nature of Products(产品的本义) 94

Chapter 8 Products(产品) 94

Ⅱ.Research and Development(研究与开发) 96

Ⅲ.Product Life Cycle(产品的生命周期) 99

Chapter 9 Pricing(定价) 108

Ⅰ.Nature of Pricing(定价的本义) 108

Ⅱ.Pricing Objectives(定价目标) 110

Ⅲ.Pricing Policies(定价政策) 113

Chapter 10 Production Management(生产管理) 121

Ⅰ.Facility Location(厂址选择) 121

Ⅱ.Product Design(产品设计) 124

Ⅲ.Quality Control(质量监控) 127

Chapter 11 Human Resources Management(1)(人力资源管理)(上) 135

Ⅰ.Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs(马斯洛的需求层次理论) 135

Ⅱ.Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory(赫兹伯格的双因数理论) 138

Ⅲ.McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y(麦格雷戈的X理论和Y理论) 141

Ⅳ.Job Enrichment(工作丰富化) 143

Chapter 12 Human Resources Management(2)(人力资源管理)(下) 150

Ⅰ.The Selection Process(人员选择的过程) 150

Ⅱ.Financial Compensation(经济补偿) 154

Ⅲ.Promotions,Transfers,and Separations(提升、调动和离职) 157

Chapter 13 Marketing(1)(营销)(上) 165

Ⅰ.The Marketing Concept(营销的概念) 165

Ⅱ.Functions of Marketing(营销的功能) 167

Ⅲ.The Marketing Mix(营销组合) 170

Ⅳ.Marketing Research(市场调查) 173

Chapter 14 Marketing(2)(营销)(下) 181

Ⅰ.Sales Promotion(促销) 181

Ⅱ.Advertising(广告) 187

Ⅲ.Publicity(宣传) 192

Ⅰ.Objective of Financial Management(财务管理的目标) 199

Chapter 15 Financial Management(财务管理) 199

Ⅱ.Sources of Funds(资金来源) 201

Ⅲ.Uses of Funds(资金使用) 206

Chapter 16 Accounting and Financial Statements(会计和财务报表) 214

Ⅰ.Accounting and Accountants(会计和会计人员) 214

Ⅱ.The Income Statement(收益表) 217

Ⅲ.The Balance Sheet(资产负债表) 221

Chapter 17 Business Law(企业法) 229

Ⅰ.Types and Sources of Law(法律的种类和来源) 229

Ⅱ.The Contract Law(合同法) 232

Ⅲ.The Law of Property(财产法) 235

Ⅳ.The Law of Torts(民事侵权行为法) 237

Chapter 18 International Business(国际商务) 244

Ⅰ.Theories of Absolute and Comparative Advantage(绝对利益和比较利益学说) 244

Ⅱ.Forms of International Trade(国际贸易的形式) 247

Ⅲ.Multinational Business(跨国公司) 251

Ⅳ.Trade Barriers(贸易壁垒) 254

Appendix Ⅰ Glossary(附录1:专业词汇) 262

Appendix Ⅱ Key to Exercises(附录2:练习答案,译文供参考) 279
