导弹制导原理 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:江加和编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787512407527
- 页数:312 页
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Missile Guidance 1
1.1 Development History of Rockets and Missiles 1
1.2 Categories of Guided Missiles 2
1.3 Missile Guidance Systems 4
1.4 Introduction to Command Guidance System 6
1.5 Introduction to Homing Guidance System 8
1.5.1 Basic Concept and Classification of Homing Guidance System 8
1.5.2 Introduction to Seeker 9
1.6 Brief Introduction to Guidance Laws 13
1.7 Autopilots 14
1.8 Outline of the Book 15
References 16
CHAPTER 2 Basic Knowledge of Flight Dynamics 17
2.1 Coordinate Frames 17
2.2 Motion Parameters 19
2.3 Geometrical Parameters of Vehicle 22
2.4 Forces and Moments Acting on Vehicle 23
2.4.1 Gravity 24
2.4.2 Thrust 24
2.4.3 Aerodynamic Forces 26
2.4.4 Aerodynamic Moments 30
2.5 Hinge Moments of Control Surfaces 36
References 37
CHAPTER 3 Equations of Motion for Vehicle 38
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Dynamic Equations 40
3.2.1 Force Equations 40
3.2.2 Moment Equations 41
3.3 Kinematical Equations 42
3.3.1 Kinematical Equations of the Mass Center of Vehicle 42
3.3.2 Angular Motion Equations 45
3.4 Small-disturbance Theory 47
References 51
CHAPTER 4 Longitudinal Motion 52
4.1 State Variable Representation of the Linearized Longitudinal Equations 52
4.2 Longitudinal Transfer Functions 54
4.3 Longitudinal Approximations 56
4.3.1 Short-period Approximation 56
4.3.2 Short-period Approximation Transfer Function 57
4.3.3 Effect of Altitude and Airspeed on Short-period Mode Characteristic Parameters 58
4.3.4 Long-period Motion Approximation 59
4.3.5 Effect of Altitude and Airspeed on Long-period Mode Characteristic Parameters 60
4.4 Effects of the Variation of Aerodynamic Derivatives on the Longitudinal Motion 61
4.5 Solution of the Longitudinal Equations(Control Surface Locked) 62
4.6 Transient Response of Vehicle 67
4.7 An Integrated Example 70
References 76
CHAPTER 5 Lateral Motion 77
5.1 State Variable Representation of the Linearized Lateral Equations 77
5.2 Lateral Transfer Functions 79
5.3 Lateral Approximations 83
5.3.1 Roll Approximation 83
5.3.2 Effect of Altitude and Airspeed on Roll Mode Characteristic Parameters 84
5.3.3 Dutch Roll Approximation 84
5.3.4 Effect of Altitude and Airspeed on Dutch Roll Mode Characteristic Parameters 85
5.3.5 Spiral Approximation 85
5.4 Effect of Aerodynamic Derivative Variation on Lateral Dynamics Characteristics 86
5.5 Examples of Lateral Motion 87
5.6 Small Disturbance Motion Equation Reduction for a Missile with Two Symmetrical Planes 96
References 103
CHAPTER 6 Flight Control of Missile 104
6.1 Introduction 104
6.2 Control Force Generation 105
6.2.1 Aerodynamic Force Control 105
6.2.2 Thrust Vector Control 107
6.2.3 Rocket Injection Control 109
6.3 Steering Components 109
6.3.1 Aerodynamic Control Surfaces 109
6.3.2 Jet Steering Components 111
6.4 Missile Maneuverability and Load Factor 112
6.5 Control Surface Specification 114
6.6 Flight Control System with Attitude Control 116
6.6.1 Control System Components 116
6.6.2 Longitudinal Control 117
6.6.3 Lateral Directional Control 119
6.7 Guidance System with Acceleration Control 121
6.7.1 Acceleration Control 121
6.7.2 The Two-acceleration Lateral Autopilot 124
6.8 Roll Rate Stabilization 126
6.9 Missile Servos 126
6.9.1 Pneumatic Servos 127
6.9.2 Hydraulic Servos 129
6.9.3 Electric Servos 130
6.10 Gyroscopes 130
6.11 Free or Position Gyroscopes 133
6.12 Rate Gyroscopes 134
6.13 Accelerometers 135
6.14 Altimeters 137
References 138
CHAPTER 7 Guidance Laws 139
7.1 Motion of a Target 139
7.2 Remote Control Guidance Method 142
7.2.1 Three-point Method 143
7.2.2 Lead Angle Method 149
7.3 Homing Guidance Relative Motion Equations 150
7.4 Pursuit Method 153
7.5 Constant-bearing Guidance 155
7.6 Proportional Navigation 155
References 164
CHAPTER 8 Autopilot Design 165
8.1 Introduction 165
8.2 Autopilot of Roll Channel 167
8.3 Autopilot Design Considering Body Flexibility 171
8.4 Nonlinear Stability Loop Design for Roll Channel 177
8.5 Acceleration Control System Design 182
8.6 Longitudinal Control System Design for Cruise Missile 187
8.7 Lateral Control System Design for Cruise Missile 192
References 198
CHAPTER 9 Command Guidance Systems 199
9.1 Principle of Command Guidance 199
9.1.1 Introduction 199
9.1.2 Actual Flight Phases 203
9.1.3 Command Generation 204
9.2 Guidance Stations 207
9.2.1 Basic Concepts of Radars 208
9.2.2 Types of Guidance Stations 213
9.2.3 Radars of Guidance Stations 215
9.2.4 Guidance Radar Systems 216
9.3 Linear Scan Radar 218
9.3.1 Angle Measurement 218
9.3.2 Range-tracking Systems 221
9.3.3 Components of Linear Scan Guidance Radar 223
9.4 Commands Transmission 227
9.4.1 Transmission Channel 227
9.4.2 Command Types 227
9.4.3 Multiplex Manners of Commands 228
9.4.4 Modulation of Commands 228
9.4.5 Transmission Time Arrangement of Command Pulses 229
9.4.6 Command Pulse Encoding 231
9.4.7 Command Decoding and Demodulation 232
9.5 Brief Introduction to Optical-electronic Technique 233
9.6 Monopulse Guidance Radar 234
9.6.1 Amplitude-comparison Monopulse 234
9.6.2 Phase-comparison Monopulse 239
9.7 Phased-array Radar 241
9.7.1 Principle of Phase Scanning 241
9.7.2 Space Feed 245
9.7.3 Phase Shifters 247
9.7.4 Angle Measurement of Phased Array Radar 248
9.7.5 Range and Angle Tracking System of Phased Array Radar 251
9.7.6 Brief Introduction to Multi-function Phased Array Radar 252
9.8 Command Guidance System Design 253
References 255
CHAPTER 10 Homing Guidance Systems 256
10.1 Basic Concepts of Homing Guidance 256
10.1.1 Components of Homing Guidance System 256
10.1.2 Classification of Homing Guidance 257
10.1.3 Rate of Change of Line-of-sight 259
10.1.4 Guidance Command of Homing Guidance System 260
10.2 Homing Heads 261
10.2.1 Introduction to Homing Heads 261
10.2.2 Radar Homing Heads 263
10.3 Semi-active Radar Homing Heads 264
10.3.1 Main Technique Performance 264
10.3.2 Work Principle of a Semi-active Continuous Wave Seeker 267
10.3.3 Target Illumination 280
10.4 Brief Introduction to Active Radar Homing Head 280
10.5 Antenna Boresight Stabilization and Track 281
10.5.1 Gyro Stabilization Platform Scheme 282
10.5.2 Rate Gyro Feedback Scheme 283
10.5.3 Noises Acting on Homing Heads 285
10.6 Infrared Seekers 286
10.6.1 Infrared Radiation 286
10.6.2 Introduction to Detectors 287
10.6.3 Infrared Point Source Seekers 289
10.6.4 Infrared Imaging Seekers 292
10.7 Homing Guidance System Design 294
10.7.1 Homing Guidance Geometrical Relation 294
10.7.2 Example of Homing Guidance System Design 295
10.8 Homing Guidance System Model 297
10.8.1 Nonlinear Kinematical Element of Homing Guidance 297
10.8.2 Block Diagram of Homing Guidance System Model 298
References 299
CHAPTER 11 Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Guidance and Control System 300
11.1 Functions of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation 300
11.2 Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System 300
11.2.1 Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System Components 300
11.2.2 Subsystem Functions 302
11.3 Simulation Equipments 304
11.3.1 Three-axis Flight Simulator 304
11.3.2 Hydraulic Load Simulator 308
11.3.3 Linear Acceleration Simulator 310
11.3.4 Simulation Computer 311
11.3.5 Infrared Target Simulator 311
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