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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:“现代核分析技术及其在环境科学中的应用”项目组著
  • 出 版 社:北京:原子能出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7502216782
  • 页数:255 页

前言 1

Molecular Activation Analysis for Iridium CHAI CF et al 2

A New Preconcentration Method for Platinum and Gold Based on a Macropore Anion Resin HHY-10A LI Chunsheng et al 12

Study on REE Bound Proteins in Natural Plant Fern Dicranopteris Dichitoma by MAA GUO FQ et al 18

用分子活化分析研究铁芒萁叶中稀土结合多糖 王玉琦等 26

NAA,GC(EC)and SRXRF Study of Hg Species in Head Hair of Mothers and Their Newborn Infants FENG W Y et al 32

用放射性示踪技术研究Cr(Ⅲ)在大鼠体内的代谢规律 丰伟悦等 40

Study on the Occurrence of Platinum in Xinjie Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposits by a Combination of SPM and NAA LI Xiaolin et al 48

恐龙蛋壳化石微区的元素组成与分布的质子探针研究 陈友红等 57

An Integrated Computer System for Fudan Nuclear Microprobe ZOU Degang et al 63

Quantitative Micro-PIXE and Micro-probe Analysis of Ostracode Shells to Reconstruct the Paleoenvironment DAI Zhongning et al 71

PSPC预放大器的研制 胡朝晖等 80

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at Peking University:Experiments and Progress CHEN Chiaerh et al 87

北京大学加速器质谱计研究与应用进展 郭之虞等 94

北京大学加速器质谱装置及14C测量 郭之虞等 100

AMS Applications to the Paleoclimate Study in China WANG Jianjun et al 106

Further Study on NAA in Characterizations of Reference Materials NI Bangfa et al 112

Role of NAA in Characterizations of Sampling Behaviors of Multiple Elements in CRMs TIAN Weizhi et al 123

Preparation of Standard Samples and Standard Reference Materials for Microbeam Analysis SHAO Hanru et al 128

Quantitative Analysis of Biological Samples Using Synchrotron Radiation Microprobe XU Qing et al 133

A Pilot Biological Environmental Specimen Bank in China ZHANG P Q et al 138

地外撞击球粒的成因探讨——以K/T界面事件为例 邹永廖等 145

Characteristics of Microtektites in Loess and Geochemistry of Their Bearing Layers LI Chunlai et al 153

第三系-第四系黄土界线铱异常的发现及其意义 马配学等 164

不同类型土壤中稀土元素的化学与物理形态分布特征 王立军等 172

稀土元素的生态效应 胡霭堂等 182

稀土富矿区(赣南稀土矿区)稀土元素环境地球化学行为的研究 高效江等 195

Determination of the Contents and Distribution Characteristics of REE in Natural Plants by NAA WANG Y Q et al 207

Genotoxicity Study on Nicotine and Nicotine-derived Nitrosamine by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry LI X S et al 214

AMS方法在大气气溶胶来源研究中的应用 邵敏等 222

加速器质谱法研究小鼠被动吸烟后尼古丁与肺、肝DNA的加合作用 侯勤等 234

用加速器质谱法研究低剂量抗蚜威的基因毒性 石进元等 239

论著目录(1994.1—1997.9) 243
