骨科学手册 英文原版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Marc F.Swiontkowski著
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7543315580
- 页数:431 页
1 The Diagnosis and Management of Musculoskeletal Trauma 肌肉骨骼创伤的诊断和处理 1
2 Complications of Musculoskeletal Trauma 肌肉骨骼创伤的并发症 19
3 Prevention and Management of Acute Musculoskeletal Infections 急性肌肉骨骼感染的预防和处理 29
4 Acute Nontraumatic Joint Conditions 急性非创伤性关节疾病 40
5 Nonacute Pediatric Orthopaedic Conditions 非急性儿科骨科疾病 57
6 Common Types of Emergency Splints 急症夹板的常见类型 78
7 Cast and Bandaging Techniques 固定和包扎技术 85
8 Orthopaedic Unit Care 骨科诊疗室护理 104
9 Traction 牵引 115
10 Operating Room Equipment and Techniques 手术室设备和技术 131
11 Acute Spinal Injury 急性脊柱损伤 161
12 Disorders and Diseases of the Spine 脊柱功能障碍和疾病 178
13 Fractures of the Clavicle 锁骨骨折 185
14 Sternoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries 胸锁关节和肩峰锁骨关节损伤 187
15 Acute Shoulder Injuries 急性肩损伤 192
16 Nonacute Shoulder Disorders 非急性肩部疾病 197
17 Fractures of the Humerus 肱骨骨折 203
18 Elbow and Forearm Injuries 肘和前臂损伤 214
19 Wrist and Hand Injuries 腕和手损伤 227
20 Nonacute Elbow,Wrist,and Hand Conditions 非急性肘、腕和手疾病 242
21 Fractures of the Pelvis 骨盆骨折 259
22 Hip Dislocations,Femoral Head Fractures,and Acetabular Fractures 髋关节脱位,股骨头骨折和髋臼骨折 266
23 Fractures of the Femur 股骨骨折 275
24 Knee Injuries:Acute and Overuse 膝损伤:急性和过度使用性 295
25 Fractures of the Tibia 胫骨骨折 314
26 Ankle Injuries 踝损伤 325
27 Fractures and Dislocations of the Foot 足骨折和脱位 334
28 Overuse and Miscellaneous Conditions of the Foot and Ankle 足和踝使用过度和其他混合性疾病 345
Appendix A.Joint Motion Measurement 附录A 关节运动功能测定 354
Appendix B.Muscle Strength Grading 附录B 肌肉强度分级 375
Appendix C.Dermatomes and Cutaneous Distribution of Peripheral Nerves 附录C 皮肤分区和外周神经皮肤分布 376
Appendix D.Desirable Weights of Adults 附录D 成人理想体重 379
Appendix E.Surgical Draping Techniques 附录E 外科铺手术单技术 382
Appendix F.Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies 附录F 肌电图和神经传导试验 387
Appendix G.Approaches for Injection and Aspiration of Joints 附录G 关节注射和抽吸技术 390
英汉索引 397
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