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汽车车型与构造图解  英汉对照
汽车车型与构造图解  英汉对照

汽车车型与构造图解 英汉对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:《职业技能鉴定教材》、《职业技能鉴定指导》编审委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7504527343
  • 页数:224 页
《汽车车型与构造图解 英汉对照》目录

第一部分 汽车车型分类、汽车轮廓说明 1

一、汽车车型分类 1

二、汽车轮廓说明 15

第二部分 汽车构造图解 20

1.汽车底盘 auto chassis 20

2.四冲程发动机工作原理 operational principle of four stroke engine 21

3.汽油机 petrol engine 22

4.转子发动机 rotary piston engine 23

5.气缸盖(1) cylinder head(1) 24

6.气缸盖(2) cylinder head(2) 25

7.气缸盖(3) cylinder head(3) 26

8.气缸体(1) cylinder block(1) 27

9.气缸体(2) cylinder block(2) 28

10.发动机大修衬垫(套) engine overhaul gasket set 29

11.活塞及曲轴 piston and crankshaft 30

12.活塞及连杆 piston and connecting rod 31

13.曲轴及飞轮(1) crankshaft and flywheel(1) 32

14.曲轴及飞轮(2) crankshaft and flywheel(2) 33

15.凸轮轴及气门 camshaft and valve 34

16.气门系统 valve system 35

17.气门及摇臂 valve and rocket arm 36

18.凸轮轴 camshaft 37

19.偏心轴及时规齿(1) camshaft and timing gear(1) 38

20.偏心轴及时规齿(2) camshaft and timing gear(2) 39

21.液压桶型挺杆结构 structure of hydraulic barrel tappet 40

22.分电器传动装置 distributor drive system 41

23.平衡装置 balancer 42

24.化油器上部结构 upper structure of carburetor 43

25.化油器本体组件 carburetor body assembly 44

26.燃油装置(1) fuel system(1) 45

27.燃油装置(2) fuel system(2) 46

28.燃油滤清器 fuel filter 47

29.喷油泵 fuel injection pump 48

30.供油泵 fuel feed pump 49

31.燃油喷射泵及油嘴 fuel injection pump and nozzle 50

32.喷油器壳体 nozzle holder 51

33.调速器 governor 52

34.联动器 coupling 53

35.自动延时调节器 automatic timer 54

36.进、排气配合件 intake and exhaust related parts 55

37.进气预热 intake air heater 56

38.发动机操纵系统 engine control system 57

39.空气滤清器 air cleaner 58

40.汽油喷射系统 petrol injection system 59

41.机油滤清器(1) oil filter(1) 60

42.机油滤清器(2) oil filter(2) 61

43.机油泵 oil pump 62

44.润滑系统 lubricating system 63

45.机油散热器 oil cooler 64

46.散热装置 cooling system 65

47.风扇离合器 fan clutch 66

48.散热器 radiator 67

49.散热装置 cooling system 68

50.水泵 coolant pump 69

51.分电器组件 distributor assy 70

52.电子点火系统 electronic ignition system 71

53.无触点点火系统 breakerless ignition system 72

54.发电机 generator 73

55.启动机 starter 74

56.启动电动机 starting motor 75

57.离合器(1) clutch(1) 76

58.离合器(2) clutch(2) 77

59.离合器部件 component parts of clutch 78

60.离合器部件 component parts of clutch 79

61.离合器总泵 master cylinder of clutch 80

62.液压总泵(1) master cylinder(1) 81

63.液压总泵(2) master cylinder(2) 82

64.离合器加力泵 clutch booster 83

65.离合器控制机构 clutch control system 84

66.离合器联动机构 clutch linkage 85

67.离合器操纵机构(机械式) clutch operation system (mechanical) 86

68.离合器操纵机构(液压式) clutch operation system(hydraulic) 87

69.变速器壳及轴承盖(1) transmission case and bearing cover(1) 88

70.变速器壳及轴承盖(2) transmission case and bearing cover(2) 89

71.主轴及齿轮(同步器) main shaft and gear(synchro) 90

72.主轴及齿轮 main shaft and gear 91

73.副轴及齿轮 counter shaft and gear 92

74.副轴及倒挡齿轮(同步器) counter shaft and reverse gear(synchro) 93

75.自动变速器(具有液力偶合器) automatic transmission (with fluid coupling) 94

76.自动变速器(1) automatic transmission(1) 95

77.自动变速器(2) automatic transmission(2) 96

78.自动变速器(3) automatic transmission(3) 97

79.自动变速器(4) automatic transmission(4) 98

80.自动变速器(5) automatic transmission(5) 99

81.自动变速器(6) automatic transmission(6) 100

82.自动变速器(7) automatic transmission(7) 101

83.油泵 oil pump 102

84.直接离合器 direct clutch 103

85.前进离合器 forward clutch 104

86.一号单向离合器和太阳轮 first one-way clutch and sun gear 105

87.二号单向离合器和后行星齿轮 second one-way clutch and rear planetary gear 106

88.第一倒车制动活塞 first reverse brake piston 107

89.副轴(1) lay shaft(1) 108

90.副轴(2) lay shaft(2) 109

91.副轴(3) lay shaft(3) 110

92.阀体 valve body 111

93.分动器换挡操纵机构 T/Fgear shift control 112

94.分动器壳 T/F case 113

95.分动器传动系 T/F power train 114

96.传动轴 propeller shaft 115

97.传动轴(变速器-后轿) (1)propeller shaft (transmission-rear axle)(1) 116

98.传动轴(变速器-后桥) (2)propeller shaft (transmission-rear axle)(2) 117

99.传动轴(后桥-后桥) propeller shaft (rear axle-rear axle) 118

100.前桥 front axle 119

101.前悬挂(1) front suspension(1) 120

102.前悬挂(2) front suspension(2) 121

103.前悬挂(3) front suspension(3) 122

104.前悬挂(4) front suspension(4) 123

105.前悬挂(5) front suspension(5) 124

106.前悬挂(6) front suspension(6) 125

107.前悬挂部件 component parts of front suspension 126

108.后悬挂(1) rear suspenion(1) 127

109.后悬挂(2) rear suspension(2) 128

110.后桥悬挂结构 structure of rear axle suspension 129

111.后悬挂部件(1) component parts of rear suspension(1) 130

112.后悬挂部件(2) component parts of rear suspension(2) 131

113.后悬挂部件(3) component parts of rear suspension(3) 132

114.前减振器 front damper 133

115.后减振器 rear damper 134

116.减振器 shock absorber 135

117.前桥毂(1) front axle hub(1) 136

118.前桥毂(2) front axle hub(2) 137

119.前桥壳 front axle housing 138

120.前驱动轴(1) front drive shaft(1) 139

121.前驱动轴(2) front drive shaft(2) 140

122.后桥毂和后桥架 rear axle hub and rear axle mount 141

123.差速器及轮毂(1) differential carrier and wheel hub(1) 142

124.差速器及轮毂(2) differential carrier and wheel hub(2) 143

125.差速器 differential carrier 144

126.压气机 air compressor 145

127.总泵 master cylinder 146

128.真空泵 vacuum pump 147

129.制动助力器 brake booster 148

130.继动阀 relay valve 149

131.压力调节器 pressure regulator 150

132.分离开关 shut-off lock 151

133.连接头 coupling head 152

134.前分泵 front chamber 153

135.后分泵(后前) rear chamber(rear front) 154

136.后分泵(后) rear chamber(rear) 155

137.空气制动管道(驾驶室) air brake piping(cab) 156

138.空气制动管道(1) air brake piping(1) 157

139.空气制动管道(2) air brake piping(2) 158

140.钳式制动器 clamshell brake 159

141.前轮制动器(空气制动) front wheel brake(air brake) 160

142.制动蹄片(前和后) brake shoe(front and rear) 161

143.后制动器(1) rear brake(1) 162

144.后制动器(2) rear brake(2) 163

145.手制动器 hand brake 164

146.停车制动器 parking brake 165

147.停车制动器操纵机构(前操纵) parking brake control(forward contro1) 166

148.挡风玻璃 windshield 167

149.前车门(1) front door(1) 168

150.前车门(2) front door(2) 169

151.后车门(1) rear door(1) 170

152.后车门(2) rear door(2) 171

153.后门玻璃 glass of rear gate 172

154.车门玻璃升降器 door window regulator 173

155.门锁机构 door lock mechanism 174

156.后车厢 rear body 175

157.备胎升降器 elevator of spare tire 176

158.转向联动装置(1) steering linkage(1) 177

159.转向联动装置(2) steering linkage(2) 178

160.转向机 steering gear 179

161.转向齿轮箱 steering gear box 180

162.动力转向齿轮箱 power steering gear box 181

163.助力转向的管路 piping of the power steering 182

164.转向助力器(1) power steering booster(1) 183

165.转向助力器(2) power steering booster(2) 184

166.储油罐 oil reservoir 185

167.油泵 oil pump 186

168.取力器(1) power take-off(1) 187

169.取力器(2) power take-off(2) 188

170.取力器(3) power take-off(3) 189

171.液压系统 hydraulic system 190

172.液压自卸系统 hydraulic self-lifting system 191

173.举升控制机构 elevating control assy 192

174.举升油缸 elevating ram 193

175.油泵 oil pump 194

176.电器设备 electrical equipment 195

177.电器元件(1) electrical parts(1) 196

178.电器设备(2) electrical parts(2) 197

179.气刮水器(1) pneumatic windshield wiper(1) 198

180.气刮水器(2) pneumatic windshield wiper(2) 199

181.电刮水器总成 electrical windshicld wiper assy 200

182.空气调节冷却装置 air conditioning cooler unit 201

183.进口汽车标牌的内容及表示方法 202

184.汽车上的符号及含义 202

第三部分 词汇表 204
