C++沉思录 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)AndrewKoening,(美)BarbaraE.Moo著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787115308511
- 页数:380 页
Chapter 0 Prelude 1
0.1 Firsttry 1
0.2 Doing it without classes 4
0.3 Whywasit easierinC++? 5
0.4 A bigger example 6
0.5 Conclusion 6
Part Ⅰ Motivation 9
Chapter1 WhyIuseC++ 11
1.1 The problem 11
1.2 History and context 12
1.3 Automatic software distribution 12
1.4 EnterC++ 15
1.5 Recycled software 20
1.6 Postscript 21
Chapter2 Why I work onC++ 23
2.1 The success of small projects 23
2.2 Abstraction 25
2.3 Machines should work for people 28
Chapter 3 Living in the real world 29
Part Ⅱ Classes and inheritance 35
Chapter 4 Checklist for class authors 37
Chapter 5 Surrogate classes 47
5.1 The problem 47
5.2 The classical solution 48
5.3 Virtual copy functions 49
5.4 Defining a surrogate class 50
5.5 Summary 53
Chapter 6 Handles:Part 1 55
6.1 The problem 55
6.2 A simple class 56
6.3 Attaching a handle 58
6.4 Getting at the object 58
6.5 Simple implementation 59
6.6 Use-counted handles 60
6.7 Copy on write 62
6.8 Discussion 63
Chapter 7 Handles:Part 2 67
7.1 Review 68
7.2 Separating the use count 69
7.3 Abstraction of use counts 70
7.4 Access functions and copy on write 73
7.5 Discussion 73
Chapter 8 An object-oriented program 75
8.1 The problem 75
8.2 An object-oriented solution 76
8.3 Handle classes 79
8.4 Extension 1:New operations 82
8.5 Extension 2:New node types 85
8.6 Reflections 86
Chapter 9 Analysis of a classroom exercise:Part 1 89
9.1 The problem 89
9.2 Designing the interface 91
9.3 A few loose ends 93
9.4 Testing the interface 94
9.5 Strategy 95
9.6 Tactics 96
9.7 Combining pictures 99
9.8 Conclusion 102
Chapter 10 Analysis of a classroom exercise:Part 2 103
10.1 Strategy 103
10.2 Exploiting the structure 116
10.3 Conclusion 119
Chapter 11 When not to use virtual functions 121
11.1 The case for 121
11.2 The case against 122
11.3 Destructors are special 127
11.4 Summary 129
Part Ⅲ Templates 131
Chapter 12 Designing a container class 133
12.1 What does it contain? 133
12.2 What does copying the container mean? 134
12.3 How do you get at container elements? 137
12.4 How do you distinguish reading from writing? 138
12.5 How do you handle container growth? 139
12.6 What operations does the container provide? 141
12.7 What do po you assume about the container element type? 141
12.8 Containers and inheritance 143
12.9 Designing an arraylike class 144
Chapter 13 Accessing container elements 151
13.1 Imitating a pointer 151
13.2 Getting at the data 153
13.3 Remaining problems 155
13.4 Pointer to const Array 159
13.5 Useful additions 161
Chapter 14 Iterators 167
14.1 Completing the Pointer class 167
14.2 What is an iterator? 170
14.3 Deleting an element 171
14.4 Deleting the container 172
14.5 Other design considerations 173
14.6 Discussion 174
Chapter 15 Sequences 175
15.1 The state of the art 175
15.2 A radical old idea 176
15.3 Well.maybe a few extras 181
15.4 Example of use 184
15.5 Maybe a few more 188
15.6 Food for thought 190
Chapter 16 Templates as interfaces 191
16.1 The problem 191
16.2 The first example 192
16.3 Separating the iteration 192
16.4 Iterating over arbitrary types 195
16.5 Adding other types 196
16.6 Abstracting the storage technique 196
16.7 The proof of the pudding 199
16.8 Summary 200
Chapter 17 Templates and generic algorithms 203
17.1 A specific example 204
17.2 Generalizing the element type 205
17.3 Postponing the count 205
17.4 Address independence 207
17.5 Searching a nonarray 208
17.6 Discussion 210
Chapter 18 Generic iterators 213
18.1 A different algorithm 213
18.2 Categories of requirements 215
18.3 Input iterators 216
18.4 Output iterators 216
18.5 Forward iterators 217
18.6 Bidirectional iterators 218
18.7 Random-access iterators 218
18.8 Inheritance? 220
18.9 Performance 220
18.10 Summary 221
Chapter 19 Using generic iterators 223
19.1 Iterator types 224
19.2 Virtual sequences 224
19.3 An output-stream iterator 227
19.4 An input-stream iterator 229
19.5 Discussion 232
Chapter 20 Iterator adaptors 233
20.1 An example 233
20.2 Directional asymmetry 235
20.3 Consistency and asymmetry 236
20.4 Automatic reversal 237
20.5 Discussion 240
Chapter 21 Function objects 241
21.1 An example 241
21.2 Function pointers 244
21.3 Function objects 246
21.4 Function-object templates 248
21.5 Hiding intermedlate types 249
21.6 One type covers many 250
21.7 Implementation 251
21.8 Discussion 253
Chapter 22 Function adaptors 255
22.1 Why function objects? 255
22.2 Function objects for built-in operators 256
22.3 Binders 257
22.4 A closer look 258
22.5 Interface inheritance 259
22.6 Using these classes 260
22.7 Discussion 261
Part Ⅳ Libraries 263
Chapter 23 Libraries in everyday use 265
23.1 The problem 265
23.2 Understanding the problem—part 1 267
23.3 Implementation—part 1 267
23.4 Understanding the problem—part 2 270
23.5 Implementation—part 2 270
23.6 Discussion 272
Chapter 24 An object lesson in library-interface design 275
24.1 Complications 276
24.2 Improving the interface 277
24.3 Taking stock 279
24.4 Writing the code 280
24.5 Conclusion 282
Chapter 25 Library design is language design 283
25.1 Character strings 283
25.2 Memory exhaustion 284
25.3 Copying 287
25.4 Hiding the implementation 290
25.5 Default constructor 292
25.6 Other operations 293
25.7 Substrings 295
25.8 Conclusion 296
Chapter 26 Language design is library design 297
26.1 Abstract data types 297
26.2 Libraries and abstract data types 299
26.3 Memory allocation 302
26.4 Memberwise assignment and initialization 303
26.5 Exception handling 305
26.6 Summary 306
Part Ⅴ Technique 307
Chapter 27 Classes that keep track of themselves 309
27.1 Design of a trace class 309
27.2 Creating dead code 312
27.3 Generating audit trails for objects 313
27.4 Verifying container behavior 315
27.5 Summary 320
Chapter 28 Allocating objects in clusters 321
28.1 The problem 321
28.2 Designing the solution 321
28.3 Implementation 324
28.4 Enter inheritance 326
28.5 Summary 327
Chapter 29 Applicators,manipulators,and function objects 329
29.1 The problem 329
29.2 A solution 332
29.4 Multiple arguments 334
29.5 An example 335
29.6 Abbreviations 337
29.7 Musings 338
29.8 Historical notes,references,and acknowledgments 339
Chapter30 Decoupling application libraries from input-output 341
30.1 The problem 341
30.2 Solution 1:Trickery and brute force 342
30.3 Solution 2:Abstract output 343
30.4 Solution 3:Trickery without brute force 345
30.5 Remarks 348
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