医院会话 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈淑坚主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:14048·4188
- 页数:266 页
Expressions Commonly Used in All Specialities一般常用语 1
Ⅰ.Sentences Commonly Used by Medical Personnel医务人员常用语 1
Ⅱ.Sentences Commonly Used by Patients病人常用语 7
Registration and Work in the Office挂号及办公室工作 10
Ⅰ.Registration挂号 10
Ⅱ.Talk between Patient and Pharmacist病人和药剂师的谈话 19
Ⅲ.Admission and Discharge入院和出院 22
Conversation in Clinics各科会话 31
Ⅰ.Medicine内科 31
1.Cold感冒 31
2.Pneumonia肺炎 32
3.Pulmonary Tuberculosis肺结核 34
4.Peptic Ulcer消化性溃疡 35
5.Peptic-duodenal Ulcer胃十二指肠溃疡 37
6.Acute Pancreatitis急性胰腺炎 40
7.Chronic Hepatitis慢性肝炎 41
8.Bacillary Dysentery细菌性痢疾 43
9.Anaemia贫血 44
10.Hypertension高血压 46
11.Heart Failure心力衰竭 47
12.Acute Pyelonephritis急性肾盂肾炎 49
13.Diabetes糖尿病 50
14.Hyperthyroidism甲状腺机能亢进 52
15.Gout痛风 54
Ⅱ.Surgery外科 56
1.Open Injury开放性损伤 56
2.Fracture骨折 58
3.Coma, Extradural Hemorrhage昏迷,硬膜外血肿 60
4.Lumbago腰疼 63
5.Periarthritis of the Shoulder (Frozen Shoulder)肩周炎(冻肩) 64
6.Arthritis关节炎 66
7.Gallstone胆石病 68
8.Appendicitis阑尾炎 70
9.Intestinal Obstruction肠梗阻 72
10.Hemorrhoids (Piles)痔 74
11.Tumor of the Breast乳腺瘤 75
12.Urinary Trouble泌尿科疾患 78
13.Bladder Cancer膀胱癌 79
14.Chronic Prostatitis慢性前列腺炎 82
Ⅲ.Obstetrics and Gynecology妇产科 84
1.Early Pregnancy早孕 84
2.Antinatal Care产前检查 85
3.Morning Sickness妊娠呕吐 87
4.Toxemia of Pregnancy妊娠中毒症 89
5.In Labor临产 91
6.Abortion流产 93
7.Vaginal Discharge阴道分泌物 94
8.Vaginal Bleeding阴道出血 96
9.Dysmenorrhea痛经 97
10.Lower Abdominal Mass下腹肿块 99
11.Lower Abdominal Pain下腹疼痛 101
12.Menstrual Irregularity月经不调 102
13.Sterility不育 104
14.For Contraception避孕 105
Ⅳ.Pediatrics儿科 108
1.Well Baby Clinic健康门诊 108
2.Vaccination预防接种 109
3.Reaction to Smallpox Vaccination牛痘反应 110
4.Crying啼哭 111
5.Upper Respiratory Tract Infection上呼吸道感染 112
6.Bronchial Asthma, Asthmatic Bronchitis支气管哮喘、哮喘性支气管炎 113
7.Pneumonia肺炎 115
8.Vomiting and Diarrhea呕吐和腹泻 115
9.Urinary Tract Infection泌尿道感染 118
10.Scarlet Fever猩红热 119
11.German Measles风疹 121
12.Infectious Mononucleosis传染性单核细胞增多症 122
13.Chinese Traditional Medicine中药 125
14.Concerning Admission有关住院问题 126
Ⅴ.Neurology and Psychiatry神经精神科 128
1.Psychoneurosis 神经官能症 128
2.Syncope晕厥 132
3.Status Epilepticus癫痫持续状态 136
4.Abdominal Epilepsy腹型癫痫 138
5.Mania躁狂症 142
6.Depression抑郁症 145
Ⅵ.Opthalmology眼科 147
1.A Foreign Body in the Cornea角膜异物 147
2.External Stye外麦粒肿 148
3.Chalazion霰粒肿 149
4.Acute Infective Conjunctivitis急性感染性结膜炎 150
5.Central Serous Chorioretinopathy中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变 151
6.Examination for a Driving License驾驶查体 152
7.Checking the Eyes for Glasses配眼镜 153
8.Trichiasis (Ingrowing Eyelashes)倒睫 154
Ⅶ.Otolaryngology耳鼻喉科 155
Ear耳 155
1.Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media慢性化脓性中耳炎 155
2.Secretory Otitis分泌性中耳炎 157
3.Aero-otitis航空性中耳炎 158
4.Diseases of the External Ear外耳病 159
5.Hard of Hearing重听 161
Nose鼻 162
1.Allergic Rhinitis过敏性鼻炎 162
2.Chronic Rhinitis慢性鼻炎 165
3.Atrophic Rhinitis萎缩性鼻炎 167
4.Suppurative Sinusitis化脓性鼻窦炎 168
5.Acute Coryza急性鼻炎 170
6.Deviation of Nasal Septum鼻中隔偏斜 171
Throat喉 173
1.Tonsillitis and Enlarged Adenoids扁桃体炎和腺样增殖体肥大 173
2.Pharyngitis咽炎 175
3.Laryngitis and Tumor of Larynx喉炎和喉部肿瘤 176
4.Foreign Body in Respiratory Tract呼吸道异物 177
Ⅷ.Dermatology皮肤科 179
1.Urticaria荨麻疹 179
2.Acne Vulgaris寻常痤疮 180
3.Tinea Pedis (Athlete’s Foot)脚癣 181
4.Hair Loss 脱发 183
5.Herpes Zoster带状疱疹 183
6.Neurodermatitis神经性皮炎 184
7.Dermatitis Medicamentosa药物性皮炎 185
8.Contact Dermatitis接触性皮炎 186
9.Gonorrhea淋病 188
Ⅸ.Stomatology口腔科 189
1.For False Teeth镶牙 189
2.Extracting a tooth拔牙 194
3.An Injury外伤 195
4.Temporo-mandibular Arthralgia下颌关节疼痛 196
5.Alveolar Abscess牙槽脓肿 197
6.Inflammation of the Gums (Gingivitis)牙龈炎 198
7.Dental Caries龋齿 200
8.Pulpitis牙髓炎 201
9.Sensitive Denture牙齿过敏 203
10.Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane (Stomatitis)口腔粘膜炎症(口炎) 203
Ⅹ.Chinese Traditional Medicine中医 206
1.Common Cold due to Wind and Cold风寒感冒 206
2.Intrusion of Damp and Heat into the Lower Part of the Body Cavity下焦湿热 208
3.Stagnancy of Liver Qi (Vital Energy Through the Liver Channel)肝气郁滞 209
4.Cold as an Exogenous Pathogenic Factor Dwelling in the Liver Channel寒凝肝脉 210
5.Deficiency of Vital Energy of Spleen and Stomach脾胃虚弱 211
6.Excess of Yang (the Funct on) Occurs as a Result of Deficiency of Yin (Body Fluid and Essence of Secretion)阴虚阳亢 213
7.Deficiency of Vital Energy of Heart and Spleen心脾两虚 215
8.Deficiency of Yin (Body Fluid and Essence ofSecretion) of Lung and Kidney肺肾阴虚 215
9.Deficiency of Yang (the Function) of Spleen and Kidney脾肾阳虚 216
ⅩⅠ.Acupuncture针刺 218
1.To Help Stop Smoking协助病人戒烟 218
2.Enuresis尿床 219
3.Chronic Rhinitis慢性鼻炎 221
4.Deafness Due to Nervous Factors神经性耳聋 222
5.Short Sightedness近视眼 223
6.Cervical Spondylosis颈椎关节强硬 224
7.Pain of the Joints (knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist)关节疼痛(膝,踝,肩,肘,腕) 225
8.Lumbar Pain and Sciatica腰疼和坐骨神经疼 226
ⅩⅡ.Physiotherapy物理治疗 228
Medical History Abstracts of All Departments and Certificates各科病历摘要及证明 238
Ⅰ.Abstract of Medical History病历摘要 238
1.Acute Pneumonia 急性肺炎 238
2.Pneumonia Left Lower Lung左下肺肺炎 239
3.Acute Cholecystitis急性胆囊炎 240
4.Bronchopneumonia, Hypertension and Arterios-clerosis支气管肺炎,高血压,动脉硬化症 243
5.Acute Myocardial Infarction and Arrhythmia急性心肌梗死及心律失常 245
6.Urinary Tract Infection泌尿系感染 248
7.Exophthalmic Thyrotoxicosis突眼性甲状腺毒症 250
8.Hemiparesis轻偏瘫 253
9.TB of Lumbar Spine腰椎结核 256
10.Femoral Neck Fracture股骨颈骨折 257
11.Birth and Death出生及死亡 258
12.Caesarean Section剖腹产 259
13.Paresis of the Superior Oblique Muscle O.S.左眼上斜肌麻痹 260
14.Perforating Wound of the Cornea and the Lens角膜及晶状体穿孔伤 261
Ⅱ.Medical Certificate诊疗证明书 263
1.Bronchial Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis支气管哮喘和过敏性鼻炎 263
2.Osteochondroma of the Right Femur右股骨骨软骨瘤 264
Ⅲ.Certificate of Death死亡证明 265
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