- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张自明,马志编译
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7111140338
- 页数:268 页
目录 1
第一部分 合同的实体 1
.What is a Contract? 1 1
.The Function of Contract 8 2
.The Development of Contract 13 3
.The Source of Contract Law 19 4
.The Assumptions of Perfect Markets and 5
Contract Law 26 6
.The Existing of Contract 31 6
.Whom does Contract Concern 36 7
.Intention to Creat Legal Relation 41 8
.Who Can Make a Contract 46 9
.Is there a Contract 52 10
.Typical Contracts Provision and Implied 11
Provision 58 12
第二部分 合同的形成 12
.Requirements of Assent and Definiteness 65 12
.Offer 70 13
.Acceptance 75 14
.The Limits of Offer and Acceptance 81 15
.Bilateral and Unilateral Contract 86 16
.The Battle of Forms 91 17
.Precontractual Liability 97 18
.Consideration 104 19
.Constitute Consideration 109 20
.Estoppel 114 21
.Beware the“Reasonable Man” 120 22
第三部分 合同的效力 23
.Misrepresentation 125 23
.Common Mistake 130 24
.lllegal Contracts 136 25
.Contracts in Restraint of Trade 141 26
.Contracts with Minors 146 27
第四部分 合同的解释 28
.What are Contract s Terms 152 28
.Representation or Term 158 29
.Written Contracts:Special Rules 164 30
.The Process of Interpretation 169 31
.Key Words and Phrases in Contracts 175 32
.Rule in Aid of Interpretation 181 33
第五部分 合同的救济和违约责任 34
.Breach of Contract 187 34
.An Overview of Remedies of Contract 192 35
.Party-Designed Remedies:Liquidated 36
.Court-Imposed Remedies of Contract: 37
Damages 197 37
Legal Relief 203 38
.How to Compute Damages for Breach 38
of Contract 210 39
.Equitable Relief:Specific Performance 39
and Injunction 216 40
第六部分 典型合同 40
.Contracts of Sale 221 40
.Consume Rights 226 41
.Contract of Hire 232 42
.Equal Employment Opportunity 238 43
.Contract of Insurance 244 44
.Transport Contract 249 45
.Debtor-Creditor Relations 253 46
.A Sharecrop Contract 258 47
.An Explosion of Leases 264 48
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