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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)博泽尔(Bozic,S.),(英)马歇尔(Marshall,A.)著;李更新译
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京语言学院出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:90411·36
  • 页数:112 页

引言 3

袋鼠和海豚 3

布谷鸟和幽灵 8

澳洲野狗 13

满吉和巴提冈兄弟 18

黑白鸭和鳄鱼 23

马吉 27

白鹦和黑鸭 32

鸸鹋和平原火鸡 36

鳄鱼维拉 40

坎培格尼和他的三个儿子 44

蜥蜴和黑蛇 49

美人鱼 52

畏来风和蚂蚁 55

火和鱼 59

云、雷和闪电 64

蝎子欧沃德 68

马拉沃克和两姊妹 73

海岸松 79

苍蝇和蜜蜂 83

螃蟹和负鼠 88

银河和毒蛇 92

果阿纳和勃罗加 96

魔鬼和? 101

魔鬼和蜘蛛 105

猫头鹰和鹰 109

后记 111

The Mother Kangaroo and the Porpoise 1

The Cuckoo and Spirit Man 6

The Dingo 11

Mungi and the Batigon Brothers 15

The Black and White Duck and the Crocodile 21

Maggi 25

The Cockatoo and the Black Duck 30

The Emu and the Plain Turkey 34

Wilar, the Crocodile 38

Kompagnin and his Three Sons 42

The Frill Lizard and the Black Snake 47

The Dugong 51

The Willy-Willy and the Ant 53

The Fire and the Fish 57

The Cloud, the Thunder and the Lightning 62

Owud, the Scorpion 66

Marrawuk and the Two Sisters 70

The Seashore Pine 77

The Fly and the Bee 81

The Crab and the Possum 85

The Milky Way and the Serpent 90

The Goanna and the Brolga 94

The Bad Spirit and the Wallaby 98

The Bad Spirit and the Spider 103

The Owl and the Hawk 107
