大学英语精读全英文课堂 第6册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:康传彪主编
- 出 版 社:西安:西北大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7560417469
- 页数:310 页
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 1
Unit 1 Research Reports for Business and Technical Writ-ing 1
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 2
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 3
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 3
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 10
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 12
Unit 2 The Beginning of Career 14
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 14
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 15
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 16
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 16
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 21
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 26
Unit 3 The Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 31
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 31
Ⅲ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 33
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 33
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 34
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 39
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 44
Unit 4 The Library Card 49
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 49
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 50
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 51
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 51
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 58
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 63
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 68
Unit 5 How Could Anything That Feels so Bad Be So Good? 68
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 69
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 69
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 70
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 73
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 78
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 82
Unit 6 The Monster 82
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 83
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 83
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 83
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 86
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 90
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 92
Unit 7 Zeritsky's Law 92
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 93
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 94
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 94
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 99
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 103
Unit 8 The Role of Science Fiction 106
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 106
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 107
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 109
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 110
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 114
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 118
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 121
Unit 9 Look for the Rusty Lining 121
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 122
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 124
Ⅳ.Key Words Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 125
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 129
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 134
Unit 10 Debating the Unknowable 137
Ⅰ.Learning Target(学习目标) 137
Ⅱ.Background Information of the Text(课文背景知识) 139
Ⅲ.Summary of the Text(课文内容概述) 140
Ⅳ.Key Words and Expressions(重点词汇及词组) 141
Ⅴ.Difficult Sentences(难句详解) 146
Ⅵ.Model Test of Band 6(六级模拟测试) 151
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 154
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 160
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 161
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 168
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 170
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 179
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 183
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 191
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 193
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 199
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 201
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 208
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 209
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 215
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 219
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 226
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 230
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 237
Ⅶ.Detailed Explanation of the Exercises(课后练习详解) 240
Ⅷ.Detailed Explanation of the Test(模拟测试详解) 248
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 252
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 257
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 260
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 268
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 273
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 278
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 283
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 289
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 295
Ⅸ.Chinese Versions(中文译文) 304
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