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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱义坤著
  • 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7810294911
  • 页数:439 页
标签:法律 专业

Preface (前言) 1

Unit1 Legal Backguound (法律背景篇) 1

Lesson 1 The Concept of Law (法律的概念) 2

Lesson 2 Legal system (法律体系) 8

Lesson 3 The Law Makers (立法者) 18

Lesson 4 SEZs Legislation (经济特区立法) 25

Lesson 5 Court System (法院体系) 35

Lesson 6 Civil Procedures (民事诉讼) 43

Lesson 7 Commercial Arbitration (商事仲裁) 54

Lesson 8 International Judicial Assistance (国际司法协助) 66

Unit 2 Macro-Environment For Busines (商事宏观环境篇) 76

Lesson 9 Tar Law (税法) 77

Lesson 10 Value-Added Tax (增值税) 89

Lesson 11 Emvironmental Planning (环境规划) 98

Lesson 12 Criminal Justice (刑事法律) 111

Unit 3 Business Vehicles (商事主体篇) 120

Lesson 13 Individual Burimess (个体经济) 121

Lesson 14 Partmership (合伙) 129

Lesson 15 Legal Person (法人) 139

Lesson 16 Company (公司) 152

Lesson 17 Organizational Setup of a Company (公司组织机构) 163

Lesson 18 Protcetion of Directors and Officers Against Personal Liability (避免董事和高级管理人员之个人责任) 174

Lesson 19 Foreign Invested Enterprises (外商投资企业) 185

Lesson 20 Non-Legal Person Entities (非法人组织) 203

Unit 4 Conrtacts (合同篇) 212

Lesson 21 Intrdouction (概论) 213

Lesson 22 Formation of a Contract (1) (合同之成立【1】) 223

Lesson 23 Formation of a Contract (2) (合同之成立【2】) 239

Lesson 24 Terms of a Contract (合同之条款) 254

Lesson 25 Modification of a Contract (合同之变更) 265

Lesson 26 Performance (履约) 272

Lesson 27 Discharge of a Contract (合同之解除) 281

Lesson 28 Breach and Remedies for Breach (违约及其补救措施) 289

Lesson 29 Tch, Transfers and Licensing Contract (技术转让与许可合同) 301

Lesson 30 JV Contract (合资经营企业合同) 313

Unit 5 Real Property Law (房地产法篇) 327

Lesson 31 Granting adn Transfer of Land Use Rights (土地使用权之出让和转让) 328

Lesson 32 Developnect of Real Property (房地产开发) 342

Lesson 33 Sale of Real Property (房地产买卖) 353

Unit 6 Intellectual Property Law (知识产权法篇) 361

Lesson 34 Ineroduction (概论) 362

Lesson 35 Enforcement of IP (知识产权之实施) 373

Lesson 36 Protection Agaist Unfair Competition (反不正当竞争) 386

Unit 7 Securities and Negotiable Instruments (证券及票据篇) 395

Lesson 37 Secuities (证券) 396

Lesson 38 Negotiable Instruments (票据) 408

Unit 8 Maritime Law (海商法篇) 419

Lesson 39 Vessels (船舶) 420

Lesson 40 Marine Salvage (海上救助) 431
