大学专业英语阅读教程 金融学 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴君主编
- 出 版 社:上海:同济大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7560825516
- 页数:200 页
PART Ⅲ Financial Institutions and Financial Regulation 1
UNIT 17 1
Commercial Banking 1
[Reading Material]Financial Intermediaries 8
UNIT 18 17
Assets,Liabilities,and Income of Commercial Bank 17
[Reading Material]Bank Balance Sheet 24
UNIT 19 28
Asset Management 28
[Reading Material]Liability Management 35
Insurance Companies,Pension Funds 40
UNIT 20 40
[Reading Material]Other Financial Institution 48
UNIT 21 53
Nonbank Thrift Institutions 53
[Reading Material]Money Market Funds 65
UNIT 22 68
Federal Reserve System 68
[Reading Material]The Role of Central Banks in the Economy 73
UNIT 23 79
The Tools of Monetary Policy 79
[Reading Material]General Versus Selective Credit Controls 85
The Regulation of Financial Institutions 89
UNIT 24 89
[Reading Material]The Regulation of Nonbank Thrift Institutions 96
UNIT 25 102
Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking 102
[Reading Material]Should Banks Be Permitted to Engage in Full Securities Activities? 111
PART Ⅳ International Finance 116
UNIT 26 116
The International Financial System:Past,Present,and Future 116
[Reading Material]European Monetary System 128
UNIT 27 135
The Balance of Payment Accounts 135
[Reading Material]The Balance of Payments 144
UNIT 28 149
The Balance of Payments Identity 149
[Reading Material]The Third-World Debt Crisis:1982—1989 153
UNIT 29 159
Why Do Firms Invest Oversea? 159
[Reading Material]Cross-Border Acquisitions 166
UNIT 30 171
Political Risk and Global Trend in FDI 171
[Reading Material]Types of Risk in Investment 180
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