- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:延惠秋,王新国编
- 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7561203047
- 页数:311 页
3.Counting Calories 1
1.water,Water Everywhere 3
PartⅠ 3
PartⅡ 5
2.Setdng UpShop 6
27.A Shaft of Vermont Granite 9
4.Using Energy Efficiently 14
5.Craftsme 18
6.Low-Pollution Vehicle 22
7.Going to the Woods for Water 26
8.The MobHeHome Boom 30
9.Buying and Sdlling 34
10.Natural Steam:Power 38
11.The Age of Abundance 42
12.A Three-digit Life Saver 46
13.A Permanert Fixture 50
14.Raiding the Icebox 54
15.Problems of Older Americans 57
16.the Ocean at Work 61
17.Building a Fireplace 65
18..Whter Supply Systerns 69
19.HealthforDeprived Children 73
20.ATraBicCond5tion 77
21.The Mag5native Mr.Pearson 81
22.Recycling Satellites 85
23.Clues to the Past 89
24.Man Vefsus lmachine 93
25.Camping-An Amercan Tradition 97
26.Fifteen Tons a Minute 105
28.Following the Rules 113
29.Idaho s Finest 117
30.A Few City Blocks 121
31.Land of Ice and Snow 125
32.NASA and the Conputer 129
33.Rems and Millirems 133
34.America s Thirsty Machine 137
35.Beyond the Sea 141
36.Careers for Women 144
37.Bears 148
38.A Symbol of the Free Spirit 152
39.Buy,Use and Discared 156
40.What Is Hotline? 164
42.An Indian s Arrow 168
43.A Shining Beacon 172
44.A Good Sports Program 176
45.Landslides 180
46.Toward Quieter Ainrcraft 184
47.Rub,Pour ,Sprindle and Spray 188
48.A British Victory 192
49.Major Risk Factors 197
50.Unsafe at Warm Temperatures 200
PartⅢ 207
51.A Natural Choice 207
52.Via Satellite 211
53.Land at Any Price 215
54.For the Carse of Liberty 219
56.Crossroad of the World 223
55.From Coal to Gas 223
57.The Lion sShare 231
60.Twenty-eight Years in a Cave 234
58.Unlucky Strikes 235
59.The Ice Age 239
61.Federal Jobs Overseas 247
62.Youth Service Programs 251
63.Space-borne Cameras 255
64.The Big Cheese 259
65.What ot Do with Solid Waste 261
66.Businessmen Confer with Students 267
67.Cataracts 271
68.Ice-cream Plants 275
69.VLife Insurance 279
70.Water for Industry 283
71.New Ways to Solve Old Problems 287
72.Marine Mineral Resources 291
73.Smoking,Disease and Death 295
74.Twenty-five Cents a Pound 299
75.The Human Side of Washington 303
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