- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王纬主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7810852116
- 页数:335 页
第一部分 英文报刊阅读常识 2
第一章 怎样阅读和理解新闻标题 2
第一节 新闻标题的作用 2
第二节 新闻标题的语法特点和语言特点 3
第二章 消息的基本结构及报导形式 14
第一节 消息的基本结构 14
第二节 导语的种类与特点 18
第三章 特写的特点与种类 26
第一节 特写与消息的区别 26
第二节 特写的常见种类 30
第四章 社论的基本结构与类别 42
第一节 社论的基本结构 42
第二节 社论的类别 43
第二部分 英文报刊文章选读与评析 50
第一章 政治(Politics) 50
1.Jiang,Clinton hold summit 50
2.China s president draws applause at Harvard talk,ignores demonstrators 54
3.Jerusalem Riots Escalate;12 More Killed 61
4.President George W.Bush s Inaugural Address 69
5.Cold War Hero Now Tainted by Scandal 77
6.Interview of Secretary of State Colin Powell by CCTV 84
第二章 经济(Economy) 98
1.China,US Sign Landmark 98
2.APEC to play bigger role 102
3.Chinese City Zhucheng is a Stockholding Reform Model 105
4.BAT Aims for 22bn Swiss Merger 110
5.The Challenge:Provide Food While Protecting The Environment 115
6.The Burden Of Proof 118
7.Not Like All the Others 124
1.Unmarried,No Children 129
第三章 社会(Society) 129
2.Fast Track to Failure 133
3.More Young Men Opt to Live With Parents 138
4.Under the Volcano 141
5.An Apocalyptic Mystery 147
6.The Children are First to Die 154
7.Taliban destroying Buddhist relics 161
第四章 战争与军事(War and Military Affairs) 167
1.Russia rejects new US charges 167
2.Palestinian killed in fresh violence 170
3.Hundreds die after radioactive bombing 173
4.Balkan peace elusive as ever 178
5.US pulls out of AMB Treaty;Putin calls move a mistake 182
6.U.S.Bombs Site Used by Taliban and Qaida Chiefs 186
第五章 科技(Science and Technology) 192
1.Japan investigates milk feed as cause of mad cow disease 192
2.Adding to the Arsenal Of drugs to Fight AIDS 194
3.Food-and-mouth walks all over UK 198
4.Cool Approach to Global Warming on All Fronts 203
5.Red Planet s lure may prove costly 207
第六章 灾难与暴力(Disasters and Violence) 211
1.U.S.Space Shuttle Explodes on Takeoff 211
2.Rodney King verdicts incite Los Angeles riot 216
3.Bush may use federal troops to halt LA riot 219
4.(a)Diana dies in Paris car wreck 222
(b)Diana s Final Journey 224
5.(a)All eyes on rescue efforts 231
(b)Russians mourn sub crew 234
(c)A Mystery In The Deep 236
6.(a)Terror strikes heart of US 248
(b)Our very freedom attacked 253
(c)World aghast at terrorist attack 256
(d)The new enemy 261
第七章 体育与文化(Sports and Culture) 269
1.Nation s Largest Library Looted by Westerners 269
2.Mind the media for your kids 273
3.Making No Splash 279
4.Holyfield dethrones Tyson 283
5.mili 288
1.The Legacy of Chernobyl:Disaster for the Lapps 294
第八章 特写(Features) 294
2.African Statesman Still Sowing Seeds for Future 298
3.Man of Israel 305
第九章 社论(Editorials) 316
1.Summit Sets Course 316
2.China Comes Calling 319
3.Now for the Billy Pulpit 323
4.The War Against America 328
5.Pakistan s Choice 332
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