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Agile software development principles,patterns, and practices
Agile software development principles,patterns, and practices

Agile software development principles,patterns, and practicesPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)Robert C.Martin著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7508315030
  • 页数:529 页
《Agile software development principles,patterns, and practices》目录

Section 1 Agile Development 1

Chapter 1 Agile Practices 3

Chapter 2 Overview of Extreme Programming 11

Chapter 3 Planning 19

Chapter 4 Testing 23

Chapter 5 Refactoring 31

Chapter 6 A Programming Episode 43

Section 2 Agile Design 85

Chapter 7 What Is Agile Design? 87

Chapter 8 SRP:The Single-Responsibility Principle 95

Chapter 9 OCP:The Open-Closed Principle 99

Chapter 10 LSP:The Liskov Substitution Principle 111

Chapter 11 DIP:The Dependency-Inversion Principle 127

Chapter 12 ISP:The Interface-Segregation Principle 135

Section 3 The Payroll Case Study 147

Chapter 13 COMMAND and ACTIVE OBJECT 151

Chapter 14 TEMPLATE METHOD&STRATEGY:Inheritance vs. Delegation 161

Chapter 15 FACADE and MEDIATOR 173

Chapter 16 SINGLETON and MONOSTATE 177

Chapter 17 NULL OBJECT 189

Chapter 18 The Payroll Case Study:Iteration One Begins 193

Chapter 19 The Payroll Case Study: Implementation 205

Section 4 Packaging the Payroll System 251

Chapter 20 Principles of Package Design 253

Chapter 21 FACTORY 269

Chapter 22 The Payroll Case Study(Part2) 275

Section 5 The Weather Station Case Study 291

Chapter 23 COMPOSITE 293

Chapter 24 OBSERVER-Backing into a Pattern 297


Chapter 26 PROXY and STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN:Managing Third Party APIs 327

Chapter 27 Case Study:Weather Station 355

Section 6 The ETS Case Study 385

Chapter 28 VISITOR 387

Chapter 29 STATE 419

Chapter 30 The ETS Framework 443

Appendix A UML NotationⅠ:The CGI Example 467

Appendix B UML NotationⅡ:The STATMUX 489

Appendix C A Satire of Two Companies 507

Appendix D The Source Code Is the Design 517

Index 525
