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航海名词图鉴  华英对照
航海名词图鉴  华英对照

航海名词图鉴 华英对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:麦庆祥编译
  • 出 版 社:万里书店
  • 出版年份:1976
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:234 页
《航海名词图鉴 华英对照》目录

目次 1

前言 1

1.船舶种类的名称(Kinds of vessels) 1

1.古代船(Ancient ships) 2

2.现代船(Modern vessels) 4

3.客船(Passenger ship) 5

4.货船(Cargo vessels) 6

5.运输船(Carrier vessels) 7

6.运油船(Oil tanker) 8

7.货箱船(Container vessels) 9

8.渔船(Fishing boat) 10

9.港口船(Harbour boat) 11

10.实用船(Practical ship) 12

11.特殊船(Speciality ship) 13

12.军用船(War vessels) 14

2.航海仪器的名称(Navigation Instrument) 15

1.西伯利式电罗经(Sperry type gyro compass) 16

2.北辰式电罗经(Hokuskin type gyro compass) 18

3.磁罗经(Magnetic compass) 20

4.罗经(自差)调整器(Compass compensating instruments) 22

5.罗经方位仪(Compass azimuth instrument) 23

6.无线电测向仪(Radio direction finder) 24

7.卫星方位测定仪(Sputnik direction finder) 26

8.磁力导航仪(Magnetic pilot) 27

9.电力导航仪(Gyro pilot) 28

10.普通测程仪(Common log) 30

11.电磁测程仪(Electro-magnetic log) 31

12.普通测深装置(Common sounding equipment) 32

13.实用测深仪(Practical sounding machine) 33

14.音响测深仪(Echo sounder) 34

15.电达(Radar) 36

16.气象图模写仪(Weather facsimile) 38

17.台卡指示仪(Decca indicator) 39

18.“罗兰”导航系统(逻达)(Loran) 40

19.激光测距仪(Laser range finder) 42

20.导航电视装置(Navigation television) 43

3.船桥设备的名称(Bridge equipment) 45

1.传令钟(Telegraph) 46

2.指示器(Indicator) 48

3.温度计(Thermometer) 49

4.气压记录仪(Barograph) 50

5.风速计(Anemometer) 51

6.望远镜(Binocular) 52

7.六分仪(Sextant) 53

8.航海天文钟(Marine chronometer) 54

9.海图仪表(Chart appliances) 56

4.救生设备的名称(Life saving equipment) 57

1.救生艇吊(柱)杆(Life boat davits) 58

2.救生艇构造(Life boat construction) 60

3.救生艇设备(Life boat equipment) 62

4.救生艇用具(Life boat appliances) 64

5.救生浮筏的构造(Life raft construction) 66

6.救生浮筏的用具(Life raft appliances) 68

7.其他救生设备(Other life saving appliances) 70

5.消防设备的名称(Fire equipment) 73

1.普通消防装置(Common fire-fighting equipment) 74

2.火灾探测箱装置(Fire detecting cabinet arrangement) 76

3.空气泡沫(灭火)系统(Air foam system) 78

4.二氧化碳(灭火)系统(Carbon dioxide system) 80

5.其他消防系统(Other fire system) 81

6.起卸货设备名称(Cargo work equipment) 83

1.普通吊货杆(Common cargo derrick) 84

2.重力吊货杆(Heavy cargo boom) 86

3.动臂起货机(Jib cargo crane) 87

4.普通起货绞车(Common cargo winch) 88

5.吊货钩(Cargo hooks) 90

6.吊货索套(Cargo slings) 92

7.货物包装(Cargo packing) 94

8.货物集装箱(Cargo container) 96

7.其他设备的名称(Other equipment) 99

1.信号设备(Signal equipment) 100

2.照明设备(Lamps equipment) 102

3.防水设备(Flood protection materials) 104

4.潜水设备(Diving equipment) 106

5.船锚设备(Anchor equipment) 108

6.绳索设备(Rope equipment) 110

7.系缆设备(Ballards equipment) 112

8.滑车设备(Block equipment) 114

9.碰垫设备(Fender equipment) 116

10.船舶用具装置(Sundries equipment) 117

8.甲板工具的名称(Deck tools) 119

1.洗刷工具(Washing tools) 120

2.去锈工具(Chipping tools) 122

3.捻缝工具(Caulking tools) 123

4.加油工具(Feed oil tools) 124

5.油漆工具(Paint tools) 126

6.木匠工具(Carpenter's tools) 127

7.制帆工具(Sailmaker's tools) 129

8.制索工具(Rope furnishing tools) 131

9.甲板杂务的名称(Deck jobs) 133

1.帆布缝法(Seaming of cauvas) 134

2.钢索结法(Splices of wire rope) 136

3.绳索结法(Sisal rope splices) 138

4.绳索系法(Securing of ropes) 140

5.麻索捆法(Common rope coiling) 142

6.锚链作业法(Anchors chains works) 143

10.船体构造的名称(Construction of vessels) 145

1.船首构造(Bow construction) 146

2.船壳构造(Hull construction) 148

3.船中构造(Midship construction) 150

4.船舷构造(Ship side construction) 152

5.船底构造(Bottom construction) 154

6.船尾构造(Stern construction) 156

7.外板构造(Shell plating construction) 158

8.木甲板构造(Wood deck construction) 160

9.舱壁构造(Bulkhead construction) 162

10.肋骨构造(Frame construction) 164

11.龙骨构造(Keel construction) 166

12.横梁构造(Beams construction) 168

13.桁梁构造(Girder construction) 170

14.柱构造(Pillar construction) 172

15.船尾轴管构造(Stern tube construction) 174

16.船尾轴架构造(Shaft bracket construction) 175

17.舵构造(Rudder construction) 176

11.船体设备的名称(Hull equipment) 177

1.船桅(Mast) 178

2.桅索(Mast rigging) 180

3.舱口(Hatch) 182

4.舷梯(Accommodation ladder) 183

5.通风筒(Ventilator) 184

6.天篷(Awning) 186

7.天窗(Skylight) 187

8.舷窗(Side scuttles) 189

9.滑门构造(Sluice door construction) 190

10.装货舷门(Cargo port) 192

11.排水口(Wash port) 194

12.栏杆(Rail) 195

13.管系(Piping) 196

12.船舶各部装置的名称(Fitting on the vessels) 199

1.船首楼部分之装置(Fitting on the forecastle) 200

2.驾驶台前部之装置(Fitting in front of bridge) 202

3.船尾驾驶台附近之装置(Fitting near on the lower bridge) 204

4.操舵室装置(Fitting in wheel house) 206

5.船员室装置(Fitting in officer's room) 208

13.航海与气象之名称(Navigation and meteorological) 211

1.航标之形状(Shapes of aids to navigation) 212

2.航海灯光之形状(Lignts and shapes of navigation) 214

3.恒星略图(Star map) 220

4.云形例图(Cloud form illustration) 222

5.风浪级例图(Wind and wave scale illustration) 224

14.标志及其他名称(Sign and other) 227

1.船舶尺寸(Ship's dimension) 228

2.船图术语(Ship's plan terms) 229

3.吃水标志(Draft marks) 230

4.载重线标志(Load line marks) 231

5.摩斯信号(Morse signal) 232

6.手旗信号(Hand flag signal) 233

7.国际旗号(Internation code flags) 234
