实用语用学 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:欧斯特曼,(比)维索尔伦主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544637732
- 页数:326 页
Introduction:Pragmatics and praxis&Jan-Ola ?stman 1
1.Praxis 1
2.Practical linguistics 2
3.'Pragmatics in practice' 3
3.1 Everyday language use in practice 4
3.2 Language and ethics 7
3.3 Pragmatic adaptability in practice 11
3.4 Linguistics'applied' 16
4.Towards responsibility in practice 19
Applied Linguistics&Britt-Louise Gunnarsson 23
1.Introduction 23
2.The educational setting 24
2.1 Child language and early literacy 25
2.2 Classroom interaction 26
2.3 Second and foreign language learning 27
2.4 Teaching methodology and language testing 27
2.5 Schooling and society 28
3.The economic-technical setting 28
3.1 Improving written documents 29
3.2 Studies of discourse in organizations 29
4.Legal and bureaucratic settings 31
4.1 Comprehensibility of legal and bureaucratic language 31
4.2 Asymmetries in court and police encounters 32
4.3 Forensic linguistics 33
5.The medical-social setting 33
6.The workplace 34
6.1 Workplace interaction 35
6.2 Conflicts and negotiations 35
6.3 Discourse and technology 36
7.Science and the academic setting 36
7.1 The sociological-rhetorical study of scientific discourse 36
7.2 The study of academic genres and writing 37
7.3 Spoken discourse within academia 38
8.Conclusion 38
Authenticity&Martin Gill 46
1.Introduction 46
2.Historical background 46
3.Understanding the concept 49
3.1 Properties of authenticity 49
3.2 Establishing authenticity 53
3.3 Experiencing authenticity 54
4.Authenticity and language 55
4.1 The Romantic legacy 55
4.2 Authenticating language 59
5.Conclusions 61
Clinical pragmatics&Michael R.Perkins 66
1.The scope of clinical pragmatics 66
2.Theoretical issues 67
2.1 Is pragmatic impairment a neurological,cognitive or behavioural phenomenon? 67
2.2 Modular vs interactionist theories of pragmatic impairment 68
3.Describing pragmatic impairment 69
3.1 Pragmatic profiles 69
3.2 Pragmatic theories and frameworks 70
3.3 Neuropragmatics 75
3.4 Cognitive pragmatics 76
4.The range of pragmatic impairments 77
4.1 Primary pragmatic impairment 78
4.2 Secondary pragmatic impairment 81
5.Clinical pragmatics and pragmatic theory 83
Computer-mediated communication&Alexandra Georgakopoulou 93
1.Introduction 93
2.CMC between speaking and writing 94
3.Play and performance 100
4.Communities 102
5.Self-presentation and identities 104
6.Conclusion 106
Contrastive analysis&Katarzyna Jaszczolt 111
1.The contrastive enterprise 111
2.The unit of comparison 112
3.The method 113
4.The scope 114
5.Macro-contrastive analysis 115
6.Applications 115
Corpus analysis&Jan Aarts 118
1.Introduction 118
2.Corpus design and typology 119
3.Corpus use and annotation 122
4.Some websites and journals 125
4.1 Corpus distribution centres 126
4.2 General information with links to other sites 126
4.3 Corpora 126
4.4 Software 127
4.5 Journals 127
Emphasis&Gerda Eva Lauerbach 130
1.Definition,problems 130
2.Emphasis in rhetoric and stylistics;background norm,markedness,salience 132
3.Resources of emphasis 135
4.Practices of emphasizing 139
5.Resources and practices of emphasis beyond language 143
6.Emphasis on the social macro level,further questions 144
Error analysis&H?kan Ringbom 149
1.Introduction 149
2.Identification of errors 150
3.Description and classification of errors 150
4.Explanation of errors 150
5.Limitations 151
General semantics&Keith Allan 153
Irony&Rachel Giora 159
1.Definitions of irony 159
2.Irony comprehension 163
3.The function(s) of irony 167
4.Irony processing in partial implementation 169
4.1 Developmental aspects of irony comprehension 169
4.2 Hemispheric perspectives of irony comprehension 17o 169
5.Future avenues of research 171
Language ecology&Tove Skutnabb-Kangas 177
1.Introduction 177
2.Diversities-definitions,status and threats 178
2.1 Linguistic diversity 178
2.2 Biological/ecological diversity 18o 181
2.3 Threats to diversities 181
3.Relationships between linguistic diversity and biodiversity 183
3.1 A correlational relationship 183
3.2 Towards causality in biocultural/biolinguistic relationships 185
3.3 Traditional ecological knowledge encoded in small(indigenous and local)languages and its disappearance 186
3.4 Processes in the disappearance of traditional knowledge through hierarchisation of languages and knowledges in education 188
4.Work to counteract ecolinguistic threats and promote the survival of diversities 192
5.To conclude 193
Language policy,language planning and standardization&Robert K.Herbert 199
1.Introduction and definitions 199
2.Language choice 200
3.Standardization 204
4.The social context of policy decisions 207
5.Conclusion 209
Language and the law&Philipp Sebastian Angermeyer 211
1.Introduction 211
2.Methodologies and data sources 211
3.Legal discourse 213
3.1 Turn-taking and question-answer sequences 214
3.2 Legal-lay discourse 218
3.3 Legal discourse in intercultural and multilingual contexts 220
4.Speech act theory and Grice's theory of conversational implicature 223
5.Conclusion 226
Literacy&Jenny Cook-Gumperz 231
1.Literacy versus illiteracy-Literacy versus orality:Are these oppositions? 231
2.Alternative literacies 233
3.Literacy and social memory:The great divide in social organization 234
4.Literacy and thought:Issues of the transmission of knowledge 237
5.Literacies of schooling or a'schooled literacy' 239
6.The language of literacy:Standard language or world languages? 240
7.The oral-written language:A continuum or a difference 241
8.New directions in literacy studies 242
8.1 The new literacy studies 242
8.2 Textual domains and new media of communication 243
8.3 Scriptal Economies and the politics of written language 243
Mass media&Andreas H.Jucker 248
1.Introduction and definition 248
2.The communicative situation 249
2.1 Producers 249
2.2 Periodicity and accessibility 250
2.3 Recipients 252
2.4 Interaction and interactivity 254
2.5 Delinearization and modularization 256
3.Manipulation and ideology 257
4.Conversations for an overhearing audience 258
4.1 Pragmatic reliability of data 258
4.2 Typology of dialogues for an overhearing audience 259
5.Diachronic aspects 259
Rhetoric&Manfred Kienpointner 264
1.Introduction 264
2.The legacy of ancient rhetoric 264
2.1 Rhetoric in antiquity 264
2.2 Rhetoric from ancient to modern times 267
3.Contemporary rhetoric 267
3.1 The new rhetoric of Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca 267
3.2 New rhetoric as scientific rhetoric 268
3.3 Normative approaches to rhetoric and argumentation 269
4.Fields of rhetoric 270
4.1 Techniques of argumentation 270
4.2 Techniques of formulation 271
4.3 Techniques of performance 272
5.The social macro-context of rhetoric 273
6.Rhetoric and other fields 273
Signed language pragmatics&Terry Janzen,Barbara Shaffer ? Sherman Wilcox 278
1.The world's signed languages 278
1.1 Language and its expression 278
2.Subjectivity 279
3.Speech acts 280
3.1 Direct speech acts 280
3.2 Performatives 281
3.3 Indirect speech acts 281
4.Modality as an expression of subjectivity 282
4.1 Agent-oriented uses in ASL 282
4.2 Epistemic uses and the role of syntax 283
4.3 Negative modal concepts 284
4.4 Historical sources and grammaticization 285
5.Information flow 286
5.1 Topic and constituent type 286
5.2 Topic-comment structure 288
5.3 Grammatical topics 289
5.4 Tiered topics and topic scope 290
5.5 Topic shift 290
6.Pragmatics and other signed languages 291
Stylistics&Elena Semino ? Jonathan Culpeper 295
1.Literary stylistics 295
2.General stylistics 300
3.Conclusion 302
Translation studies&Christina Sch?ffner 306
1.Introduction 306
2.Linguistic approaches 308
3.Textlinguistic approaches 310
4.Functionalist approaches 312
5.Descriptive Translation Studies and Cultural Studies 314
6.Psycholinguistic approaches to translation,machine(assisted)translation,corpus studies,(multi)media translation,sociological approaches 316
7.Conclusion 319
Index 323
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