国外物理名著系列 12 碳纳米管 从基础到应用 影印版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(法)洛伊斯(Loiseau,A.)等著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787030209399
- 页数:553 页
1 Polymorphism and Structure of Carbons&P.Delhaès,J.P.Issi,S.Bonnamy and P.Launois 1
1.1 Historical Introduction 1
1.2 Polymorphism of Crystalline Phases 5
1.3 Non-Crystalline Carbons 13
1.4 Transport Properties 24
1.5 Doped Carbons and Parent Materials 37
1.6 Conclusion 42
References 43
2 Synthesis Methods and Growth Mechanisms&A.Loiseau,X.Blase,J.-Ch.Charlier,P.Gadelle,C.Journet,Ch.Laurent and A.Peigney 49
2.1 Introduction 49
2.2 High-Temperature Methods for the Synthesis of Carbon and Boron Nitride MWNTs and SWNTs 51
2.3 Catalytic CVD Growth of Filamentous Carbon 63
2.4 Synthesis of MWNT and SWNT via Medium-Temperature Routes 77
2.5 Nucleation and Growth of C-SWNT 92
2.6 Growth Mechanisms for Carbon Nanotubes:Numerical Modelling 106
2.7 BxCyNzComposite Nanotubes 119
References 122
3 Structural Analysis by Elastic Scattering Techniques&Ph.Lambin,A.Loiseau,M.Monthioux and J.Thibault 131
3.1 Basic Theories 131
3.2 Analysis of Graphene-Based Structures with HREM 152
3.3 Ahalysis of Nanotube Structures with Diffraction and HREM 164
3.4 Analysis of the Nanotube Structure with STM 190
References 195
4 Electronic Structure&F.Ducastelle,X.Blase,J.-M.Bonard,J.-Ch.Charlier and P.Petit 199
4.1 Electronic Structure:Generalities 199
4.2 Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 217
4.3 Non-Carbon Nanotubes 227
4.4 Monitoring the Electronic Structure of SWNTs by Intercalation and Charge Transfer 236
4.5 Field Emission 248
References 271
5 Spectroscopies on Carbon Nanotubes&J.-L.Sauvajol,E.Anglaret,S.Rols and O.Stephan 277
5.1 Vibrational Spectroscopies 277
5.2 Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy 290
5.3 Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes 302
5.4 Applications of EELS to Nanotubes 322
References 331
6 Transport Properties&S.Roche,E.Akkermans,O.Chauvet,F.Hekking,J.-P.Issi,R.Martel,G.Montambaux and Ph.Poncharal 335
6.1 Quantum Transport in Low-dimensional Materials 335
6.2 Quantum Transport in Disordered Conductors 357
6.3 An Interaction Effect:the Density-of-States Anomaly 375
6.4 Theory of Quantum Transport in Nanotubes 377
6.5 Measurement Techniques 396
6.6 The Case of Carbon Nanotube 406
6.7 Experimental Studies of Transport in Nanotubes and Electronic Devices 408
6.8 Transport in Nanotube Based Composites 419
6.9 Thermal Transport in Carbon Nanotubes 423
References 432
7 Mechanical Properties of Individual Nanotubes and Composites&J.-P.Salvetat,G.Désarmot,C.Gauthier and P.Poulin 439
7.1 Mechanical Properties of Materials,Basic Notions 439
7.2 Mechanical Properties of a Single Nanotube 449
7.3 Reinforcing Composite Materials with Nanotubes 459
References 488
8 Surface Properties,Porosity,Chemical and Electrochemical Applications&F Béguin,E.Flahaut,A.Linares-Solano and J.Pinson 495
8.1 Surface Area,Porosity and Reactivity of Porous Carbons 495
8.2 Surface Functionality,Chemical and Electrochemical Reactivity of Carbons 513
8.3 Filling of CNTs and In-Situ Chemistry 524
8.4 Electrochemical Energy Storage using Carbon Nanotubes 530
References 543
Index 551
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