黄土高原西部的生态环境 过去、现在、将来PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冯兆东主编;赵传燕副主编
- 出 版 社:兰州:甘肃科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787542420527
- 页数:299 页
第一章 黄土高原过去200万年以来的气候变化&冯兆东 1
第二章 黄土高原西部距今约5.0至1.0万年前的植被和气候变化&冯兆东 仵慧宁 9
第三章 黄土高原西部过去3.0万年以来的植被与气候变化&仵慧宁 冯兆东 25
第四章 黄土高原西部过去1.5万年以来的植被和气候变化&孙爱芝 冯兆东 47
第五章 黄土高原西部阔叶落叶森林的潜在分布&戚鹏程 冯兆东 64
第六章 祖厉河流域的土地覆盖和潜在植被&赵传燕 冯兆东 90
第七章 黄土高原西部土壤水分时空变化研究一以安家坡流域为例&赵传燕 冯兆东 107
第八章 黄土高原西部植被对未来气候变化的响应&戚鹏程 赵传燕 123
第九章 132
黄土高原植树造林的误区与人工林稳定性问题&赵传燕 方书敏 132
感想和畅想&冯兆东 142
附录一 Feng,Z.-D.,Tang,LY.,Wang,H.B.and Ma,Y.Z.,2006.Holocene Vegetation Variations and the Associated Environmental Changes in the Western Part of the Chinese Loess Plateau.Paleogeography Paleoelimatology Paleoecology,241:440-456 144
附录二 Wu,H.N.,Ma,Y.Z.and Feng,Z.-D.,Sun,A.Z.,Zhang,C.J.and Kuang,J.,2009.A high--resolution record of vegetation and environmental variations through the past~25,000 yr BP in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau.Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology,273:191-199 161
附录三 Feng,Z.-D.,Tang,L.Y.,Ma,Y.Z.,Zhai,X.W.,Wu,H.N.,Li,F.,Zou.S.B.,Yang,Q.L.,Wang,W.G.,Derbyshire,E.and Liu,K.-b.,2007.Vegetation variations and associated environmental changes during the marine isotope stage 3 in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau.Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology,246:278-291 170
附录四 Feng,Z.-D.,An,C.B.and Wang,H.B.,2006.Holocene Climatic and Environmental Changes in the arid and semiarid areas of China:A Review.The Holocene,16:1-12 184
附录五 Liu.F.G.and Feng,Z.-D.,2012.A dramatic climatic transition at~4000 Calendar yr BP and its cultural responses in Chinese cultural domains.The Holocene,22:1181-1197 196
附录六 Ran,M.and Feng,Z.-D.,2013.Holocene moisture variations across China and driving meehanisms:a synthesis of climatic records.Quaternary International,313/314:179-193 213
附录七 Zou,S.B.,Cheng,G.D.,Xiao,H.L.,Xu,B.R.and Feng,Z.-D.,2009.Holocene natural rhythms of vegetation and present potential ecology in the western Chinese Loess Plateau.Quaternary International 194:55-67 228
附录八 Sun,A.Z.and Feng,Z.-D.,2014.Climatic changes in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last deglacial and the Holocene:a synthesis of pollen records.Quaternary International(doi.org/10.1060/j.quatin.2014.10.046) 241
附录九 Qi.P.C.,Zhao,C.Y.and Feng,Z.-D.,2010.GIS-and Machine Learning—Based Modeling of the Potential Distribution of Broadleaved Deciduous Forest in the Chinese Loess Plateau.GIScience&Remote Sensing,47:99-114 253
附录十 Zhao,C.Y.,Feng,Z.-D.and Cheng,G.D.,2004.Soil water balanee simulation of alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.)in the semiarid Chinese Loess Plateau.Agricultural Water Management,69,101-114 269
附录十一 Zhao,C.Y.,Nan,Z.R. and Feng,Z.-D.,2004.GIS-assisted spatially distributed modeling of the potential evapotranspiration in semi-arid climate of the Chinese Loess Plateau.Journal of Arid Environments.58.387-403 283
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