Exceptional C++ StylePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Herb Sutter著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:711118484X
- 页数:325 页
Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library 1
1. Uses and Abuses of vector 10
2. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 1: sprintf 10
3. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 2: Standard (or Blindingly Elegant) Alternatives 16
4. Standard Library Member Functions 27
5. Flavors of Genericity, Part 1: Covering the Basis [sic] 31
6. Flavors of Genericity, Part 2: Generic Enough? 35
7. Why Not Specialize Function Templates? 42
8. Befriending Templates 49
9. Export Restrictions, Part 1: Fundamentals 59
10. Export Restrictions, Part 2: Interactions, Usability Issues, and Guidelines 68
Exception Safety Issues and Techniques 79
11. Try and Catch Me 80
12. Exception Safety: Is It Worth It? 85
13. A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications 89
Class Design, Inheritance, and Polymorphism 99
14. Order, Order! 100
15. Uses and Abuses of Access Rights 104
16. (Mostly) Private 110
17. Encapsulation 119
18. Virtuality 129
19. Enforcing Rules for Derived Classes 139
Memory and Resource Management 151
20. Containers in Memory, Part 1: Levels of Memory Management 152
21. Containers in Memory, Part 2: How Big Is It Really? 156
22. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 1: The Many Faces of new 164
23. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 2: Pragmatic Issues in Memory Management 173
Optimization and Efficiency 183
24. Constant Optimization? 184
25. inline Redux 190
26. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 1: When Compression Is the Name of the Game 199
27. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 2: (Even Less) Bit-Twiddling 204
Traps, Pitfalls, and Puzzlers 213
28. Keywords That Aren't (or, Comments by Another Name) 214
29. Is It Initalizafion? 221
30. double or Nothing 227
31. Amok Code 230
32. Slight Typos? Graphic Language and Other Curiosities 235
33. Operators, Operators Everywhere 239
Style Case Studies 245
34. Index Tables 246
35. Generic Callbacks 258
36. Construction Unions 267
37. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 1: A Look at std::string 286
38. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 2: Refactoring std::string 292
39. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 3: std::string Diminishing 301
40. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 4: std::string Redux 305
Bibliography 315
Index 319
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