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实用大学英语快速阅读  3
实用大学英语快速阅读  3

实用大学英语快速阅读 3PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王智玲,孟丽华总主编;武丽娜,张铁军主编;隋新,张汝光,咸飞副主编;孙作生,刘亚敏,张京华等编者
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787513509138
  • 页数:158 页
《实用大学英语快速阅读 3》目录

快速阅读技能指南 5

Unit 1 Food Culture 15

Passage 1 Culture of French Food(Ⅰ) 16

Passage 2 Culture of French Food(Ⅱ) 19

Passage 3 Salad Days and Cold Cuts 23

Passage 4 Peachesand dreams 26

Passage 5 Enticing Scent of Coffee in Hong Kong 28

Unit 2 Stylish Life 31

Passage 1 Want to Stave Off Ailments of Old Age? Then Try Thinking Young 32

Passage 2 The Incredible"Smart"Wallets 36

Passage 3 Pleasure in the Raw 39

Passage 4 Re-gifting:Rude or Resourceful? 42

Passage 5 Think Yourself Thinner with the Fantasy Diet 44

Unit 3 Language and Culture 47

Passage 1 The Culture of Body Language 48

Passage 2 CultureShock 52

Passage 3 English in the United States 55

Passage 4 Do You Have to Be"Cultured"to Understand Other Cultures? 59

Passage 5 Cultural Diversity 62

Unit 4 Social Focuses 65

Passage 1 Is the Internet the Secret to Happiness? 66

Passage 2 Is True Friendship Dying Away? 69

Passage 3 Texting Generation Doesn't Share Boomers'Taste for Talk 72

Passage 4 I-Dosing 75

Passage 5 Farewell,Libraries? 78

Unit 5 Mythology 81

Passage 1 A Contest Between a Human and the Goddess of Wisdom 82

Passage 2 The Different Ages of Man 85

Passage 3 In the Company of Snakes 88

Passage 4 An UnfortunateCouple 91

Passage 5 The King of Sharks 94

Unit 6 Education 97

Passage 1 Should You Trust College Rankings? 98

Passage 2 The Female Student Psych Crisis 101

Passage 3 Shanghai Surprise:Don't Sweat Global Test Data 104

Passage 4 How to Raise an A+student 107

Passage 5 Do Male Students Need Affirmative Action? 110

Unit 7 New Technology 113

Passage 1 PayPal Will Play an Even Bigger Role at eBay 114

Passage 2 Smartphones Have Conquered PCs 117

Passage 3 Universal Remotes:Not Remotely Possible 120

Passage 4 The New Hot Wheels 123

Passage 5 Geek TV:Computer Makers Take Over the Tube 126

Unit 8 Space Exploration 129

Passage 1 In Surprise,Moon Shows Signs of Water 130

Passage 2 Businesses Take Flight,with Help from NASA 133

Passage 3 Test of Mars Soil Sample Confirms Presence of Ice 136

Passage 4 In Hubble's Lens,Signs of a Galaxy Older and Farther than Any Other 139

Passage 5 Private Spacecraft Returns Safely from Orbit 142

Glossary 145

Answer Key 155
