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新编英语教程  7
新编英语教程  7

新编英语教程 7PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李观仪主编;何兆熊,黄任,章伟良副主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787544608176
  • 页数:310 页
《新编英语教程 7》目录

Unit One 1

TEXT Ⅰ English and American Concepts of Space 1

TEXT Ⅱ Private Space 16

Unit Two 24

TEXT Ⅰ Tourists 24

TEXT Ⅱ Chestnut Street from a Fire Escape 35

Unit Three 40

TEXT Ⅰ The Subway 40

TEXT Ⅱ Living in Two Worlds 54

Unit Four 58

TEXT Ⅰ Style and Purpose 58

TEXT Ⅱ Pub orGroggery? 75

Unit Five 83

TEXT Ⅰ ne Santa Ana 83

TEXT Ⅱ The Dust-Blanketed Land 97

Unit SiX 102

TEXT Ⅰ How to Get Things Done 102

TEXT Ⅱ Now That Im Organized 118

Unit Seven 123

TEXT Ⅰ The Aims ofEducation 123

TEXT Ⅱ Another School Year—Why? 136

Unit Eight 141

TEXT Ⅰ Fifth Avenue,Uptown:A Letter from Harlem 141

TEXT Ⅱ The Civil Rights Movement:What Good Was It? 154

Unit Nine 166

TEXT Ⅰ Roots ofFreedom 166

TEXT Ⅱ The Philosopher and the Conqueror 180

Unit Ten 189

TEXT Ⅰ Fear ofDearth 189

TEXT Ⅱ The Backpacker 202

Unit Eleven 210

TEXT Ⅰ Beyond Invalidism,Part One 210

TEXT Ⅱ Beyond Invalidism,Part Two 225

Unit Twelve 231

TEXT Ⅰ Charles Darwin 231

TEXT Ⅱ Charles Darwin 248

Unit Thirteen 262

TEXT Ⅰ The Scopes Trial 262

TEXT Ⅱ The Trial That Rocked the World 280

Unit Fourteen 289

TEXT Ⅰ Reading the River 289

TEXT Ⅱ The Wilderness 303

References 309
