中国国际战略评论 2013 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王缉思,周明伟主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787119086750
- 页数:502 页
Thoughts on Global Governance&He Yafei 1
North,South,East,and West—China is in the"Middle":A Geostrategic Chessboard&Wang Jisi 27
Integrative Diplomacy for the 21st Century&Brian Hocking,Jan Melissen,Shaun Riordan and Paul Sharp 53
Five Key Balances for China's Near Future&Yu Keping 89
China's Foreign Policy Since the 18th National Congress of CPC&Zhang Qingmin 101
Presenting China from an International Perspective&Zhou Mingwei 135
Progress and Challenges:China-U.S.People-to-People Exchange&Jia Qingguo 145
Observing China's Energy Policies:How Strategic Are They?&Zha Daojiong 164
RMB Internationalisation:Topping China's Next List of Reforms&Shen Jianguang 183
Realising the Chinese Dream and Building Up National Defense and Armed Forces&Yang Yi 216
Taiwan's"International Space"Issue&Li Yihu 227
U.S.-China Relations:Moving Beyond the Script&Paul Haenle 241
An Obama Grand Strategy?What Does It Mean for U.S.-China Relations?&Carla Freeman 258
American Public Perceptions of a Rising China&Richard K.Herrmann 275
The U.S.Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific Region and Its Impact on the Regional Strategic Environment&Yoichi Kato 306
America's Asia Rebalancing:Understanding New Zealand's Response&Robert Ayson 325
Can the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula Still Be Achieved?&Zhu Feng 345
Why Chinese Sanctions on Japan Might Not Be Effective&Zhang Yun 365
BRICS,Africa and China's Role&Li Anshan 380
Germany's Role in the Eurozone Crisis and the EU Reform Process&Dr.Kai-Olaf Lang 401
Islamism,Legitimacy,and the Deep State:How Egyptian"Revolutions"Have Failed to Change Egypt&Lian Chaoqun 418
Two Hundred Years of Anglo-American Relations,1782-2012&Andrew Lambert 431
Security Dilemma,Strategic Imbalance and Imperial Germany's Fragile Rise&Xu Qiyu 451
Military Power in the Modern World:Opportunities and Problems for Russia&Sergei Karaganov 464
Parallel Progress,Positive Potential:Sino-American Cooperation to Further Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden&Andrew S.Erickson and Austin M.Strange 479
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