- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘建波,刘蕾,崔慕雨,李参,黄吟编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787564087463
- 页数:285 页
1.Washington Irving(1783—1859) 1
1.1 Introduction of Washington Irving 1
1.2 Appreciation and Analysis of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 3
1.3 Reading of The legend of sleepy hollow 4
1.4 Appreciation and Analysis of Among the Osage Indians in 1832 36
1.5 Reading ofA mong the Osage Indians in 1832 37
2.James Fenimore Cooper(1789—1851) 44
2.1 Introduction of James Fenimore Cooper 44
2.2 Appreciation and Analysis of The Last of the Mohicans 46
2.3 Reading of The Last of the Mohicans 48
3.Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849) 55
3.1 Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe 55
3.2 Appreciation and Analysis of The Fall ofthe House of Usher 57
3.3 Reading of The Fall of the House of Usher 59
4.William Dean Howells(1837—1920) 68
4.1 Introduction of William Dean Howells 68
4.2 Appreciation and Analysis of Editha 70
4.3 Reading of Editha 72
5.Stephen Crane(1871—1900) 89
5.1 Introduction of Stephen Crane 89
5.2 Appreciation and Analysis of The Open Boat 90
5.3 Reading of The Open Boat 91
6.Jack London(1876—1916) 120
6.1 Introduction of Jack London 120
6.2 Appreciation and Analysis of The Call of the Wild 121
6.3 Reading of The Call of the Wild 123
6.4 Appreciation and Analysis of A Piece of Steak 209
6.5 Reading of A Piece of Steak 210
7.Ernest Hemingway(1899—1961) 232
7.1 Introduction of Ernest Hemingway 232
7.2 Appreciation and Analysis of The Snows of Kilimanjaro 235
7.3 Reading of The Snows of Kilimanjaro 236
8.Mary Flannery O'Connor(1925—1964) 263
8.1 Introduction of Mary Flannery O'Connor 263
8.2 Appreciation and Analysis of A Good Man Is Hard to Find 264
8.3 Reading of A Good Man Is Hard to Find 266
References 285
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