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外教社跨文化交际丛书  跨文化能力  交际与跨文化适应的综合理论
外教社跨文化交际丛书  跨文化能力  交际与跨文化适应的综合理论

外教社跨文化交际丛书 跨文化能力 交际与跨文化适应的综合理论PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)金荣渊著;戴晓东导读
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787544635639
  • 页数:321 页
图书介绍:本书为“外教社跨文化交际丛书”之一,本书是美国俄克拉荷马大学传播系教育Young Yun Kim(金荣渊)撰写的跨文化交际适应领域的一部理论力作。由戴晓东作部分导读,供国内相关专业人员参考。
《外教社跨文化交际丛书 跨文化能力 交际与跨文化适应的综合理论》目录

Part Ⅰ.The Background 3

1.Introduction 3

Common Experiences of Crossing Cultures 4

Theorizing About Cross-Cultural Adaptation 10

2.Existing Approaches to Cross-Cultural Adaptation 11

Macro-Level and Micro-Level Perspectives 12

Long-Term and Short-Term Adaptation 15

Adaptation as Problem and Adaptation as Learning/Growth 17

Varying Theoretical Accounts and Empirical Assessments 21

Divergent Value Premises:Assimilationism and Pluralism 23

Toward Integration 26

Part Ⅱ.The Theory 26

3.Organizing Principles 29

The Domain and Boundary Conditions 30

Assumptions:Strangers as Open Systems 35

Mechanics of Theorizing 38

Empirical Grounding 42

4.The Process of Cross-Cultural Adaptation 45

Cultural Adaptation 46

Cross-Cultural Adaptation 49

The Stress-Adaptation-Growth Dynamic:A Process Model 54

Three Facets of Intercultural Transformation 61

Axioms 68

5.The Structure of Cross-Cultural Adaptation 71

Personal Communication:Host Communication Competence 72

Social Communication 74

Environment 78

Predisposition 82

Linking Dimensions and Factors:A Structural Model 85

Assumptions,Axioms,and Theorems 88

Part Ⅲ.Elaboration of the Theory 88

6.Personal Communication 97

Host Communication Competence 98

Cognitive Components 100

Affective Components 108

Operational Components 114

Linking Cognitive,Affective,and Operational Components 117

7.Social Communication 121

Host Social Communication 122

Ethnic Social Communication 134

Linking Factors of Host and Ethnic Social Communication 142

8.Environment 147

Host Receptivity 148

Host Conformity Pressure 152

Ethnic Group Strength 155

Linking Factors of Communication and Environment 160

9.Predisposition 165

Preparedness for Change 166

Ethnic Proximity 168

Adaptive Personality 172

Linking Factors of Communication and Predisposition 180

10.Intercultural Transformation 183

Functional Fitness 185

Psychological Health 187

Intercultural Identity 190

Emergence of Intercultural Personhood 194

Part Ⅳ.The Theory and the Reality 194

11.Research Considerations 203

The Theory:PrincipalFeatures 204

Theory-Research Correspondence 208

Toward Methodological Integration 213

12.Practical Insights 221

Understanding Adaptation Potential 222

Host Environment as Partner 223

Willingness to Be Changed 225

Managing Stress 227

Focusing on Communicative Engagement 229

Cultivating Adaptive Personality 231

Forging a Path of Intercultural Personhood 232

Notes 237

References 243

Index 295

About the Author 321
