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雅思考试口语金牌教程  6分-7.5分
雅思考试口语金牌教程  6分-7.5分

雅思考试口语金牌教程 6分-7.5分PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡敏主编;(英)MarkGriffiths编著
  • 出 版 社:中国对外翻译出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:7500126263
  • 页数:474 页
《雅思考试口语金牌教程 6分-7.5分》目录

Chapter 1 The Speaking Test and Criteria 1

1.1 The Format ofthe Speaking Test 2

1.1.1 Part One of the Speaking Test 2

1.1.2 Part Two of the Speaking Test 3

1.1.3 Part Three of the Speaking Test 4

1.1.4 Sample Interview 7

1.2 Interpreting the Band Scores 12

1.3 The Assessment Criteria for the Speaking Module 17

1.3.1 Fluency and Coherence 17

1.3.2 Lexical Resource(Vocabulary) 20

1.3.3 Grammatical Range and Accuracy 23

1.3.4 Pronunciation 28

1.3.5 Test Preparation 30

1.3.6 Frequently Asked Questions 31

Chapter 2 Use of English 37

2.1 Tenses 38

2.2 Connectives(Linking Words) 44

2.3 Adverbs of Frequency and Degree 51

2.4 Expressing Probability 53

2.5 Use of Impersonal Pronouns in Place of Nouns 55

2.6 Clauses 56

2.7 Expressing Opinions 58

2.8 Adjectives—Antonyms and Synonyms 59

2.9 Comparatives and Superlatives 61

2.10 Idiomatic English 62

Chapter 3 Part One Topics 63

Your Home 65

Your Hometown 67

Where You Live Now 69

Your Work 70

Your Studies 72

Advertisements 74

Ages 75

Agriculture 76

Ambitions 77

Animals 78

Art 79

Bicycles 80

Birds 81

Birthdays 82

Books 83

Buildings 84

Change 85

Cities 86

Clothes 87

Collecting 88

Computers 89

Cooking 90

Crime 91

Cultural Events 92

Daily Routines 93

Dancing 94

Drawing and Painting 95

Drivinga Car 96

Education 97

Email 98

The Environment 99

Family 100

Festivals 101

Films/Movies 102

Flowers 103

Food 104

Friends 105

Fruits and Vegetables 106

Games 107

Gardens and Parks 108

Gifts 109

Going Abroad Long-term 110

Going Out with Friends 111

Going Out in the Evenings 112

Grandparents 113

Happiness 114

Healthy Eating 115

History 116

Hobbies and Interests 117

Holidays/Vacations 118

Hotels 119

Housework 120

Indoor Activities 121

The Internet 122

Keeping Fit 123

Languages 124

Learning English 125

Leisure Time 126

Letters 127

Magazines 128

The Media 129

Meeting People 130

Memories 131

Museums and Art Galleries 132

Music 133

Musical Instruments 134

Names 135

Neighbours 136

The News 137

Newspapers 138

Noise 139

Numbers 140

Outdoor Activities 141

Parties 142

Pets 143

Photographs/Photography 144

Places of Interest 145

Plans and Goals 146

Possessions 147

Primary School 148

Private Gardens 149

Public Transport 150

Radio 151

Rain 152

Reading 153

Restaurants 154

Science 155

The Sea 156

The Seasons 157

Secondary School 158

Shopping 159

Spots 160

Sports Teams 161

Swimming 162

Teachers 163

Telephones 164

Television(TV) 165

Time and Times of Day 166

Transport 167

Travel 168

Visitors 169

Weather 170

Weddings 171

Weekends 172

Writing 173

Your country 174

Chapter 4 Part Two Topics 175

4.1 People 176

Your parents 176

Amember of your family 176

A family that you like 176

Two people 177

A child 177

An elderly person 177

A person you live with 178

A person who took care of you 178

A person who has influenced you 178

A person who you would like to be similar to 179

One of your neighbours 179

One of your friends 179

One of your classmates 180

A teacher 180

A happy person 181

A person who of ten helps others 181

A successful person 181

A person who won a competition 182

A famous person 182

A leader 182

Your favourite actor 183

A character from a film 183

A music group 184

A person you would like to spend a day with 184

Someone who is good at cooking 184

An adventurous person 185

4.2 Places 186

Your home 186

Your ideal home 186

A home you have lived in 187

A room 187

A school 187

A building at your school 188

A library 188

The sports facilities 189

An important building in the town 189

An important structure in your city 189

A modern building 190

An old place 190

A shop 190

An open-air market 191

A restaurant 191

A place where people go to listen to music 191

Ahotel 192

A hotel you have stayed at 192

A place of natural beauty 193

A lake 193

A garden 193

The perfect park for a city 194

A place you visit in your leisure time 194

A place where you often walk 194

Your favourite part of your home town 195

A place you enjoy visiting 195

A place you have visited 195

A place you would like to visit 196

A city you have visited 196

A place in another country 197

An interesting historic site 197

A quiet place 198

A place that is polluted 198

A strange place 198

4.3 Things 199

Something useful or important 199

Something very expensive 199

Something special 199

Something old that you or your family possess 200

Something that you made yourself 200

Something that you were not happy with 200

An electronic item 201

Avehicle 201

An item of furniture 201

An item of clothing or jewellery 202

A product that your region well-known for 202

A work of art 202

A photograph 203

A family photo 203

A toy 203

A story 204

An important letter 204

A postcard 204

A newspaper or magazine 205

A book youh ave read 205

A book that you learned something from 205

A book you might like to write 206

A film you have seen 206

The type of film that you enjoy watching 207

A TV programme 207

A radio programme 207

A piece of music that you particularly enjoy 208

A song from your childhood 208

A website 208

An advertisement 209

A gift you received 209

A gift you gave to someone 209

A subject 210

A game 210

A sport 210

Sports facilities 211

A form of transport 211

The public transport system 212

A domesticated animal 212

A wild animal 213

4.4 Events 214

A birthday 214

A party 214

A family event 214

A wedding 215

An important piece of family news 215

A piece of good news 215

A piece of news you heard recently 216

A piece of foreign news 216

A happy event 216

A happy memory 217

A memorable experience 217

A positive experience 217

A change 218

An important stage of your life 218

A school trip 218

An enjoyable activity 219

A science lesson 219

A science experiment 219

A course you would like to take 220

A short course you have taken 220

A project 220

A group activity 220

A piece of work 221

A time when you were very busy 221

A time when you helped someone 221

Some help 222

Some useful advice 222

A great achievement 222

An important conversation 223

An interesting talk 223

Something you learned from a foreign culture 224

Atime you met a person who spoke a different language to you 224

A journey 224

A long-distance journey 225

A holiday 225

A three-day holiday 225

What you did last weekend 226

How you spend a free day 226

A visit you made 226

A visit you received 227

A meal 227

A picnic 227

A public event 228

A local event 228

A cultural event 228

A ceremonial event 229

A sporting event 229

An historical event 229

An interesting exhibition 230

A performance 230

Something that made you laugh 230

Something really exciting 231

Aproblem 231

A difficult decision 232

Your first day on a new course 232

Something interesting 233

What you would do if you received a million dollars 233

A great change 233

An occasion on which you were late 234

A time when you had to wait in a traffic jam 234

A time when you lost something 234

Something you think is dangerous 235

4.5 Abstract 236

Ajob 236

How you could improve the way you work 236

An artistic skill 236

Your experience of learning English 237

A practical skill 237

A team 238

A small business 238

A business near your home 238

A company 239

A large organisation 239

An important economic activity 239

An economic issue 240

The role money plays 240

A good law 241

Your favourite form of communication 241

Alanguage 242

The education system in your country 242

Youth culture 242

A foreign culture 243

Something about a different culture 243

A hobby 244

An outdoor activity 244

The way in which you exercise 244

A physical activity 245

Something is good for your health 245

Something you do to relax 245

The role computers play 246

The role TV plays 246

Your favourite time of day 247

Your favourite season 247

The weather 247

An environmental problem 248

An important scientific development 248

A controversial issue 248

Something you are good at 249

A difficult thing 249

How you could make yourself a better person 249

Bad habits 250

An ambition 250

An ethnic minority 251

Chapter 5 Part Three Topics 253

Ability 254

Advertising 256

Advice 259

Ages(Stages of Life) 261

Animals 263

Art 266

Books 269

Buildings and Structures 271

Business 274

Celebrations 276

Challenges 278

Change 279

Childhood and Memories 281

Children and Childhood 283

Cities and Countryside 286

Climate and Weather 289

Clothes 290

Communication 293

Competition 295

Computers 296

Conversation 297

Crime 299

Cross-cultural Communication 300

Crowded Places 302

Culture 304

Decisions 306

Education 307

Elderly People 312

Exercise 314

Exhibitions 316

Family 318

Famous People 322

Films/Movies 325

Food 328

Free Time and Work Time 332

Friends 333

Giving Presents 336

Going Abroad Long-term 338

Groups and Co-operation 340

Happiness 342

Health 345

Help 348

History 350

Hobbies and Interests 353

Holidays and Tourism 355

Homes 358

Humour 360

Intelligence 361

Languages 362

Law 365

Leadership 368

Leisure time 371

Libraries 373

Local Events 375

Making Things 377

Marriage 379

Men and Women 381

Money 382

Music 384

Neighbours 387

Newspapers and Magazines 389

Organisations 391

Outdoor Activities 392

Peace and Quiet 394

People 395

The Performing Arts 398

Personality 400

Photographs 402

Places of Interest 405

Possessions 406

Products 408

Radio 410

Reading 412

Relaxation and Stress 414

Science 416

Shopping 419

Skills 422

Space(Personal and Public) 424

Spoken Communication 426

Sport 427

Success 430

Technology 432

Teenagers/Young People 434

Telephones 436

Television 437

The Economy 440

The Environment 441

The Future 443

The Internet 445

The Media 448

The Past 450

Time 452

Toys 454

Traffic Jams 457

Transport 458

Travel 460

Visiting 463

Water 465

Work 467

Writing 472
