中国的走向 政治体制改革 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武力主编;陈坚著;杜淑英译
- 出 版 社:北京时代华文书局
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:7807696179
- 页数:183 页
Foreword 19
Ⅰ Promoting People's Congress System to Keep Pace with the Times 19
1.Reforms and Progress of the People's Congress System 19
2.New Challenges Facing the People's Congress System 28
3.New Trend of People's Congress System Reform 36
Ⅱ Promoting the Development of Consultative Democracy and Grassroots Democracy 45
1.Promoting Wide,Multi-tiered and Institutionalized Consultative Democracy 45
2.Developing Urban and Rural Basic Democracy 55
Ⅲ Standardizing and Transforming Government Functions 67
1.Improving the Macrocontrol System 67
2.Fully and Correctly Performing Government Functions 78
3.Streamlining the Government Structure 93
Ⅳ Building China under the Rule of Law 107
1.Safeguarding the Authority of the Constitution and Laws 107
2.Deepening Reforms of Administrative Law Enforcement System 114
3.Ensuring the Independent Exercise of the Judicial and Procuratorial Powers in Accordance with the Law 123
4.Improving the Mechanism for the Execution of Judicial Power 131
5.Improving the Judicial System to Protect Human Rights 141
Ⅴ Strengthening Restriction and Supervision in the Exercise of Powers 153
1.Forming a Scientific and Effective Mechanism for Restricting and Coordinating Powers 153
2.Strengthening the Innovation of Anti-corruption Mechanisms and Systems and the System Guarantee 164
3.Improving the System for Normalization of Work Style 174
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