固体中的概念 固体理论讲义 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)安德森著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787510075865
- 页数:188 页
1.Introduction 1
A.Preparation andTexts 1
B.Plan ofthe Course 2
C.Generalities and Classification ofSolids 3
2.One-Electron Theory 9
A.Hartree-Fock Theory 9
1.General Philosophy of Hartree-Fock 9
2.Derivation of Self-Consistent Equations:Second Quantization 15
B.Energy Bandsin Solids 28
1.Perturbation Theory for Weak Periodic Potential:Brillouin and Jone Zones and Symmetrized Plane Waves 28
2.The Cellular Method:Quantitative Calculation ofBinding Energy 43
3.Exchange and Correlation in the Free-Electron Gas 53
4.The O.P.W. Method 61
C.One-Electron Band Theory in the Presence o fPerturbing Fields 77
1.Introduction 77
2.Weakly Bound Impurity States 80
3.Motion in Extemal Fields 82
4."Breakdown"Effects 88
5.Rigorous Basis of Effective Hamiltonian Theory 91
3.Elementary Excitations 96
A.The ldea of Elementary Excitations:Generalities on Many-Body Theory 96
1.The Variational Theorem 97
2.The Exclusion Principle 97
3.Screening 99
4.The Concept of Elementary Excitations 99
B.The N+1 Body Problem 104
1.Quasi-Particles 104
2.Effects of Phonons in the N+1 Body Problem 112
C.Quasi-Particles in Metals:The Fermi Liquid 126
D.Collective Excitations 132
1.Excitons 132
2.Spin Waves:Heisenberg Hamiltonian and the Magnetic State 157
3.Ferromagnetic Spin Waves 164
4.Antiferromagnetic Spin Waves and"Broken Symmetry" 175
Bibliography 183
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