鲁索与中国科学计量学的发展 第八届科学计量学与大学评价国际研讨会论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金伟良,张晓琳主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787030427618
- 页数:275 页
一、科学计量理论与方法研究 3
1-1 Gauging the Bridging Function of Nodes in a Network:The Gefura Measure Ronald Rousseau,Raf Guns&Liu Yuxian 3
1-2 Measuring the Knowledge-based Economy of China in Terms of Synergy among Technological,Organizational,and Geographic Attributes of Firms Loet Leydesdorff&Zhou Ping 14
1-3 Exploring the Deterministic Factors That Influence the Publication and Citation Process&Liu Yuxian 32
1-4 合作网络中的合作关系链接预测&于琦 43
二、科学计量评价实践研究 53
2-1 Scientific Papers on Renewable Energy Published by the People's Republic of China and Spain,2003-2012:a Bibliometric Analysis Elías Sanz-Casado,Antonio Serrano-López,Daniela de Filippo, María Luisa Lascurain-Sánchez 53
2-2 Two Elements of Evaluative Bibliometrics in Sweden:The National Indicator and the Bibliometric Unit of Stockholm University Per Ahlgren 66
2-3 Analysis of the Development of ISSI and Scientometrics and Informetrics:A View of ISSI Conference Papers&Zhao Rongying,Zhao Yuehua 76
2-4 Evaluation Index System for Academic Papers of Humanities and Social Sciences Ren Quan'e&Gong Xuemei 95
2-5 Emerging Topic Detection Based on LDA Combined&Ma Jianxia,Fan Yunman 111
2-6 肿瘤学学科结果的计量学分析邵红芳 135
三、科学计量指标研究 149
3-1 科研影响力的全局h指数&徐芳 杨立英 刘文斌 149
3-2 Construction of Journal Retraction Impact Factor&Fan Shaoping,Zhang Zhiqiang 157
3-3 ID Index to Calculate the Influence of an Academic Paper Under the Context of Citation Network&Xia Hui,Tong Ying,Han Yi 169
四、科学计量与大学评估 185
4-1 Analysis of the Results and Innovation of the Idea and Method of Chinese University Evaluation in 2013&Qiu Junping,Li Xiaotao,Dong Ke 185
4-2 SUR模型在大学评价中的应用&丁宁 王培 197
4-3 大学排行的科学与文化——再看大学排行榜的认识与误区&蒋国华 202
4-4 中外合作办学人才培养质量内部监控体系的构建&李荷迪 樊丽淑 211
4-5 世界一流大学与科研机构竞争力评价的做法、特色与结果分析&邱均平 赵蓉英 楼雯 吴胜男 余厚强 216
4-6 基于目标管理的地方本科高校二级学院绩效评价体系研究与实践——以Z大学为例&朱苏永 诸葛洋 谢京华 242
五、科学计量学在中国 251
5-1 Visualization Analysis on the International Influence of the Father of Scientometrics:Commemorating Price's 30th Anniversary of His Death&Liu Zeyuan,Liang Yongxia,Chen Yue 251
5-2 The Rhythm of Dr.R.Rousseau's Academic Research&Liang Liming,Zhong Zhen 260
5-3 The Core-tail Profile of Ronald Rousseau on Chinese Collaboration 1998-2013&Fred Y.Ye,Helen F.Xue,Star X.Zhao 269
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