- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宇德明主编
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787548711933
- 页数:236 页
Chapter 1 Spread footings and driven pile foundations 1
1.1 Spread footings 1
1.2 Driven piles 2
1.3 Factors to be considered in selecting piles 5
Chapter 2 Flexible pavements 8
2.1 Conventional flexible pavements 8
2.2 Full-depth asphalt pavements 10
2.3 Contained rock asphalt mats 11
Chapter 3 The railway cross section 14
3.1 Ballast 14
3.2 Crossties or sleepers 15
3.3 Rails 16
3.4 Tie plates 16
3.5 Fastenings 17
3.6 Rail anchors 17
3.7 Rail ioints 17
Chapter 4 New Austrian tunneling method 21
4.1 Introduction 21
4.2 Historical aspects of NATM 21
4.3 General concepts of NATM 22
4.4 Scope of application of NATM 24
4.5 Concluding remarks 25
Chapter 5 The Analysis of Controlled Deformations(ADECO)and its advantages 28
5.1 ADECO approach 28
5.2 Advantages of the ADECO approach over sequential excavation and NATM 31
5.3 Conelusions 32
Chapter 6 Productive modeling for development of as-built BIM of existing indoor structures 37
6.1 Introduction 37
6.2 Conventional methods 38
6.3 Proposed approach 40
6.4 Experiments and results 41
6.5 Conclusions 47
Chapter 7 Technology development in construction:a continuum from distant past into the future 52
7.1 Introduction 52
7.2 Creativity and technology 54
7.3 Historical retrospective 56
7.4 Linking the present to the past 57
7.5 Innovation environment in construction technology and possible way forward 61
Chapter 8 Life cycle design and prefabrication in buildings:A review and case studies in Hong Kong 67
8.1 Introduction 67
8.2 Research methodology 68
8.3 Results and discussion 70
8.4 Conclusions 79
Chapter 9 Construction assessment and long-term prediction of prestressed concrete bridges based on monitoring data 85
9.1 Introduction 85
9.2 Case study 86
9.3 Finite element analysis 90
9.4 Results and discussion 96
9.5 Conclusions 103
Chapter 10 Revised case-based reasoning model development based on multiple regression analysis for railroad bridge construction 109
10.1 Introduction 109
10.2 Current status of cost estimation for railroad-bridge construction in South Korea 110
10.3 Case-based reasoning and genetic algorithm methodology 111
10.4 Estimation of approximate construction cost using case-based reasoning 113
10.5 Conclusion 124
Chapter 11 Preparation of tender documents 127
11.1 General 127
11.2 Letter of invitation to tender 127
11.3 Instructions to tenderers 128
11.4 Conditions of contract 132
11.5 Specifications 132
11.6 Drawings 133
11.7 Bill of quantities/schedule of prices 133
11.8 List of additional information required from the tenderers 133
Chapter 12 Evaluation of tenders and award of contract 138
12.1 Review of tenders 138
12.2 Tenders containing deviations 138
12.3 Adjudication of tenders 139
12.4 Rejection of all tenders 140
12.5 Award of contract 141
Chapter 13 Study of the relationship between procurement duration and project performance in Design-Build projects:comparison between water/wastewater and transportation sectors 146
13.1 Introduction 146
13.2 Background 147
13.3 Research methodology 149
13.4 Results 151
13.5 Discussion of findings 156
13.6 Conclusions 163
Chapter 14 Design management in Design-Build megaprojects:SR 99 Bored Tunnel case study 166
14.1 Introduction 166
14.2 Research methodology 167
14.3 Background 168
14.4 Project design management 177
14.5 Lesson learned to date and conclusions 183
Chapter 15 Cost management on PFI projects 188
15.1 Introduction 188
15.2 Structure of BOT projects 189
15.3 Case study:Nottingham Express Transit(NET)Light Rail 189
15.4 Factors leading to success on BOT projects 191
15.5 Risks and securities 192
15.6 Case study:Sydney SuperDome,Australia 193
15.7 The Private Finance Initiative(PFI) 194
15.8 The role of the cost consultant in PFI/PPP projects 199
15.9 Case study:Stoke-on-Trent Schools,UK 200
15.10 Conclusion 203
Chapter 16 Assessment of expressway construction using Quality Performance Index 207
16.1 Introduction 207
16.2 Quality assessment items 207
16.3 Diagnosis of quality control level through analysis of QPI assessment results 216
16.4 Conclusions 221
三套模拟试卷 224
参考文献 236
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