国家间关系的典范 中巴建交后两国关系的回顾与展望PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杜幼康主编
- 出 版 社:北京:时事出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787802325722
- 页数:249 页
巴基斯坦和中国的关系&马苏德·汗 1
全天候友谊 全方位合作&周刚 8
综合篇 15
发展新世纪中国与巴基斯坦的战略关系&沈丁立 15
中巴战略合作伙伴关系:相互认知、特点及发展前景&杜幼康 30
巴基斯坦的战略地位与中巴关系的未来&张贵洪 42
中巴友好60年:深层次的战略合作伙伴关系解读&郑义炜 56
经贸篇 75
建交以来中国对巴基斯坦的经济外交&崔健康 75
中巴建交以来两国经贸发展状况及对策思考&贝敏 95
外交篇 115
试析我国对巴基斯坦的多层次文化外交及其必要性&李坤 115
新世纪中巴关系中的印度因素&葛静静 131
安全篇 151
浅析后冷战时代的中巴核关系&章节根 151
恐怖主义国际化背景下的中巴反恐合作&王伟华 167
英文篇 185
Pakistan-China Relations&Ambassador Masood Khan 185
China-Pakistan Friendship Lasts Forever&Du Youkang 196
Pakistan and China:Importance of Overland Connectivity&Fazal-ur-Rahman 201
参考文献 230
Preface 1
Pakistan and China Relations(Chinese Translation)&Masood Khan 1
All-Weather Friendship and All-Dimensional Cooperation&Zhou Gang 8
Developing Sino-Pakistan Strategic Relationship in the New Century&Shen Dingli 15
Sino-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership:Mutual Perceptions,Characteristics and Prospects&Du Youkang 30
Pakistan's Strategic Position and the Future of Sino-Pakistan Relations&Zhang Guihong 42
60 Years of China and Pakistan Friendship:Profound Strategic and Cooperative Partnership&Zheng Yiwei 56
China's Economic Diplomacy to Pakistan since the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations&Cui Jiankang 75
Economic and Trade Development between China and Pakistan since the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations&Bei Min 95
China's Multilevel Cultural Diplomacy to Pakistan and Its Necessity&Li Kun 115
Indian Factor in Sino-Pakistan Relations in the 21st Century&Ge Jingjing 131
China-Pakistan Nuclear Relations in the Post-Cold War Era&Zhang Jiegen 151
Anti-terrorism Cooperation between China and Pakistan under the Background of Internationalization of Terrorism&Wang Weihua 167
Pakistan-China Relations&Ambassador Masood Khan 185
China-Pakistan Friendship Lasts Forever&Du Youkang 196
Pakistan and China:Importance of Overland Connectivity&Fazal-ur-Rahman 201
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