玩转英语口语 灵活运用200组最简答句式就够了PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:优尼创新外语研发中心编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787115375339
- 页数:359 页
Part 1
Unit 1 Get 2
1.I don't get... 2
2.I'll go get... 3
3.I got you... 5
4.I've got a problem with... 7
5.How did you get+~to...? 8
6....is getting nowhere 10
Unit 2 Say & Talk 12
1.Are you saying(that)...? 12
2.All I'm saying is... 13
3.I have to say... 15
4.Let's say... 16
5.Let's just say 17
6.It's/That's like saying... 19
7....to say the least 20
8.~+talk about how... 21
Unit 3 Tell 24
1.Please tell me(that)... 24
2.Don't tell me(that)... 25
3.~+tells me(that)... 27
4.I'm telling you,... 28
5.(I'll)tell you what,... 30
6.I can tell... 32
7.You can never tell... 33
Unit 4 Be 36
1.I'm good with... 36
2.I'm not cut out for/to... 37
3.I'm in the middle of... 39
4.I'm having a hard time+v-ing... 41
5.I'm not comfortable with... 43
6.I'm not used to+v-ing... 44
7.I'm fed up with... 46
8.~+is addicted to... 48
9.It's a shame(that)... 49
Unit 5 Know 52
1.I don't know anything about... 52
2.I know...,but... 53
3.I don't know how... 55
4.You don't even know... 57
5.I don't know about you,but... 59
6.You knew full well... 60
7.Knowing... 62
8....before you know it 64
Unit 6 Gonna & Wanna 66
1.You're not going to/gonna... 66
2.You don't want to/wanna... 67
3.There is going to/gonna be... 69
4.What am I going to/gonna...? 71
5.I'm going to/gonna have t... 72
6.You're gonna have to... 74
7.You're gonna wanna... 75
Unit 7 Think 77
1.I think I'm going to/gonna... 77
2.I never thought I would... 79
3.Who would've thought (that)...? 80
4.Come to think of it,... 82
5.I think you deserve... 84
Unit 8 See & Look 86
1.I see... 86
2.I don't see... 87
3.I can see(that)... 89
4.Can't you see...? 90
5.I'll see... 92
6.The way I see it,... 93
7.I can't see... 95
8.I'm looking to... 97
Unit 9 Guess & Suppose 99
1.I guess(that)... 99
2.You'll never guess... 100
3.You're supposed to... 102
4.You were supposed to... 104
5.What am I supposed to...? 106
6.How am I supposed to...? 108
Part2 112
Unit 10 Apology & Appreciation 112
1.I'm sorry,but... 112
2.Thanks to... 113
3.I wanted to apologize for... 115
4.I'd appreciate it if you could... 117
5.I feeI sorry for... 118
6.You'll be sorry... 120
Unit 11 Objecting Politely 122
1.I don't like the way... 122
2.I've had it with... 123
3.You're the one who... 125
4.You can't(just)... 126
5.You could at least... 128
6.There is no excuse for... 130
7.You of all people... 131
8.I hate to say this,but... 133
Unit 12 Positive or Not 135
1.I bet(that)... 135
2.Are you positive(that)...? 137
3.I'm convinced (that)... 138
4.I'm not clear... 140
5....,that's for sure. 142
6.I'll be sure to... 143
7.There's a good chance(that)... 145
Unit 13 Showing Wills 148
1.I'm(just)asking you to... 148
2.I'll let+~know... 150
3.If there's anything(that)... 151
4.~+can/could... 153
5.I was hoping(that)... 155
Unit 14 Emotions 158
1.I am/was thrilled... 158
2.I'm in to... 159
3.I don't feel upto... 161
4.I'm a big fan of... 162
5.~+is obsessed with... 164
6.I like the way you... 165
7.I hate the way you... 167
8....is not my thing 169
Unit 15 Asking for Suggestions 169
1.Do you think I should...? 171
2.How do you like...? 173
3.What do you say...? 175
4.I'd just like to say(that)... 177
5.What makes you think(that)...? 178
6.I would have to say... 180
Part3 184
Unit 16 What 184
1.What's up with...? 184
2.What's it like...? 185
3.What did you do with/to...? 187
4.What kind of...? 189
5.What's the point of...? 190
6.So what you're saying is... 192
7.That's exactly what... 194
8.What I mean is... 195
9.What matters(the)most is... 197
Unit 17 How 199
1.How come...? 199
2.How am I going to/gonna...? 200
3.How are you going to/gonna...? 202
4.How is it (that)...? 204
5.It's+~+how... 206
6.How about if...? 208
Unit 18 Who & Which & Why 208
1.Who do you think...? 210
2.Who is/are+~+to...? 211
3.Which of the/these...? 213
4.Why can't you...? 215
5.Why are you being so...? 217
6.That explains why... 219
Unit 19 When & Where 221
1.When are you going to/gonna...? 221
2.When do you think...? 222
3.When is...due? 224
4.That's where... 226
Part4 230
Unit 20 Should 230
1.Should I...? 230
2.Maybe I(we)should... 232
3.Maybe you should... 233
4.~+should be... 235
5.You should have seen/heard... 237
Unit 21 Can & Could 239
1.~+can be... 239
2.~+can't be 241
3.I(just)can't seem to... 242
4.I can't help it if... 244
5.I can't...,let alone... 246
6.I could never... 247
7.I couldn't care less... 249
Unit 22 Will & Would 251
1.You won't believe... 251
2.No one would... 252
3.I said I'd... 254
4.I wish you wouldn't... 256
5.I would hate to... 258
6.I'd kill for/to... 260
Unit 23 May & Might & Must 260
1.You might as well... 262
2.You might want to/wanna... 263
3.~+may be+~,but... 265
4.I must admit... 267
5.If you must... 268
6.~+had better... 270
7.Didn't you use to...? 272
Part5 276
Unit 24 Not & No 276
1.Not everyone... 276
2.You're not that... 277
3.Don't make me... 279
4.There's no way... 281
5.There's nothing like... 282
6.It's not that... 284
7.I don't think+~+should... 286
8.Like/Believe it or not,... 287
Unit 25 That-clauses 290
1.Every time(that)... 290
2.I want you to know(that)... 291
3.Good thing(that)... 293
4.It's about time(that)... 295
5.Turns out(that)... 297
6.The bottom line is(that)... 298
7.Let's hope(that)... 300
8.I figured(that)... 302
Unit 26 Speculations 304
1.This/That is quite a... 304
2.I can't afford to... 305
3.It's/That's probably because... 307
4.Just so you know... 308
5.~+ended up... 310
6.I know better than to... 312
7.What's worse is(that)... 313
8....if you ask me 315
9....bucks says... 317
10.Given... 319
Unit 27 Assumptions & Speculations 319
1....as if... 321
2.Just because...doesn't mean... 323
3....except(that)... 324
4.Why...? 326
5.~+was/were like... 328
Part6 332
Unit 28 Disturbing Others Politely 332
1.I'd be happyto... 332
2.If you don't mind,... 334
3.No ofiense,but... 335
4.You are more than welcome to... 337
5.I'm sorry to bother you,but... 338
6.I begto differ... 340
Unit 29 Showing Dislikes 343
1.I'm not big on...,but... 343
2.I find... 344
3.~+have a way with... 347
4.I fail to... 348
5.I take it(that)... 351
6.On second thought... 352
7.It doesn't hurt to... 354
8.It just occurred to me(that)... 356
9.I was under the impression(that)... 358
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