- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Bernard Spolsky著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:781046793X
- 页数:129 页
SECTION 1 Survey 1
1 The social study of language 3
The scope of enquiry 3
Complementary approaches 5
The methods of enquiry 8
Whatarethedata? 8
The sociolinguist at work 10
The approach in this book 13
2 The ethnography of speaking and the structure of conversation 14
The ethnography of speaking 14
The structure of conversations 16
Politeness and politeness formulas 19
Terms of address 20
3 Locating variations in speech 24
Speech communities and repertoires 24
Dialect 27
4 Styles,gender,and social class 31
Styles 31
Specialized varieties or registers and domains 33
Slang and solidarity 35
Language and gender 36
Social stratification 39
Accommodation and audience design 41
5 Bilinguals and bilingualism 44
Language socialization 44
The description of bilingualism 45
Bilingual competence 48
Code switching and code mixing 49
6 Societal multilingualism 51
Multilingualism 51
Language loyalty and reversing language shift 55
Language and ethnic identity 57
Language and politics 58
Language rights 59
Pidgins and creoles 61
Diglossia 63
7 Applied sociolinguistics 66
Language policy and language planning 66
Status planning 68
Corpus planning 70
Normativism and prescriptivism 72
Language acquisition planning or language education policy 74
Language diffusion policy or linguistic imperialism 75
The spread of English—imperialism or hegemony? 76
Conclusions 78
SECTION 2 Readings 79
SECTION 3 References 111
SECTION 4 Glossary 121
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