- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马琰,王峰编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787302375333
- 页数:396 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Definition of Language 2
1.2 The Nature of Language 3
1.3 The Design Features of Language 6
1.4 Functions of Language 9
1.5 The Origin of Language 12
术语解释 14
练习题 16
本章小结 19
拓展阅读 20
参阅书目 24
名家简介 Ferdinand de Saussure;顾炎武 24
Chapter 2 Linguistics 29
2.1 The Definiton of Linguistics 30
2.2 Scope of Linguistics 30
2.3 Important Distinctions in Linguistics 32
术语解释 36
练习题 37
本章小结 40
拓展阅读 41
参阅书目 48
名家简介 Roman Jakobson;吕叔湘 48
Chapter 3 Phonetics 53
3.1 The Definiton of Phonetics 54
3.2 Organs of Speech 54
3.3 Broad and Narrow Transcriptions 55
3.4 Classification of English Speech Sounds 56
术语解释 61
练习题 63
本章小结 66
拓展阅读 67
参阅书目 73
名家简介 Henry Sweet;赵元任 74
Chapter 4 Phonology 77
4.1 Phonetics and Phonology 78
4.2 Phones,Phonemes and Allophones 78
4.3 Minimal Pair,Complementary Distribution and Free Variation 79
4.4 Sequential Rules 81
4.5 Suprasegmental Features 82
术语解释 84
练习题 85
本章小结 88
拓展阅读 89
参阅书目 95
名家简介 Nikolai Trubetzkoy;罗常培 95
Chapter 5 Morphology 99
5.1 The Definition of Morphology 100
5.2 Morpheme 100
5.3 Word Formation Processes 104
术语解释 108
练习题 109
本章小结 112
拓展阅读 113
参阅书目 120
名家简介 Michael Halliday;王力 120
Chapter 6 Syntax 125
6.1 The Definition of Syntax 126
6.2 Syntactic Relations 126
6.3 Grammatical Construction and Constituents 128
6.4 Syntactic Function 130
6.5 Category 133
6.6 Phrase,Clause and Sentence Types 135
6.7 Transformational Generative Grammar 138
6.8 Sentence Transformations 141
术语解释 144
练习题 146
本章小结 149
拓展阅读 150
参阅书目 155
名家简介 Noam Chomsky;李方桂 155
Chapter 7 Semantics 161
7.1 The Definition of Semantics 162
7.2 Meaning 162
7.3 Four Approaches to Meaning 163
7.4 Lexical Semantics 166
7.5 Semantic Analysis 174
术语解释 176
练习题 177
本章小结 180
拓展阅读 181
参阅书目 185
名家简介 Geoffrey Leech;朱德熙 185
Chapter 8 Pragmatics 189
8.1 The Definition of Pragmaties 190
8.2 Pragmatics vs.Semantics 190
8.3 Context 191
8.4 Austin's Model of Speech Act Theory 192
8.5 Searle's Classification of Speech Acts 194
8.6 Indirect Speech Act Theory 194
8.7 Principle of Conversation 196
术语解释 202
练习题 204
本章小结 206
拓展阅读 207
参阅书目 213
名家简介 H.P.Grice;王德春 214
Chapter 9 Discourse Analysis 219
9.1 The Definition of Discourse Analysis 220
9.2 Cohesion 222
9.3 Coherence 228
9.4 Information Structure 229
9.5 Thematic Information 230
9.6 Conversational Analysis 230
术语解释 231
练习题 232
本章小结 235
拓展阅读 236
参阅书目 241
名家简介Zellig Harris;胡壮麟 242
Chapter 10 Language,Culture and Society 247
10.1 Language and Culture 248
10.2 Language and Society 250
10.3 Varieties of Language 250
术语解释 257
练习题 258
本章小结 261
拓展阅读 262
参阅书目 266
名家简介 Edward Sapir;胡文仲 267
Chapter 11 First and Second Language Acquisition 271
11.1 Language Acquisition 272
11.2 First Language Acquisition 272
11.3 Second Language Acquisition 281
11.4 First Language in Second Language Acquisition 286
术语解释 288
练习题 289
本章小结 292
拓展阅读 293
参阅书目 300
名家简介 Leonard Bloomfield;王宗炎 301
Chapter 12 Linguistics and Translation Studies 305
12.1 Linguistics and Translation Studies 306
12.2 Jakobson and Three Categories of Translation 306
12.3 Chomsky's Transformational Grammar and Nida's Dynamic Equivalence 307
12.4 Catford's Linguistic Model and Translation Shifts 309
12.5 Language's Functions and the Skopos Theory 309
12.6 Hallidayan Model and Translation as Communication 311
术语解释 315
练习题 319
本章小结 322
拓展阅读 323
参阅书目 328
名家简介 Eugene Nida;严复 330
Bibliography 332
附录一:语言学术语表(英汉对照) 339
附录二:自测题 358
附录三:练习题参考答案 367
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